A BOMBSHELL new report shows that the
Department of Defense controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning…
and everything we were told was political theater to cover it up. These
documents were obtained by a former executive of a pharmaceutical Contract
Research Organization Sasha Latypova. You can visit her substack here: https://substack.com/profile/50868935-sasha-latypova
On Today's Show:
00:00 Countdown
31:49 Welcome
38:51 Covid Cover-up
01:06:53 Jordan Peterson
01:31:01 Abortion Pill
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follow us on Rumble, a free speech platform, just in case anything happens to
the YouTube channel due to censorship. https://Rumble.com/Redacted
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Emotionele smeekbede Geert Vanden Bossche: ‘Doe het niet!’
ReplyDeleteEmotional plea Geert Vanden Bossche: 'Don't do it!'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Deze artsen pushten lockdowns en mondkapjes, nu blijkt dat ze helemaal niet bestaan
ReplyDeleteThese doctors pushed lockdowns and masks, now it turns out they don't exist at all
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Top kankerdeskundige: Agressieve kankers verschijnen na boostervaccins “Geen toeval”
ReplyDeleteTop Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters “Not a Coincidence”
DeleteIt BEGINS! This is how Putin and China's New World order unfolds in 2023 | Redacted w Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteWe are watching the new world order unfold right before our eyes as Russia and China continue their fast exit from the U.S. dollar. Peter Schiff predicts 2023 will be the worst year for the U.S. dollar in its history and Kansas Fed President Esther George drops a bomb on the economy. Condoleeza Rice calls for a massive U.S. military build up against Russia as the U.S. fights to maintain control of the world's monetary system. What could go wrong?
DeleteWhy China made a $540mn energy deal with the Taliban
DeleteHet “vaccineren” van de voedselvoorziening is hoe Bill Gates en andere globalisten van plan zijn om zelfs de ongevaccineerden te dwingen zich te laten vaccineren
ReplyDelete“Vaccinating” the food supply is how Bill Gates and other globalists plan to force-jab even the unvaccinated
DeleteCardioloog noemt namen: Zij speelden een rol in het grootste complot tegen de mensheid
ReplyDeleteCardiologist names names: They played a part in the greatest conspiracy against humanity
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Horrorbeelden: De bloedproppen worden steeds talrijker en groter
ReplyDeleteHorror images: The blood clots are getting more and more numerous and bigger
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De COVID-gevaccineerden zijn stervende terwijl ze varianten voeden
ReplyDeleteThe COVID Jabbed Are Dying While Fueling Variants
DeleteEXPLOSIEF – Pandemie van de gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteBOMBSHELL – Pandemic of the vaccinated
DeleteMijn pandemie openbaring – Onze buren zijn onze vijanden
ReplyDeleteMy pandemic epiphany – our neighbours are our enemies
DeleteCDC, VK regering & Oxford Universiteit bevestigen dat COVID-vaccinatie NIET WERKT en mogelijk dodelijke gevolgen heeft
ReplyDeleteCDC, UK Gov. & Oxford University confirm COVID Vaccination DOES NOT WORK & has potentially Lethal & Fatal Consequences
DeleteBill Gates eist dat “waanzinnigen” die tegen hem zijn worden gecensureerd op het internet
ReplyDeleteBill Gates demands that "lunatics" who oppose him be censored on the internet
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Amerikaanse openbare scholen beginnen leerlingen op hartproblemen te screenen terwijl ze doen alsof dit normaal is
ReplyDeletePublic Schools Start Screening Athletes for Heart Problems While Pretending This Is Normal
DeleteCDC must investigate deadly vaccine side effects – lawmaker
ReplyDeleteCongreslid zet boel op scherp met waarschuwing aan Deep State: ‘We komen achter jullie aan’
ReplyDeleteCongressman shakes things up with warning to Deep State: 'We're coming after you'
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More classified documents found at Biden residence
ReplyDeleteGoed of fout, ik blijf bij wat ik geloof
ReplyDeleteRight or Wrong, I am Sticking with What I Believe
DeleteIMDB: 154 beroemdheden onder de 30 jaar overleden in 2022, in totaal 5.960 doden
ReplyDeleteIMDB: 154 Celebrities Under 30 Died In 2022, Total 5,960 Dead
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Schokkende documenten vrijgegeven over corona als militaire operatie: het is erger dan je denkt, veel erger
ReplyDeleteShocking documents released about corona as a military operation: it's worse than you think, much worse
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Oh SH*T, New Zealand is in for a RECKONING | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
DeleteThis was missing on the check list: being in line with the communist Pope, the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor.
‘Grave assault’ on US judiciary goes unpunished
ReplyDeleteClayton Morris: This is even WORSE than we imagined
ReplyDeleteJan 27, 2023
DeleteAccording to a new report, Pfizer was actively exploring ways to 'mutate' the current covid-19 virus in order to make additional vaccines for profit. Clayton Morris and Dr. Robert Malone talk about the blatant disregard for human life uncovered in this new Project Veritas bombshell.
BREAKING: Pfizer can't hide the TRUTH anymore, CAUGHT trying to 'Mutate' virus | Redacted News
ReplyDeleteStreamed live on Jan 26, 2023
DeleteDr. Robert Malone joins Clayton Morris to talk about the bombshell Project Veritas report showing how Pfizer was actively exploring ways to mutate the covid-19 virus for profit. Project Veritas just released what looks like a stunning admission from Pfizer’s own director of research and development Jordon Trishton Walker. Watch it here: https://youtu.be/ywlpArNWKxM (removed by Luciferian Google-YouTube)
Moderna is a creation of the CIA
DeleteAnd the CIA is an agency of the Vatican
DeletePentagon think tank warns against ‘long war’ in Ukraine
DeletePentagon need to prop up the WAR ECONOMY !!!! Because the other economy is dead!!
Experts: Ukraine war puts world in ‘uncharted territory’
“The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War,” said the severe sanctions on an economy as large as Russia’s represent “uncharted territory.” It will be vital, he said, for the United States, European Union and other partners to be clear about how sanctions might be pulled back in response to specific steps.
“That could be the difference between this war dragging on for months and even years, and us achieving a ceasefire, which will protect civilians and give us opportunity to reach negotiated settlements,” Mulder said. “Making those clear sanctions demands I think is the most important thing right now that we can do.”
A Russian Victory in Ukraine Won’t End the War.
Behind Washington’s desperate appeal for tanks and other lethal weaponry for Ukraine, looms the nagging prospect that Russia’s winter offensive may have already begun in the south where heavy fighting has broken out along the Line of Contact in the Zaporizhia region.
Washington is not going to throw in the towel because Russia won the first round in a 10-round fight. The United States is still fully committed to its plan to “weaken” Russia in order to become the dominant player in the world’s most promising market, Central Asia. In that regard, the fighting in Ukraine has not dampened Washington’s resolve at all.
Pentagon lobbied for F-16s to Ukraine – Politico
ReplyDelete0:00 Countdown
Delete31:15 Welcome
38:25 Canceling Pfizer
54:11 Syria Cover-up
1:14:50 Objectivity = Racism
We are watching EVERYTHING collapse and here's the proof
ReplyDeleteThey are LYING about this Chinese Balloon on purpose | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteNO ONE is ready for what's coming in 2023 and the banks are in DEEP SH*T | Redacted News
ReplyDelete0:00 Countdown
Delete33:06 Welcome
38:40 Financial Collapse
1:15:34 Syria Under Sanctions
1:33:15 Trans Blood Donations
Whistleblowers LEAK bombshell vaccine evidence and they are FURIOUS | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteBig Pharma heeft het tijdens corona wel heel erg bont gemaakt: ‘Schaamteloos’
ReplyDeleteBig Pharma has very much crossed all boundaries during corona: 'Shameless'
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Why are they STILL pushing vaccines for pregnant women? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteThe Pentagon's decision on ICC cooperation is a critical juncture for US imperialism
ReplyDeleteThe Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada's Coming Invasion of Haiti - What You Need to Know!
ReplyDeleteThere are no 'black and white people' and since Adam and Eve there's only ONE human race in different colors appearances and ethnicities.
DeleteHang on! We knew about Covid WHEN???
ReplyDeletePentagon-lek: Mainstream media hebben systematisch gelogen over de oorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeletePentagon leak: Mainstream media have systematically lied about the war in Ukraine
DeleteCheck out what Cindy has to say about the people of Redacted
ReplyDelete"Yes, the CIA and FBI WILL rig the 2024 election" - Former National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland
ReplyDeleteBiden sends BILLIONS more to Ukraine as Putin warns of nuclear war | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteDe geneeskracht van vitamine D: Big Pharma wil niet dat je dit leest
ReplyDeleteThe healing power of vitamin D: Big Pharma doesn't want you reading this
DeleteUS women’s magazine shares advice on ‘Satanic abortion ceremony’
ReplyDeleteWhy does Big Pharma love vaccines so much?
ReplyDeleteWorld-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has figured it out.
The answer, in a nutshell, is money. But watch and listen to this 48-second clip to see how perverse things really are.
For instance, in clinical trials for RSV among adults, fewer than 1% of participants actually contract the disease.
“It’s like a mild cold. If you didn’t test it, you would never know about it. Less than 1% of people get it,” remarked Dr. @P_McCulloughMD
“If you had your pharmaceutical company, do you want to make a drug that treats under 1% of the people, or do you want to make a vaccine that everybody takes?” he asked.
The answer is that nearly every time, Big Pharma says, “Let’s get 100%.”
“So the vaccine lobby has figured this out. Make an emergency, and then don’t work on the therapeutics. Go for vaccines.”
De schokkende waarheid over huidkanker, wat ze je niet vertellen over de zon (deel 2)
ReplyDeleteThe shocking truth about skin cancer, what they don't tell you about the sun (part 2)
DeleteThe Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun
DeleteBig Pharma heeft nog veel meer mRNA-vaccins in de pijplijn zitten, dit zijn er een aantal
ReplyDeleteBig Pharma has many more mRNA vaccines in the pipeline, here are a few
DeleteKijk: Presidentskandidaat heeft maar 1 minuut nodig om Big Pharma te ontmaskeren als crimineel kartel
ReplyDeleteWatch: Presidential candidate only needs 1 minute to expose Big Pharma as a criminal cartel
DeleteBloedbank Sanquin ‘is niet te vertrouwen en zit in het Big Pharma-kartel’
ReplyDeleteBlood bank Sanquin 'cannot be trusted and is part of the Big Pharma cartel'
DeleteJane Fonda’s Mother Had Nine Abortions Before Fonda Was Born, She Then Committed Suicide https://buff.ly/3v6auT8