World Health Organization Declares That Unvaccinated Citizens Are ‘Murderers’
Hotez is a pediatrician who works in the field of vaccine research and development and, in addition to his post at Baylor College of Medicine, is the Chair of Tropical Pediatrics at Texas Children’s Hospital.
The WHO is known for its radical pro-abortion stance and promotion of “abortion access” all around the world.
Its current director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a member of the Ethiopia’s communist Tigray People’s Liberation Front and served its Minister of Health when it was in power. The party was declared a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government in 2021.
Hotez appears to be very close to Ghebreyesus, as he recently described him as “my brother and mentor Dr. Tedros,” in a Tweet responding to the murder of the WHO director’s uncle.
Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Probeerde The X Files ons te waarschuwen? Laat je omverblazen door dit filmpje
ReplyDeleteWas The X Files Trying to Warn Us? Be blown away by this video
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Ziekenhuizen BELAAGD met elke kamer en zelfs gangen bezet met mobiele veldbedden … is de spike-eiwit apocalyps begonnen?
ReplyDeleteHOSPITALS MOBBED with every room and even HALLWAYS occupied with portable cots … has the spike protein apocalypse begun?
DeleteWHO geeft bizarre verklaring voor grootschalige sterfte
ReplyDeleteWHO gives bizarre explanation for large-scale mortality
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‘Als dit verdrag er komt, dan kun je de democratie ten grave dragen’
ReplyDelete'If this treaty comes about, you can bury democracy'
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Noorse politicus houdt krachtige en emotionele speech: ‘Wij zijn het grote experiment’
ReplyDeleteNorwegian politician gives powerful and emotional speech: 'We are the great experiment'
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Gevolgen van COVID-vaccinatie vanuit het perspectief van een patholoog – Decimeters-lange bloedklonters, kanker, onvruchtbaarheid
ReplyDeleteConsequences of COVID Vaccination from a Pathologist’s perspective – Foot-long blood clots, cancer, infertility…
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ReplyDelete2023 Is Going To Be Replete With 'Excess Death' That Smells A Lot Like Mass Murder With The Biden Cabal Carrying Out A Genocidal War To Exterminate The American People
DeleteSean Penn zegt dat ongevaccineerde burgers “criminelen zijn en dat die mensen hun huis niet mogen verlaten”
ReplyDeleteSean Penn Says Being Unvaccinated Is ‘Criminal’ And Those People Shouldn’t Leave Their Homes
DeleteImmortal December 20, 2022 at 10:10
DeleteThis egocentric ugly sourpuss needs to be pulled off his rocking horse. All his life he has been wallowing in his own pedantry. But know-it-alls are unfortunately always loved. (PS Madonna is apparently such a third-rate 'freemason', and he must be. That's how those insignificant celebretards are also put to the test by the parasites.)
Grape December 20, 2022 at 11:04
You don't have to worry about Madonna anymore, she is completely off the track.
“Het is een crisis” – Enorme toename van het aantal doden dwingt begrafenisondernemingen in Noorwegen om de doden in een garage op te slaan
ReplyDelete“It’s a Crisis” – Massive Increase in the Number of Dead Forces Funeral Homes in Norway to Store the Dead in Garage
DeleteKarma? Australische top-arts die op agressieve wijze COVID-19 vaccins pushte verbreekt stilzwijgen en geeft toe dat zij en haar partner beiden gewond zijn geraakt door de injecties
ReplyDeleteKarma? Top Australian doctor who aggressively promoted covid vaccines breaks silence, admits she and partner both injured by jabs
DeleteBiotechanalist heeft een waarschuwing voor alle ouders: ‘Dit is een noodoproep’
ReplyDeleteBiotech analyst has a warning for all parents: 'This is an emergency call'
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Opjagen en afslachten van “Purebloods” staat op de “te doen lijst” van de wereldwijde eugenetisten
ReplyDeleteHunting Down And Slaughtering 'Purebloods' On The Global Eugenicists 'To Do List' As They Unveil More Draconian 'Solutions' To The 'Problems' THEY Created To Usher In Tyranny
DeleteWHO werkt aan ingrijpende aanpassing internationale gezondheidsrichtlijnen en dit zijn de gevolgen
ReplyDeleteWHO is working on major changes to international health guidelines and these are the consequences
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Het dystopische plan van de WHO voor de wereld moet worden gestopt; het is tijd om de WHO en de VN te verlaten, zegt Australische senator
ReplyDeleteWHO’s dystopian plan for the world must be stopped; it’s time to exit the WHO and the UN, Australian Senator says
DeleteWorld Health Organisation's Dictator style power grab
DeleteBekijk dit bizarre filmpje van de WHO over vaccinveiligheid
ReplyDeleteWatch this bizarre short WHO video about vaccine safety
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De WHO “markeert” mensen die niet gevaccineerd zijn tegen Covid
ReplyDeleteThe WHO is "marking" people who are not vaccinated against Covid
DeleteSenator waarschuwt voor dictatoriale machtsgreep WHO: ‘Dystopische nachtmerrie’
ReplyDeleteSenator warns of dictatorial power grab WHO: 'Dystopian nightmare'
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WHO releases international pandemic treaty zero draft that targets “misinformation” and “disinformation”
ReplyDeleteGeheime tracering van ongevaccineerden, wordt weigering strafbaar?
ReplyDeleteSecret tracing of unvaccinated people, will refusal be punishable?
DeleteBREAKING! The WHO announces the NEXT pandemic virus, big pharma ready | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteWorld facing biggest cholera surge in 20 years – WHO
ReplyDeleteAs a result of self-inflicted crises and the climate change lie.
DeleteWHO positioneert zich als wereldwijde gezondheidsdictator terwijl de massa wordt afgeleid door “laboratoriumlekken”
ReplyDeleteWorld Health Organization positioning to become global health dictator while masses are distracted with “lab leaks”
DeleteWHO verklaart nu dat gezonde kinderen en tieners GEEN COVID-19 vaccins nodig hebben
ReplyDeleteWHO declares that healthy children and teenagers do NOT need covid vaccines
DeleteAbsurd: Vaccinatiegraad te laag – WHO en EU sturen vaccinatiebussen naar Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteAbsurd: Vaccination rate too low – WHO and EU send vaccination buses to Ukraine
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Grens van 5 miljoen geregistreerde vaccinatieslachtoffers gepasseerd: ‘Vloerkleed moet steeds groter worden’
ReplyDeleteLimit of 5 million registered vaccination victims passed: 'Rug must keep getting bigger'
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Kroatisch parlementslid bestempelt Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie als TERRORISTISCHE ORGANISATIE
ReplyDeleteCroatian Parliamentarian slams World Health Organization as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION
DeleteWHO staat op het punt een nog dodelijker virus dan C19 vrij te laten? Oké, zo lees ik de kop!
ReplyDeleteWHO about to release an even deadlier virus than C19? Okay, well, that’s how I read the headline!
DeletePeter Halligan
Oud-congreslid waarschuwt voor wereldregering: ‘Tenzij we ingrijpen, is dit een uitgemaakte zaak’
ReplyDeleteFormer congress member warns of world government: 'Unless we intervene, this is a foregone conclusion'
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DeleteZo gaat de WHO straks ‘desinformatie’ en ‘complottheorieën’ bestrijden
ReplyDeleteThis way the WHO will soon combat 'disinformation' and 'conspiracy theories'