Tuesday, 4 October 2022

End time preachers exposed by someone who's confused as well

Do the Rapture Watchmen Fit a Biblical Model?

 Sep 14, 2022 

Bruce Peters (check out his channel)

Testing @Watchman On The Wall 88 - does his claim as a "watchman on the wall" meet scriptural criteria? Or is this all for fun and popularity and attention?


 This is what Bruce Peters believes himself:

Bruce, I know you call these people out a lot but I can't figure out what you believe. Are you pre-trib mid trib or no trib? Just wondering. And yes, it gets tiresome going from date to date - I am pre-trib.
Bruce Peters
No trib! :)
I'm Pan Trib/Post Trib leaning
 @Warren88 Olen  Pan Trib is basically not caring about Rapture timing nonsense And focus on spiritual growth and Evangelism
I think first ..tribulation has to be defined..lf you are a Christian missionary stuck in rural Afghanistan with no way out right now...l would call that a tribulation of sorts.Rapture club seems to think tribulation means Gods wrath ...what about the jews in the holocaust? I bet they felt like it was the tribulation. All it takes to start a tribulation now days is to disconnect the internet longterm,and since everything is connected to it  including the power grid...i would say its on if that happens.
I thought it might be where peter pan takes you to never never land.
 @Bruce Peters  That's a strange answer. So you do not believe there will be a 7 year tribulation at all?
Sorry, i am always the one in the class who asked dumb questions. Could you please elaborate what you believe?
 @Susan Tubetop  7 year assumes Daniel was not fulfilled in 70 Ad. I believe in 3 1/2 year trib. Then the 1000 year reign. I've come to believe this in recent studies after being taught rapture and 7 year. Bruce made a video on his beliefs awhile back that might help you understand his position.
 @Warren88 Olen  Thanks Warren but I want to know what Bruce believes - he is making these videos after all. Please refer to this video you site or provide a link. Thanks.
 @Susan Tubetop  I do not believe in a 7 year tribulation, no. It isn't Biblical, it is entirely man-made. Outside of the fact that there are exactly 0 verses that say there's a 7 year tribulation / time of hell on earth coming for Israel, where they will be beaten up by God in order to "save" them...and then Jesus comes....there are these issues:

1. The entire concept of 7 years comes by adding a "gap of time" (which makes no sense) between Week 69 and Week 70 in Daniel 9:24-27. This gap is not there, it is imagined.
2. I believe Daniel 9:24 describes the salvation plan for Israel.
3. I believe Daniel 9:24 was 100% fulfilled by Jesus at the cross per 1 Cor 15. If Jesus has not yet done these things, then He wasn't Israel's Messiah. So He isn't our Savior either and we are following a false Christ.
4. Israel was the original recipient of the promises that were fulfilled 100% in Jesus Christ. We Gentiles are grafted in alongside of them....not in place of them....but it's only those who believe.
5. Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 all describe the destruction of the temple in AD 70 and events surrounding it. That has been fulfilled.
6. The book of Revelation was written against the backdrop of Christians being persecuted and martyred in the 1st century, as well as the temple's coming destruction and official end of the old covenant age. The only time indicator in the entire book is Rev 1:1-3 where it plainly says that the things in the book would be shortly coming to pass, and that the time was "at hand". I take that literally.
7. The book of Revelation is not a riddle book about the future. It's a glorious picture, a painting, of Jesus Christ and His glory and power and shows the world that He alone is worthy to judge and make war.

Hope this helps.
 @Bruce Peters  Ok, thank you for clarifying your position and spelling this out in great detail. It helps.
 @Captain Happy  -   I am really surprised that you don't know a little more about what the Tribulation is supposed to be like. Apparently you have not bothered to study the Book of Revelation much?  However, I've noticed that you do seem to be quite obsessed with this channel though.  Lots of comments.
 @Captain Happy  There is a difference between the wrath of God and the wrath of sinful, evil men.  We are not appointed to God's wrath.  That does not mean we won't face tribulation in this life.  We are just not appointed to the great tribulation, which is when God's wrath and justice are poured out on those who reject him.  God does not save us to beat us up.  BUT, because we live in a sinful fallen world, we have tribulation.  I hope I said that clearly....
 @Bruce Peters You said you believe "no trib" and the verse Rev 1:1-3 says " that the things which must shortly come to pass" and the "time is at hand" is literal.  If so, When was the seals opened, and when did they hide in the rocks as described  in chapter 6:15-17  and when did the "great day of His wrath happen? And who are the people before the throne in chapter 7:9 that "came out of great tribulation"?  How did they "come out", because there is always a distinction made in the bible for those "who were slain for the word of God". Do you believe the temple in Rev. 11 that John was instructed to measure is what was destroyed in 70 AD?  If so, where and who were the 2 witnesses?  Also, who is the woman in Rev.12 and where and when was she nourished from the face of the serpent?  And when did the stars fall from heaven? When was the dragon cast down to earth? (he does or "did" only have a short time)  Also, if Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 have already been fulfilled, when did the sun turn black and the moon as blood, when did the "great tribulation" "such was since the beginning of the world to that time nor ever shall be" in  Matthew 24:21 happen? If as you say Rev. is "not a riddle book about the future, what about all the other prophesies that were written (at least) up and until the time of Christ, were they not for future events? Why would Christ reveal all this to John as to warn us if its "only a painting"?  Or if all these happened because it is/ was to "come to pass shortly, Rev. 1 and time is at hand" Rev. 1:3 is the indicator, I am curious to know, so could you be so kind to elaborate on these things?
 @Tootsie Toots  //When was the seals opened, and when did they hide in the rocks as described  in chapter 6:15-17  and when did the "great day of His wrath happen?//

At the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. In fact Jesus also stated this would happen to people within a generation, when He prophesied it to the women at the cross in Luke 23-30, referring to THEM and their children.

Luke 23:29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

Luke 23:30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.

//And who are the people before the throne in chapter 7:9 that "came out of great tribulation"? //

The martyrs who died for Jesus in the 1st century. Most of them were Jewish. Because of their bravery and the grace of God, they were able to spread the Gospel outside of Jerusalem and into the world, and it's why we are saved today. They are heroes.

//Do you believe the temple in Rev. 11 that John was instructed to measure is what was destroyed in 70 AD?  //

Of course. John was told to measure it in the vision. It even describes the temple as having an outer court for the Gentiles, which was the case in the days of the 2nd temple. John had his vision long before 70AD. I believe Paul alludes to it in 2 Cor 12:2-6.

I didn't dismiss Revelation as "only a painting". I said it isn't a riddle book, it's a tapestry that shows the glory of Jesus. It has a lot of apocalyptic language in it describing the end of the temple system and the old covenant. Israel is often depicted within the sun, moon and stars. The stars falling and the moon turning to blood (not the color of blood....BLOOD) is symbolic of the end of the Mosaic system - it was literally the end of the world for the Jews.

If you don't believe me I can show you a lot of verses in the old testament that use similar language.

One more thing here (and I can go back and forth on details if you want) - we are often taught by the Endtimes crowd that Revelation is a book about the "tribulation" and the antichrist, as if the devil takes over the world and runs it. But that's not true at all. Most of Revelation shows the glory and power of Jesus. The "beast" gets around 25 verses in total. And some of those verses describe the beast being put through the wrath of God - like Rev 16:10.
 @Bruce Peters  Thank you for your response. Definitely a different prospective. However, I truly do not think I could be convinced that the book of Rev. has already happened, the mark of the beast, Armageddon, evil put down, the sky rolling up and so many other events.  But again thank you for being so gracious, I do appreciate it.  Best wishes, love & prayers
 @Bruce Peters  Rightly dividing the Word is the goal of this article, and it is an indispensable key to proper understanding of the Bible. The abundance of scriptural evidence detailed in the third section makes it very clear that Revelation is doctrine for Israel, which was written to Jews who believed in Jesus Christ, by an apostle of the circumcision, for direct application in the prophetic "kingdom" dispensation. At the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, God placed that dispensation in abeyance in 70 AD, to be resumed in the future tribulation.

The entire book of Revelation, including chapters 1-3, is deeply rooted in Old Testament prophecy. It is doctrinally aligned with the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude, all of whom were apostles of the circumcision, as well as to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, and the Old Testament.

The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

Source:  The Seven Churches of Revelation
Matthew McGee

The rapture has indeed nothing to do with the news.

And the rapture has also nothing to do with signs.

Bruce believes in NO RAPTURE at all, but is he right about that?

Rapture Sermon Series



We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

1 comment:

  1. @Bruce Peters You're not saved, self-righteous sinner.


    Priya Lal
    Priya Lal
    2 years ago
    Bruce, can I ask you a simple question, do you believe Jesus is coming soon? If not why? Even it's says in the book of revelation Jesus himself declared that to his people, behold i’m coming soon!! Brother chad is simply saving souls by sharing the good news - so people can understand clearly and in a simple way.
    Bruce Peters
    Bruce Peters
    Bruce Peters
    2 years ago
    How could Jesus declare He was coming "soon" back 1900 years ago, and that same statement also be literally true today? If He was coming "soon" then, how can you be sure He is also coming "soon" now almost 2000 years later? I believe that we don't know and we have no business knowing.
    Darren Wilson
    Darren Wilson
    2 years ago
    @Bruce Peters we get the answer to this question in Matthew 24.

    Nobody knows the day or hour, However we are seeing the signs Jesus told us to look out for.

    It is evident we are living in the season, what Jesus refers to as the birth pains

    God Bless
    AD Vad
    AD Vad
    2 years ago
    @Darren Wilson first comes the son of perdition. That hasn't happened yet so .. read your Bible with both eyes OPEN before you comment!
    Bobby Lamgtanjh
    Bobby Lamgtanjh
    1 year ago
    Define soon
    Bobby Lamgtanjh
    Bobby Lamgtanjh
    1 year ago (edited)
    @Darren Wilson but of that day and hour. There is no imminent rapture passage prior to Matthew 24:36. But is used as a conjunction and is referring to what was spoken prior which was that day of the Lord Matthew 24:29-31 to what is being spoken.
    Hans S
    Hans S
    5 hours ago
    @Bruce Peters JESUS never said He's coming 'soon'.
    He said that when He comes it will be quickly.
    Highlighted reply
    Bruce Peters
    Bruce Peters
    3 hours ago
    @Hans S Wrong, the same word "tachos" means "with speed" and it is used to connote something happening soon, quickly, with haste.

    It isn't referring to Jesus returning at 10,000 MPH.
    Hans S
    Hans S
    2 hours ago
    @Bruce Peters That's what I said: 'quickly'.
    Something else: Is the earth a spinning ball in space and do nuclear weapons exist?
    Bruce Peters
    Bruce Peters
    2 hours ago
    @Hans S Run back to your wastoid Grider site, moron.


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