Saturday, 24 September 2022

WEF Anoint Charles ‘The Great Reset King’

Sep 24, 2022  


For decades, attempts have been made to use climate change to justify radical policy changes. But “The Great Reset” is the most ambitious and radical plan the world has seen in generations and we are getting our first taste of its crippling agenda in our skyrocketing fuel and energy bills.

In June 2020, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) and then-Prince Charles (“Charles”) launched The Great Reset. In an article announcing its launch, Klaus Schwab wrote that “all aspects of our societies and economies” must be “revamped,” from education to social contracts and working conditions. “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed … In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

Not to be outdone, Charles said: “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this [coronavirus] crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change … It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”

Which is interesting, because a few years before Charles’ billionaire family, the Windsors, tried to use a state poverty fund to help heat their palaces. According to the Independent, “Aides complained to ministers in 2004 that the Queen’s gas and electricity bills, which had increased by 50 per cent that year, stood at more than £1m a year and had become “untenable”.

Keep Buckingham Palace’s heating bill in mind while King Charles and Klaus Schab’s Eco-fascist “Great Reset” drives our cost of living ever higher, plunging many more in poverty.

Rules for thee and not for me.

Shortly after the launch of the “Great Reset”, The Hill wrote: “Although many details about The Great Reset won’t be rolled out until the World Economic Forum meets in Davos in January 2021, the general principles of the plan are clear: The world needs massive new government programs and far-reaching policies … Or put another way, we need a form of socialism.”

Now that more details have been revealed, we would argue the “Great Reset” is more like a radical form of totalitarian communism.

In January 2020, six months before the launch of The Great Reset, Charles attended WEF’s annual meeting at Davos for the first time in 30 years.

Charles launched three related instruments at Davos 2020: the Terra Carta, the Sustainable Markets Initiative and the Sustainable Markets Council.

And don’t underestimate Charles. When The Great Reset was officially launched in June 2020, it was not by Schwab or Bill Gates but by Charles, then-Prince of Wales and heir apparent to the British throne.

June 3 2020, an ominous date for those interested in gematria, can now be understood as Day Zero for the Great Reset.

WEF released a video on the same day to mark the launch of The Great Reset. In it, Charles stressed that the plan – including “green” policies that would suffocate businesses and individual freedoms worldwide – is a matter of urgency.  He noted that this would involve net zero carbon emissions and the use of carbon pricing to achieve it.

Essentially, it is a carbon dioxide tax – a price tag on all aspects of our lives and, ultimately, all life on Earth.  How far is their proposed carbon tax prepared to go? What price will they put on our heads? And who benefits financially?

The answers to these questions are open-ended. But if you have been paying attention to workings of the Covid pandemic, you will not be surprised to learn that Charles has been positioning the British monarchy to take control, capitalise and benefit from the carbon taxes the WEF intends to enforce.

Strangely, on the WEF’s YouTube channel there is only a short excerpt from Charles’ 5-minute speech to mark the launch of The Great Reset.  Was Charles too honest in this historical video? The WEF have a history of covering their tracks when information is deemed unfavorable to their agenda. Is that why Charles’ launch video has been cut?

Make no mistake, Charles the Eco-Fascist is a threat to humanity as we know it.

In a video recorded for the launch of Climate Week in New York in September 2020, Charles called for a “new Marshall-like plan” to fight global climate change – a reference to the US plan to aid Europe after World War II.

At COP26 he escalated this war-like rhetoric calling for a military-style campaign.

Is Charles calling for the “global private sector” to remove the authority of national governments, who are our elected representatives, and take charge through military-style action – i.e., a coup d’état?

Is Charles calling for the end of sovereignty, to be replaced by WEF transhumanist fascism?

On behalf of humanity, we can say no thank you, Charles. No to your carbon tax or any other money-making scheme to profit from life itself – and, no to your global war.


DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection


We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. And Putin but also his 'enemy' Zelensky of Ukraine are part of the WEF and they're on the same side.

      Nothing has changed because during the 'second world war' Hitler was controlled by the Jesuits and 'Stalin' was a Jesuit himself, while 33rd degree Freemasons Roosevelt and later Truman and Churchill were in fact on the same side: Lucifer.
      And after that war, which was part of the 'great reset' of that era, Mao Zedong, who was Jesuit trained, came to power in China and communism was invented by the Jesuits.
      The 'cold war' was a Jesuit plan based on the lie of the existence of 'nuclear bombs' and later the lie of 'space travel' based on the globe earth lie and the lie about the existence of the 'universe'.
      It was and is all about the military use of rockets invented by the Jesuit controlled Nazis.
      I'm not telling you anything new, I know, but just to sum it up.

      JESUS is coming to make an end to all the lies!

  2. King Charles Raped 'Hundreds of Children' - Explosive New Testimony

    King Charles has been implicated in a massive decades-old pedophile ring at an “elite” British boarding school, according to revelations by a former student and whistleblower.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”