The position of secretary general doesn’t entitle Antonio Guterres to make political statements, Moscow says
The UN secretary general shouldn’t try influencing the stance of the organization’s members, Russia’s delegation to the United Nations pointed out on Thursday, after Antonio Guterres branded the referendums in Donbass, and Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions as illegal.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The true nature of the United Nations
Hidden symbolism is very important for the satanic people behind the New World Order, because Satan chooses to operate incognito, in which he's btw imitating God, who did this more often when he appeared as a pillar of fire and a column of smoke, as Angel of the LORD (YHVH), the mysterious priest Melchizedek or the man Jesus Christ when He was on earth.
The core of Satan's character is his morbid jealousy of God's omnipotence, because he himself is not omnipotent because he is a created being, but he doesn't want to acknowledge this because he cherishes the delusion that he has always been in existence, and that he himself is God.
This is of course the ultimate madness, but all the people who are in his grip share more or less his character and they think that they themselves are God and that they do not need the true God of heaven and earth.
Where does the symbol of the United Nations come from?
The truth is so horrific that many find it hard to believe, but now the
time has come that people are informed through the Internet.
First we look at the following images, as these images show what the
symbol of the United Nations is based upon (click on the images to
We see that the symbol of the United Nations is based on the demonic burnt offering to Satan, consisting of at least 18 million people (including 6 million Jews) who were burned alive in five specially created "sacrificial temples" during the Second World War, and which were situated in Catholic Poland under the guise of "death camps" and provided with the post-war lie that the "gas chambers" were used to mainly eradicate the 6 million European Jews because of Hitler's pathological hatred of Jews, whilst the truth is even more horrible because it concerns the number of at least eighteen (=3x6=6 6 6) million people, mostly consisting of Jews and Christians, who Satan through the CATHOLIC "CHURCH" exterminated, done by people (mostly Catholics) who were in his grasp, led by Catholic dictators who were apparently fighting one another, as Hitler and Stalin, but who (super-Satanic) actually had the same aim.
Those "gas chambers" were "only" meant to numb the poor victims after which it was easier to burn these people alive as a sacrifice to Satan!
During the war the focus of this horrible plot against the Christian-Jewish humanity shifted to the United States, where that satanic center is to this day, standing in close contact with the spiritual power center located in Rome.
Looking at the symbol of the United Nations it's therefore striking that the special lines on that symbol have a sinister meaning and do not just refer to the symbol of Freemasonry.
In these end times, the purpose of the UN is to achieve a world government, which the pope recently called for, and the focus of the satanic world order will again traditionally be located in Europe, with 'Rome' as the mysterious spider in the satanic web.
The whole purpose of the foundation of the "United States of Europe" (European Union) was to establish that Catholic, satanic world domination, just as during the second world war the greatest misery came from Catholic dictators, shielded by the satanic U.S., where during the war the focus was placed by these super villains.
9 / 11 was, compared to the previous LIE that there ever have been men walking on the moon, a similar deception on a global scale, whereby BILLIONS of people at the same time were treated as fools.
Eventually that world government will come up with a leader (Führer), whom the Bible calls the Antichrist, and, on behalf of Satan, the purpose of the Antichrist is to achieve an even greater "sacrifice" to the devil than during the second world war by killing as many Jews and Christians as possible, but he also will try to get hold of Israel itself, in the vain hope of thereby preventing the Lord Jesus Christ to return to his country and his people, at the climax of Armageddon, and when the biggest part of Israel, but also of the world, will lie in ruins.
But the Lord Jesus won't be stopped by satan and everything will go as He has planned it!
Read here the background to the story above:
Russia calls on Kiev to return to negotiations – Putin
ReplyDelete‘I can’t imagine our future differently’: Donbass residents explain why they voted to join Russia
ReplyDeleteRussia says West was mastermind of Nord Stream attacks
ReplyDeletePutin signs treaties on Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson accession to Russia
ReplyDeleteUkraine conflict could end ‘in a few days’ – Lukashenko
ReplyDeleteDe oorlog is nog maar pas begonnen
ReplyDeleteThe War Has Just Begun
DeleteRusland erkent de regio’s Zapoizja en Kherson als onafhankelijke staten
ReplyDeleteRussia recognizes Zapoizhia and Kherson regions as independent states
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Long way home: How Ukraine lost control of regions that returned to Russia
ReplyDeleteWestern leaders react to new regions joining Russia
ReplyDeleteOf course the satanic western 'leaders' HATE democracy!
DeleteChina, India and Brazil abstain in vote on US resolution, Russia vetoes
ReplyDelete‘Not wise’ to include Ukraine into NATO – Kissinger
ReplyDeleteRussia’s top court rules on Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporozhye accession treaties
ReplyDeleteThe justices have said that the documents are legal under the constitution
DeleteUS promises to help Ukraine retake territory
ReplyDeleteAnd to help Ukraine with ethnically cleansing those territories from Russians...
DeleteRussian State Duma ratifies accession treaties for Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporozhye
ReplyDeletePorts, mines, agriculture: What can new regions give Russia’s economy
ReplyDeleteElon Musk proposes Ukraine peace plan
ReplyDeleteZelensky reacts to Musk’s peace proposal
ReplyDeleteFormer Russian president comments on Musk’s Ukraine proposal
ReplyDeleteMusk's peace plan hammered by pro-Ukraine 'bots'
ReplyDeleteWith Russian cosmonaut Anna Kikina set to blast off in one of SpaceX’ modules later this month, Russia’s former space exploration chief Dmitry Rogozin remarked on Telegram “that’s what a Russian woman did to an American.”
DeleteSwitzerland resists handover of Russian assets to Ukraine
ReplyDeleteRussia’s parliament fully ratifies unification treaties
ReplyDeleteThis means Ukraine and the west are at war with the Russian Federation
DeleteRussia responds to UN official’s rape claims
ReplyDeleteRussian women hit with fresh sporting ban
ReplyDeleteUkrainian war crimes report presented to UN
ReplyDeleteUN Security Council votes against probe into US biolabs
ReplyDeleteWhy does Russia even cooperate with these GANGSTERS?
DeleteVN-Veiligheidsraad blokkeert onderzoek naar Amerikaanse biolabs in Oekraïne: ‘Ze zijn bang’
ReplyDeleteUN Security Council blocks research into US biolabs in Ukraine: 'They are afraid'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Satan and his earthly minions HATE the TRUTH and they are afraid to have to BURN FOREVER in God's lake of fire
DeleteUN passes resolution condemning US
ReplyDeleteOnly the US and Israel voted against the 30th vote in 30 years by the UNGA to denounce America’s Cuba blockade
DeleteOver 50 countries vote against UN anti-Nazism resolution
ReplyDeleteMoscow introduced a similar resolution last year, before the military operation in Ukraine had begun but after the US-backed coup had installed a government that allowed neo-Nazi groups such as the Azov Battalion, and lionized Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator whose Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists was responsible for the massacre of tens of thousands of Poles and Jews during World War II. The 2021 resolution was opposed by just two states: the US and Ukraine.
DeleteMeer dan 50 landen stemmen tegen anti-nazisme VN-maatregel
DeleteMoskou diende vorig jaar een soortgelijke resolutie in, voordat de militaire operatie in Oekraïne was begonnen maar nadat de door de VS gesteunde staatsgreep een regering had geïnstalleerd die neonazigroepen zoals het Azov-regiment toeliet en Stepan Bandera loofde, de Oekraïense nazi-collaborateur wiens Organisatie van Oekraïense Nationalisten verantwoordelijk was voor de afslachting van tienduizenden Polen en Joden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De resolutie van 2021 werd door slechts twee staten bestreden: de VS en Oekraïne.
DeleteSimple conclusion: the US and Ukraine are pro-NAZI....but we already knew that, and now even more countries, which is also not a surprise, because they are all VATICAN CONTROLLED and the Vatican = the disguised LUCIFERIAN Roman Empire is always PRO-FASCISM
DeleteClimate TERRORIST: World is on ‘highway to hell’ – UN chief
ReplyDeleteSatan-Jesuit-Vatican controlled UN calls on Russia to pay Ukraine reparations
ReplyDeleteUN tells Ukraine to investigate video showing 'execution' of Russian POWs
ReplyDeleteUN tells the murderer to investigate his own crime....
DeleteUN staff know who’s shelling nuclear plant – Moscow
ReplyDeleteWithdrawal of Russian weapons is key to nuclear plant deal – UN official
ReplyDeleteUS sides with Germany and Italy in opposing anti-Nazi resolution
ReplyDeleteIran booted from UN commission after US push
ReplyDeleteGlen Macdonald
DeleteSo, according to Google there have been a total of 277 females shot and killed by police in the US since 2017. So the hypocrisy is still alive and well. I hate that nation.
Russia warns of ‘Western dominance’ over UN agency
ReplyDeleteWorld heading into ‘wider war’ – UN chief
ReplyDeleteThe Vatican controlled UN is co-responsible for this
DeleteUnited Nations just PROVED they're a fraud with this BS report
ReplyDeleteUkraine protests Russia's new UN Security Council role
ReplyDeleteUp to their old tricks again: New intelligence leaks expose American spying on UN chief Gutteres
ReplyDeleteChina calls for UN Security Council reform
ReplyDeleteThe UN was founded to serve the interests of the satanic Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire
DeleteUkraine peace talks now impossible – UN chief
ReplyDeleteGuterres said: “Unfortunately, I believe that peace negotiations are not possible at this time.” He explained that Russia seems unwilling “at the moment to withdraw from the territories it occupies” while “Ukraine is hoping to retake them” by force.
DeleteThe UN is biased as it calls the liberated parts of Ukraine 'occupied' and the UN was created on behalf of the Vatican = the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise that is on the side of Nazi Ukraine
DeleteMoscow addresses UN over Ukraine’s pledge to ‘keep killing Russians’
ReplyDeleteComplaining to the UN is like complaining to the devil...the UN is an instrument of the Vatican
DeleteArts: Verenigde Naties bereiden verontrustende machtsgreep voor
ReplyDeleteDoctor: United Nations prepares disturbing power grab
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
US to propose major UN Security Council reform – WaPo
ReplyDeleteUS spooks harassing Russia’s UN diplomats – Moscow
ReplyDeleteUN condemns cluster munitions
ReplyDeleteUN condemns Ukrainian drone attacks on Moscow
Deleteit's not condemning it's only a generalized statement about terrorism
Secretaris-generaal VN geeft toe dat New World Order faalt, Agenda 2030 “in gevaar”
ReplyDeleteUN Secretary-General Admits New World Order Is Failing, Agenda 2030 ‘In Peril’
DeleteUN Secretary-General António Guterres is a puppet of communist Pope Francis, the ANTICHRIST
DeleteTerwijl bijna niemand keek, sloten leiders op de VN een 7-jarige overeenkomst om één enkele globale agenda uit te voeren
ReplyDeleteWhile Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders At The UN Made A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda
DeleteDe organisatie die alles aanstuurt op aarde is het Vaticaan middels haar Jezuïeten en niet toevallig is de huidige Paus een Jezuïet.
DeleteZij kennen de Bijbel beter dan de meeste mensen, maar vanuit het perspectief van hun held Lucifer.
De VN weet juist wel wat er speelt omdat de VN een project is van het Vaticaan, net als de NAVO en de WHO het IMF en ga zo maar door.
Dus ik ben het grotendeels met je eens en de Bijbel, die de Jezuïeten zelf als leidraad gebruiken, maakt duidelijk hoe het zal aflopen.
Als voormalige atheïst zeg ik tot diegenen die beweren dat de Bijbel allemaal onzin is: zelfs als dat zo zou zijn dan nog is het zo dat de Jezuïeten dat niet zo zien, maar nogmaals vanuit het perspectief van hun held Lucifer, en als men dan beweert dat Lucifer niet bestaat en God ook niet, dan nog is het zo dat de Jezuïeten dat wel geloven en zij besturen de wereld namens hun held met als doel de totale wereldheerschappij.
Hans september 23, 2023 at 12:07
Kijk naar het volgende schema, gemaakt door Vaticaan- en Jezuïeten-expert Eric Jon Phelps, geüpdatet door mij:
The organization that controls everything on earth is the Vatican through its Jesuits and it is no coincidence that the current Pope is a Jesuit.
DeleteThey know the Bible better than most people, but from the perspective of their hero Lucifer.
The UN knows what is going on because the UN is a project of the Vatican, just like NATO and the WHO, the IMF and so on.
So I largely agree with you and the Bible, which the Jesuits themselves use as a guide, makes it clear how it will turn out.
As a former atheist, I say to those who claim that the Bible is all nonsense: even if that were the case, the Jesuits do not see it that way, but again from the perspective of their hero Lucifer, and if they then claim that Lucifer does not exist and neither does God, the Jesuits do believe that and they govern the world on behalf of their hero with the aim of total world domination.
Hans September 23, 2023 at 12:07
Check out the following chart, created by Vatican and Jesuit expert Eric Jon Phelps, updated by me: %2Btree-update%2BApril%2B2021.png
UN Secretary General Admits Globalists Are Opening Gates of Hell via Climate Change
ReplyDelete🚨URGENT: The Secretary-General of the @UN
ReplyDelete, @antonioguterres
, wants to silence anyone who dares to stand in the way of their global power grab.
The UN, once a beacon of hope and peace, has devolved into a totalitarian entity and thus needs to be dismantled.
Vatican (Roman empire) controlled UN to investigate ‘war crimes’ by Israel and Hamas
ReplyDeleteThe Vatican controlled UN is of course on the side of the 'Palestinians' and Islam because the Vatican created Islam and the 'Palestinians' = Muslim Arabs that live inside of Israel
DeleteWest has taken UN Security Council 'hostage' – Moscow
ReplyDeleteUN warns of Gaza genocide risk
ReplyDeleteThe Vatican controlled UN is always on the side of the 'Palestinians'
DeleteIsrael calls on UN chief to resign
ReplyDeleteInteresting: Russia and Israel are on the same side on this....
DeleteThe UN is controlled by Luciferian child rapists on behalf of the Vatican
DeleteGermany opposes calls for UN chief to resign
ReplyDeleteIsrael demolishing Gaza’s economy – UN
ReplyDeleteThe Occupied Palestinian Territory has suffered a decade and a half of suppressed development, according to the report
Big lie: Israel doesn't occupy Gaza! Gaza could have flourished in cooperation with Egypt, but the Egyptians are not interested in that.
DeleteEgypt could also accept the majority of Gazan refugees in Sinai, but Egypt does not want that either.
Both Egypt and Hamas want Israel not to exist and Egypt only entered into a 'peace agreement' with Israel because it gave them Sinai back from Israel.
The problem is Islam, invented by the satanic Vatican, which begrudges Jews their own state in Biblical Israel.
World is ‘failing’ Gaza – UN
ReplyDeleteThe UN did not exist during WW2, but if it had, the UN would have advocated for the fate of German civilians in Nazi Germany...and also for Japanese civilians and Italian civilians when Italy was still part of the Axis -Berlin-Rome-Tokyo....
DeleteThe fact is that at that time the Allies did not care about the fate of the citizens of the warlike nations, Germany, Italy and Japan...
DeleteBut ONLY Israel should care about the citizens of the enemy country when it is at war...
DeleteI am not saying that what the State of Israel is doing is wise, but I am pointing out the HYPOCRISY of the United NATIONS
DeleteAnd God will PUNISH the united NATIONS during Armageddon for this reason also!
DeleteIsrael could be committing war crimes – UN human rights body
ReplyDeleteCzech Republic should leave UN – defense minister
ReplyDeleteJana Cernochova claims the international organization is siding with “Hamas terrorists” in the latest Middle East flare-up
DeleteGaza now a ‘graveyard’ for children – UN agency
ReplyDeleteIsrael’s government has blasted the UN, arguing that the body has not sufficiently condemned the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. West Jerusalem’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, announced on Monday that members of his delegation would respond by donning yellow stars, alluding to the labels that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust. “From this day on, each time you look at me, you will remember what staying silent in the face of evil means,” he said in a speech to the UN Security Council.
DeleteTop UN official resigns over body’s failure to stop ‘genocide’ of Palestinians
ReplyDeleteThis moron wants to destroy Israel:
DeleteTo fix the situation, the UN should “learn from the principled stance taken in cities around the world in recent days as masses of people stand up against the genocide, even at risk of beatings and arrest,” he suggested. Apart from that, he called upon the body to drop the “illusory two-state solution,” advocating the creation of a “single, democratic, secular state in all of historic Palestine,” which would ensure the “dismantling” of Israel, described by the official as a “deeply racist, settler-colonial project.”
Israeli attack on refugee camp ‘an atrocity’ – UN
ReplyDeleteVN eist bevoegdheid om wereldwijd ‘klimaatbeleid’ te dicteren
ReplyDeleteUN Demands Power to Dictate Global ‘Climate Policy’
DeleteGaza not fit for human life – UN
ReplyDeleteUN condemns Ukraine’s crackdown on largest Christian church
Delete"Banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church might violate human rights" MIGHT???????
VN vallen de voedselvoorziening aan om de doelstellingen van Agenda 2030 te verwezenlijken
ReplyDeleteUN Pushing Food Supply Crackdown to Meet Agenda 2030 Targets
DeleteVerenigde Naties benoemen mannelijke transgender tot ‘vrouwenkampioen’
ReplyDeleteUnited Nations Appoints Male Transgender as ‘Women’s Champion’
DeleteWar in Gaza must end – UN
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country would continue the military operation against Hamas until the group is destroyed, Gaza is "demilitarized,” and its residents “deradicalized.”
DeleteThe UN is ALWAYS on the side of SATAN!
DeleteVerenigde Naties eisen $150 biljoen om ‘klimaatverandering’ te bestrijden
ReplyDeleteUnited Nations Demands $150 TRILLION to Fight ‘Climate Change’
DeleteUN should face criminal court – Israel/a>
ReplyDeleteThe organization is an ‘accomplice’ of Hamas, West Jerusalem’s representative to the international body has claimed <
“The use of the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide against the Jewish state and in the service of the Nazis of our time, [Hamas leaders] Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh, proves that there is no moral low the UN has not descended to,”
Delete“The UN is the one who should sit on trial in The Hague for turning a blind eye, and thereby serving as an accomplice, to the digging of terror tunnels in Gaza, in the use of international aid for the production of missiles and rockets, and in the education of hatred and murder.”
DeleteLarry Johnson: Heeft minister Blinken Jemen getipt over Amerikaanse bombardementen?
ReplyDeleteDid Secretary of State Blinken Tip Off Yemen to US Bombings?
DeleteUN condemns Ukrainian attack that killed 27 civilians in Russian city
ReplyDeleteThe United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned the attack against the capital of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic, but refused to pin the blame for the shelling that left at least 27 civilians killed and over two dozen injured including several children.
DeleteAfrica needs permanent seat on Security Council – UN chief
ReplyDeleteDon’t penalize humanitarian workers – UN secretary-general to West
ReplyDeleteIsrael has long accused the UN of aiding and abetting Hamas. In October, Israel demanded the resignation of Guterres, accusing him of “justifying terrorism.”
DeleteUN chief must resign – Israel
ReplyDeleteUS urges UN court not to rule against Israeli occupation
ReplyDeleteIsrael recalls UN ambassador in row over Hamas rape allegations
ReplyDeleteNew Israeli settlements a crime – UN official
ReplyDeleteThe UN didn't call the 'west bank' occupied when it was occupied by Jordan till 1967
DeleteUN tells EU to end ‘double standards’ on Ukraine and Gaza
ReplyDeleteUN envoy accuses Israel of ‘genocide’ in Gaza
DeleteIt is Hamas, not Israel, who is perpetrating genocide. Hamas acts to obliterate Israel and to obliterate all the Jews. The goal of Hamas is tosend the Jews to the sea or to gas chambers, or butcher them even beforehand. The whole world is cheering to Hamas and supporting the genocide which Hamas perpetrate, and at the same time clamoring that it is Israel who is committing genocide. Israel has never targeted civilians, while Hamas does butchers civilians – women and men, children and elderly . Hamas also spreads a lot of lies and fake "news".
This response was denounced by the Jew slaughterers who gather on RT-Russia in the comment section
DeleteVN verklaart oorlog aan VRIJHEID VAN MENINGSUITING om de WAARHEID te censureren, verantwoording te ondermijnen, bevolkingen te controleren
ReplyDeleteUN declares war on FREE SPEECH to censor the TRUTH, subvert accountability, control populations
DeleteThe pursuit of a united world is SATANISM!
ReplyDeleteDit ‘absurde’ nieuwe pact geeft de VN macht en controle over Nederland: ‘Verschrikkelijk’
ReplyDeleteThis 'absurd' new pact gives the UN power and control over the Netherlands: 'Terrible'
DeleteOnrust over ‘baanbrekende overeenkomst’ die wordt doodgezwegen: ‘Dit mag niet, dit kan niet, dit bestaat gewoon niet’
ReplyDeleteConcerns over ‘groundbreaking agreement’ being hushed up: ‘This is not allowed, this is not possible, this simply does not exist’
DeleteHet Pact for the Future van de VN bevat een ‘huiveringwekkend’ aanhangsel dat weg plaveit naar ‘digitale goelag’
ReplyDeleteUN Pact for the Future contains ‘chilling’ appendix that paves way to ‘digital gulag’
DeleteThe end goal is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13
DeleteUN Secretary-General @antonioguterres
ReplyDeletedid not welcome the elimination of arch-terrorist Yahya Sinwar, just as he refused to declare Hamas a terrorist organization after the October 7th massacre. Guterres is leading an extreme anti-Israel and anti-Jewish agenda. We will continue to designate him as persona non grata and bar his entry to Israel.
BRICS-landen komen met gezamenlijke verklaring en dat is niet iets om blij van te worden
ReplyDeleteBRICS countries come out with joint statement and it's not something to be happy about
Delete🚨 UN-BELIEVABLE - You cannot make this sh*t up!
ReplyDeleteUN Secretary General António Guterres has instructed the UN to stop all UN programmes, aid and funding to Yemen’s Houthi-controlled Saada.
This comes as the Houthis have kidnapped 8 more UN workers on top of the ones they already detained.
So when dozens of HIS people get kidnapped that’s when it’s okay to stop aid?
But when Oct 7th happens, Israel sending hundreds of trucks per day into Gaza still isn’t enough?
The hypocrisy of this man and this organisation.