Friday, 8 July 2022

I'm a REAL earther!


Hans S Jul 8, 2022  Watch my video: The Earth is round and FLAT, people, and it's NOT a globe!
Someone asked me in the comment section "Hans, did you use this for lamp?" so that's why I made this short video.
Learn more about this subject:

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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Government Documents Admit Flat Earth

Government Documents Admit Flat Earth

Streamed live on Jun 10, 2018
This was a teaching at Fire & Grace Church in Opelika AL. In this presentation, Pastor Dean addresses the mountain of government documents and scientific technical manuals that admit the earth is flat and non-rotating or still like the Bible has always said. CIA, Army, Airforce, Navy, NASA, and Russian documents admit the earth is why are people like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye calling flat earthers and Christians crazy? This is part one of what Pastor Dean discovered after many hours of research on various websites including the CIA website. It's time for everyone to wake up to the truth of Biblical creation that these governments suppressed (but knew about) just like Romans 1 foretold. .

Pinned by Dean Odle
Dean Odle
3 months ago
Here are some of the military & NASA documents that I used in my message “Government Documents Admit Flat Earth:”
Russia 1948
Shape of the earth unknown..
Russian Light Study
“Brightness of the firmament”
Flat earth :
Propagation of Electromagnetic Fields Over Flat Earth
page 9: based upon the signal having a single bounce on a flat Earth
page 1:
Trajectory of Spinning Projectiles:
“These equations assume a flat Earth.”
page 2:
“These equations assume a flat Earth..”
page 216:
"assuming a flat Earth"
Page 1:
“ that a flat-earth approximation provides the best estimate.”
Page 39:
model works over a flat earth
page 1:
transmission loss over flat earth
page 9:
“...input to a flat earth”
page 3:
“The first is the Earth-fixed coordinate system, which is fixed to the Earth with a flat Earth assumption.”
page: 1
flat earth approximation provides the best estimate
page 32:
This model works well over a flat-earth
page 168:
equations of flat-earth trigonometry.

page 8:
The Earth is flat and nonrotating.
General Equations of Motion for Damaged Asymmetric Aircraft
Page 1: “...equations of motions must properly reflect the underlying physics.”
page 2:
"In this paper, the rigid body equations of motion over a flat
non-rotating earth are developed...”
Approximate Optimal Guidance for the Advanced Launch System
On page one this document does mention a spherical rotating earth but then states that “...these schemes” (based on  a spherical rotating earth) 1) “...are difficult to prove” and 2) “...not suggested to be used as a basis for an online real-time guidance law.”
Page 32 goes on to say:
"Lastly, the equations of motion for the zeroth-order problem of flight in a vacuum over a flat Earth are presented."
Page 8 “...nonrotating Earth...”
page 14:
(2) A flat, nonrotating earth
page 8:
the missile position in space is computed relative to a flat nonrotating earth.
page 108:
aircraft flying over flat, nonrotating earth
"aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over flat nonrotating earth"

NASA Technical Paper 2835
Page 1 Summary:
Flat nonrotating earth
page 126:
"The nonlinear equations of motion used are six-degree-of-freedom equations
sith stationary atmosphere and flat, nonrotating earth"
Determination of Angles of Attack and Sideslip from Radar Data and a Roll Stabilized Platform
March 1972
page 2:
"The method is limited, however, to application where a flat, nonrotating earth"
An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge
page 11:
"The nonlinear equations of motion used in this model are general six-degree-of-freedom equations representing the flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat nonrotating earth"
Investigation of Aircraft Landing in Variable Wind Fields
NASA 1973
page14 pdf or 6 on actual report:
a) The earth is flat and non-rotating.

A Mathematical Model of the CH-53 Helicopter
page 17:
“The helicopter equations of motion are given in body axes with rerpect to
a flat, nonrotating Earth.”
Atmospheric Oscillations
Georgia Tech April 1965
Prepared for NASA
page 13:
A model frequently used is that of a flat, nonrotating earth.

page 19:
These equations assume a rigid vehicle and a flat, nonrotating Earth.

Flight Testing a VSTOL Aircraft
NASA 1988
page 9 pdf or 4-5 on actual doc:
“For aircraft problems, the state and measurement models together represent the kinematics of a rigid body for describing motion over a flat, nonrotating Earth...”
Time to Climb
“In our minimum time-to-climb problem, the aircraft is modeled as a point mass and the flight trajectory is strictly
confined in a vertical plane on a non-rotating, flat earth.
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others. 


  1. Replies

    1. People who say 'fucken' and 'fuck' all the time have a sexual problem.
      It's not necessary to use these words.

      That brainwashed globe earther started using these words and he lied from the start because 'The Flat Earth Society' is NOT a flat earth site but a globe earth site with the aim to make flat earthers look like idiots.
      What globe earthers don't understand is that flat earthers used to be globe earthers who no longer believe the earth is a globe.
      They discovered that the manned moon landings were fake, that the pictures of the earth as a globe from 'space' are fake.
      They discovered that heliocentrism is a lie and that 'satellites' don't exist and that most communications on earth run through (undersea) cables.
      They've seen footage of high flying balloons that show there is no curvature, but that the edge of the world is round and the surface of the world is flat, like a pancake or a pizza.
      They've seen footage with an infrared camera from an airplane that show objects that are hundreds of miles away, which is impossible according to the globe earth THEORY.
      And water always finds its own level which is flat, not matter whether it's in a glass or the water in an ocean.
      The sun and the moon are often in the sky at the same time while they are circling above the earth and they are about the same size, and the moon shines cold light at night and the sun shines hot light, and when the sun is close to the horizon at sunrise or sunset it doesn't radiate heat anymore because it's gone too far away from the observer above the flat earth, because it's not a huge 'star', much bigger than the earth, which globe earthers believe, but relatively small compared to earth.
      There's an icewall surrounding earth, keeping all the water in and beyond that icewall is the dome, aka the firmament.
      There are many more arguments in favor of the flat earth and also from the Bible, and apart from the Bible it's a fact that all cultures on earth throughout history believed the earth is flat and round, which a dome shaped firmament.
      It's a fact that the 'big bang' THEORY was invented by a JESUIT priest and that many 'craters' on the moon bear the names of JESUIT 'scientists'.
      It's a fact that heliocentrism was strongly promoted by the Vatican, to counter the reformation, because all reformers believed in the geocentic model.
      The Vatican pretended to be on the side of the geocentric model, but in fact it was and is on the side of heliocentrism and the 'big bang' and 'evolution'.
      The Vatican is the disguised Luciferian Roman empire, disguised as the Roman Catholic church and it has a huge telescope that is called L.U.C.I.F.E.R.
      Joseph 'Stalin' was a JESUIT priest and communism was invented by the JESUITS and when former communist Russia launched the first 'satellite', the Sputnik, into 'space' it served a military purpose to show the USA it could reach any point on the FLAT EARTH with their 'nuclear' missiles, but the existence of 'nukes' is another LIE of the JESUITS.
      The 'space' program of the US also only served a military purpose and to make people believe it's possible to land on the Moon an Mars and other 'planets', and also to make people believe they launch 'satellites' into 'space', while at places like Antarctica they really launch those 'satellites' into 'space' hanging below high flying BALLOONS.

    2. Rockets go up and go down and fall to the ground or into the sea and they never go into 'space', because 'space' doesn't exist.
      What they call 'space' is the space between the surface of the flat earth and the dome shaped firmament.
      The Roman Catholic Nazis, secretly supported by the Vatican and controlled by the JESUITS, already had a blueprint of a three stage rocket to bomb New York at the end of the 'second world war'. Nazi Scientist Werner von Braun knew that if they would be able to reach the moon they needed a rocket that was 1000 meters high.
      But the Saturn V rocket they used for their Apollo 'moon missions' was only 110 meters high and based on that Nazi blueprint of a three stage rocket
      Both the Americans and the former Soviet Union used German Nazi rocket scientists to serve their military purposes after the defeat of Nazi Germany.
      The Vatican wants people to believe in aliens so that they can stage an 'alien invasion' in the future and that then the world should UNITE under a ONE world government against this 'threat'.
      And again this shows how important it is for the Vatican to make people believe in the existence of the 'universe', while Catholic itself means 'universal'.
      The Roman Catholic church is the true church of Satan, and Satan is behind the globe earth lie and ALL lies like the 'great reset'!

  2. Flat Earth: Biblical Truth in an Unstable World


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