Tuesday, September 7, 2021 (from my forbidden blog)
We all suffer from a God-complex due to our ancestors Adam and Eve and what is the remedy?
By 'putting' God-the Lord JESUS on the throne and seeing ourselves in this perspective and then realizing how SMALL we are compared to Him.
The person who suffers the most from a God complex is Satan and see how small he is compared to our creator:
Get rid of your stupid GOD COMPLEX!
How to get rid of your God complex...
It's all about ME - I AM GOD ALMIGHTY
Yes, you purposely misquoted me because I describe myself as a saved follower of Paul ON BEHALF OF JESUS and you turned it into something else, because you assert I said "...because I'm a saved follower of Paul..."
You forgot the important words 'ON BEHALF OF JESUS'.
You keep mixing the Gospel of the Kingdom with the Gospel of Grace.
And I don't type entire passages from the Bible at all, but I just use a piece that I composed quite some time ago and that I copied and pasted into my response.
"Hans, you're absolutely appalling, disgusting, and immature beyond words!"
Others who claim to be 'Christians' have called me 'worse than Satan', 'demon' and more, just because their God-complex couldn't cope with my personality.
I quote from Paul what I just read today in my bible study: Romans 14 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+14&version=KJV
I refer to it with a link, so that my response doesn't become so long.
So you keep mixing the Kingdom Gospel with the Grace Gospel because you referred to Mark 4:16-19 and that is the Kingdom Gospel of JESUS for Israel.
In this dispensation of GRACE, a sinner is saved by faith ONLY in what JESUS has done for us and what is described in THE Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
Then one is SEALED with the Holy Spirit by God's GRACE which means that one is saved and is an adopted child of God FOREVER.
That is not determined by you or me, but God-the Lord JESUS Christ.
We could go on and on about this for a long time, but if you don't see the difference between the Kingdom Gospel for Israel and the Gospel of Grace for mainly the Gentiles, then we can't come to an agreement.
So read this piece and you will know what I believe: Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel
You too have a nice day.
Het kan mij geen reet schelen wat anderen denken; dit is een teken van respect
I Do Not Give a Damn What Other People Think; This an Indication of Respect?
Be wise and realize that you are not God and surrender to our maker JESUS
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Pandemie 2: Apenpokken waanzin
ReplyDeletePandemic 2: Monkeypox Madness
DeleteNiet te geloven dat het al apenpokkenseizoen is, en ik heb mijn Oekraïense decoraties nog niet eens weggehaald
ReplyDeleteCan't believe it's monkey pox season already, and I haven't even taken down my Ukrainian decorations yet
DeleteApenpokken – Waarheid tegenover angstporno (Nuttige info van Dr. Malone)
ReplyDeleteMonkeypox – Truth Against Fear Porn (Helpful Info from Dr. Malone)
DeleteWHO waarschuwt voor de Europese Pride parades – Apenpokkenverspreiders
ReplyDeleteWHO warns of European Pride parades - Monkeypox spreaders
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Onthuld: Apenpokken blijkt “laboratoriumstam met onbekende kenmerken” te zijn
ReplyDeleteBombshell Report: Monkeypox Appears To Be ‘Lab Strain With Unknown Characteristics,’ Says ECDC Source
DeleteApenpokken – Bevolkingsbeheersing door de COVID-19 vaccin immunogecompromitteerden te infecteren met de pokken?
ReplyDeletePlandemie II gelanceerd om fondsen voor pandemieën naar Big Pharma te laten vloeien: Apenpokken
ReplyDeletePlandemic II Launched to Keep Pandemic Funds Flowing to Big Pharma: MonkeyPox
DeleteBolsonaro weigert WHO-pandemieverdrag te tekenen: ‘Brazilië is autonoom’
ReplyDeleteBolsonaro refuses to sign WHO pandemic treaty: 'Brazil is autonomous'
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Aartsbisschop waarschuwt landen voor pandemieverdrag: ‘Overdragen van soevereiniteit is hoogverraad’
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Viganò Warns Nations of WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Power Grab: ‘Yielding Sovereignty Is Considered Crime of High Treason’
DeleteUitvinder mRNA-technologie over apenpokken: ‘Media en overheid wakkeren angst onnodig aan’
ReplyDeleteInventor of mRNA technology about monkey pox: 'Media and government unnecessarily stir up fear'
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“Risico op complicaties van apenpokkenvaccin bijna even groot als risico om ziekte te krijgen”
ReplyDelete‘Risk of monkeypox vaccine complications almost as great as risk of getting disease’
DeleteModerna-baas op het WEF: ‘Ik moet 30 miljoen coronavaccins in de prullenbak gooien omdat niemand ze wil hebben’
ReplyDeleteModerna boss at the WEF: 'I have to throw 30 million corona vaccines in the trash because nobody wants them'
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Moderna CEO over COVID-19 prikken: “Niemand wil ze”
DeleteModerna CEO on jabs: ‘Nobody wants them’
DeleteCNN vraagt nu publiekelijk of de mRNA-injecties de huidige golf van coviden VEROORZAAKT hebben – precies zoals wij al sinds de eerste dag zeggen
ReplyDeleteCNN now publicly asking whether mRNA injections have CAUSED the current covid wave – exactly as we’ve been saying since day one
DeleteBrute politie-inval bij coronakritische arts: handboeien en deur ingeramd
ReplyDeleteBrutal police raid on corona critical doctor: handcuffs and door rammed into
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Hier bespotten Klaus Schwab en Pfizer’s CEO de “fanatieke anti-vaxxers”
ReplyDeleteHere Klaus Schwab and Pfizer's CEO mock the "fanatic anti-vaxxers"
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No need for mass vaccination against monkeypox – WHO
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the total number of cases in the UK alone has reached 106
(out of a population of 67 MILLION.....)
DeleteZijn ‘apenpokken’ een gevolg van coronavaccinatie? Deze internist denkt van wel
ReplyDeleteAre 'monkey pox' a result of corona vaccination? This internist thinks so
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Advocaat Reiner Füllmich over apenpokken: ‘Dit is niets anders dan Corona 2.0, ze hebben hun hand overspeeld’
ReplyDeleteLawyer Reiner Füllmich about monkey pox: "This is nothing but Corona 2.0, they have overplayed their hand"
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‘Doodenge’ Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Wij behoren waarschijnlijk tot één van de laatste generaties mensen’
ReplyDelete'Terrifying' Yuval Noah Harari: 'We probably belong to one of the last generations of humans'
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Yuval Noah Harari… “This is the last generation of humans”.. We are GOD
DeleteKijk: Klaus Schwab en Pfizer-baas halen op het WEF uit naar ‘complotdenkers’ en ‘antivaxxers’
ReplyDeleteWatch: Klaus Schwab and Pfizer boss lash out at 'conspiracy theorists' and 'anti-vaxxers' at the WEF
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Kijk: Klaus Schwab waarschuwt naties die geneigd zijn hun eigen soevereiniteit te behouden boven de wereldagenda
ReplyDeleteWATCH: Klaus Schwab Warns Nations Tempted To Preserve Their Own Sovereignty Over The Global Agenda
DeleteIk begrijp eindelijk “The Truman Show”
ReplyDeleteMakow – I Finally Understand “The Truman Show”
DeleteA nonhuman conception
ReplyDeleteThis is not a new concept because God already created it and it's called an EGG!
Only God-the Lord JESUS can create this.
Wat te geloven?
ReplyDeleteWhat to believe?
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Walgt u van de hele mensheid?
ReplyDeletePeople Make Me Puke
Delete‘Our Parent in Heaven’: Liberals push for a gender-neutral God
ReplyDeleteDe wereld wil bedrogen worden
ReplyDeleteThe World Wants to Be Deceived
DeleteThe author believes the earth is a ball in 'space'...
DeleteU bent niet alleen, de woede groeit over de hele wereld!
ReplyDeleteYou Are Not Alone, Anger Is Building Across The World!