I have been given all power in heaven and on earth
Satan hates the truth = JESUS and he even hates the truth about that he hates the truth.
He's totally INSANE!
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My new blog
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
US sending fresh troops to Europe
ReplyDeleteUkraine wins Eurovision
ReplyDelete“Rusland is de oorlog begonnen” en andere drogredenen
ReplyDelete'Russia Started the War' and Other Fallacies
DeleteV.S. halen tarwe uit Oekraïne – Door oorlog verscheurd land gedoemd tot hongersnood
ReplyDeleteEuropese gasimporteurs geven zich stilletjes over aan Rusland en beginnen hun gas in ROEBEL te kopen… terwijl de economische oorlogssancties van het Westen rampzalig terugslaan
ReplyDeleteEuropean gas importers quietly surrender to Russia and begin buying gas in RUBLES… while the West’s economic warfare scheme disastrously BACKFIRES
DeletePoetin verklaart bevrijding van Donbas via VN Artikel 51 (Nederlands transcript)
ReplyDeletePutin declares liberation of Donbas via UN Article 51 (video)
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Zelensky wanhopig om zijn Azov-nazi’s uit Azovstal te krijgen
ReplyDeleteZelensky desperate to get his Azov Nazis out of Azovstal
DeleteDe trommels van de oorlog slaan luider
ReplyDeleteThe Drums of War Beat Louder
DeleteWesterse wapens in Oekraïne worden verkocht via berichten-app Telegram
ReplyDeleteWestern Weapons in Ukraine Being Sold On via Encrypted Messaging App: Report
DeleteScott Ritter: Live-actie rollenspel in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteSCOTT RITTER: Live-Action Role Play in Ukraine
DeleteSituatieverslag Operatie Z: Twee zeer slechte dagen voor Oekraïne, wat u niet te lezen krijgt in de NAVO-media
ReplyDeleteSitrep Operation Z: Two very bad days for the Ukraine & The Big Refuse
Delete“Kanonnenvoer”: Oekraïense Ministerie van Defensie wil 1 miljoen burgers mobiliseren
ReplyDelete"Live Goods": Ambassador of the LPR in Russia commented on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to mobilize 1 million people
DeleteRussische functionaris: NAVO riskeert rechtstreeks conflict met Rusland en “volledige” nucleaire oorlog
ReplyDeleteRussian Official: NATO Risking Direct Conflict With Russia and ‘Full-Fledged’ Nuclear War
DeleteDe echte reden achter het streven van de EU om een embargo op Russische olie in te stellen
ReplyDeleteThe Real Reason Behind the EU’s Drive to Embargo Russian Oil
DeleteVertrouwenskwestie: V.S. verwijderden digitale vuurleidingssystemen uit M777 houwitsers van Zelensky’s strijdkrachten
ReplyDeleteTrust Issues: US Removed Digital Fire Control Systems From M777 Howitzers Supplied To Kiev Forces
DeleteNATO starts drills near Russian border
ReplyDeleteUkraine orders Azovstal fighters to surrender
ReplyDeleteBuffalo shooter used same symbol as Ukraine’s Azov – Russian diplomat
ReplyDeleteDaarom heeft de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Lloyd Austin de Russische minister van Defensie gebeld – Er heerst paniek!
ReplyDeleteThat's why U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin called the Russian defense minister - There's panic!
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Mainstream media weigeren de massale overgave van de in de Azovstal-fabriek opgesloten Azovnazi’s een overgave te noemen
ReplyDeleteRegime Media Refuse to Call Mass Surrender of Azov Fighters Holed Up in Azovstal Plant a Surrender
DeleteWATCH: Ukrainian fighters at Azovstal surrender to Russia
ReplyDeleteDood door duizend sneden: Waar blijft de strategie van het Westen voor Oekraïne?
ReplyDeleteDeath by a thousand cuts: where is the west’s Ukraine strategy?
DeleteEU beseft nu pas te laat dat de sancties de Europese economieën meer schade berokkenen dan de Russische economie
ReplyDeleteEU now realizes too late that sanctions hurt European economies more than Russian economy
DeleteAlleen onnozele dwazen zetten aan tot een grotere oorlog
ReplyDeleteTwo months of Operation Z
ReplyDeleteAzov commander boasts about gruesome photos of executed civilians
ReplyDeleteREPORTS: U.S. Admiral Surrenders to Russia in Mariupol, Ukraine
ReplyDeleteVS viersterrengeneraal “militair analist” twittert videospel als echte oorlogsstrijd in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteUS four-Star general tweets video game as real Ukraine war battle
Delete959 Oekraïense militanten gaven zich tot nu toe over in Azovstal-fabriek – Leugenaar Zelensky noemt het een humanitaire missie onder toezicht van Oekraïne
ReplyDelete959 Ukrainian militants surrendered so far in Azovstal factory - Liar Zelensky calls it a humanitarian mission overseen by Ukraine
DeleteDe VS en de NAVO voeren oorlog met Rusland in Oekraïne… maar Rusland is verzekerd van de overwinning
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. and NATO Are Waging War With Russia in Ukraine… But Russia Is Assured of Victory – Russell Bentley
DeleteOriginally from Texas, Russell Bentley has been living in the Donetsk People’s Republic for eight years where he now has obtained official citizenship. He left the United States in late 2014 to join the DPR army to defend the breakaway republic from the NATO-backed Kiev regime. He said the suffering of innocent people at the hands of “NATO Nazis” compelled him to volunteer. Bentley has fought on the frontlines where he has seen many of his comrades-in-arms killed. He recently attended the funeral of one of them, Sergey Lysenko, a fighter and poet who was killed in the battle for Volnavaha on May 9, Victory Day. More recently, he has been broadcasting and working in communications to convey to the world what is really happening in the Donbass and Ukraine. He wryly points out that his broadcasting videos have been censored by Youtube while the U.S.-owned media platform continues to permit Ukrainian Nazi battalions to pump out their propaganda.
DeleteQuestion: Western news media have been full of reports on how Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine is a failure. From the perspective of people on the ground in Donbass, how is Russia’s campaign going?
Russell Bentley (almost 62): A lot of people in Donbass and Russia are concerned about the pace and even the conduct of Operation Z, especially in its early stages. In the beginning, some serious mistakes were made, but this is inevitable in every war. Russia has genuinely made every effort to minimize civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure, what U.S. Nazis call “collateral damage” when their military invades and destroys countries. The U.S. regime has had total control of all political and military policies and decisions in Ukraine since 2014, and that includes the Ukrop [Ukrainian military] Nazis’ decision to use civilian human shields and to maximize death and destruction. Russia has faced an absolutely ruthless, even diabolical enemy while trying to maintain honor and morality by upholding and conforming to the laws of war, and setting a humane example. It is like a boxer using Marquis de Queensbury rules trying to fight an MMA fighter who also has brass knuckles and a knife. But the boxer is winning – militarily, economically, and politically.
Mogelijke ruil van de Azov-nazi’s is een weg naar de nederlaag van Rusland
ReplyDeletePotential Exchange Of Azov As Path To Russia’s Defeat
DeleteWill Putin be replaced by hardliners?
DeleteOvergave van Azov-neonazi’s gaat door. De leugens van Zelensky ontmaskerd
ReplyDeleteSurrender Of Azov Fighters Continues. Zelensky’s Lies Exposed
DeleteUS to send anti-ship missiles to Ukraine – Reuters
ReplyDeleteOekraïense “vluchtelingen” branden huis af wegens Russische vlag
ReplyDeletePoetin’s vergissing
ReplyDeletePutin’s Mistake
DeleteNAVO-officieren in Azovstal vermoord en gemutileerd door Azov om Westerse regeringen niet in verlegenheid te brengen?
ReplyDeleteNATO Officers in Azovstol Murdered & Mutilated by Azov to Spare Western Governments Embarrassment?
DeleteWat is er met Duitsland aan de hand?
ReplyDeleteWhat's the Deal with Germany?
DeleteHet lot van de Oekraïense militanten die zich in Azovstal overgaven
ReplyDeleteFate Of Ukrainian Militants Who Surrendered In Azovstal
DeleteAan alle oorlogszuchtigen in de bewapeningswaanzin: Op naar Oekraïne met jullie!
ReplyDeleteTo all the warmongers in the armament frenzy: Off to Ukraine with you!
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Azov-commandanten hebben zich overgegeven – Eerste interview van commandant van 36e Mariniersbrigade
ReplyDeleteAzov commanders have surrendered - First interview of commander of 36th Marine Brigade
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Heeft Rusland al gewonnen? Is het “Game Over” voor het Rockefeller Imperium?
ReplyDeleteHas Russia Already Won? Is it “Game Over” for the Rockefeller Empire?
DeleteOostenrijk zoveelste die door de knieën gaat – opent roebelgasrekening
ReplyDeleteAustria opens ruble gas account
DeleteDe tenenkrommende verdraagzaamheid, geduld en zelfbeheersing van Poetin
ReplyDeleteVladimir Putin as Robert E. Lee
DeletePro-Oekraïne certificaat voor reizen binnen de EU
ReplyDeletePro-Ukraine certificate for travel within the EU
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Journalist boos over verslaggeving Azovstal in Marioepol: ‘Een volstrekte leugen en desinformatie’
ReplyDeleteAMERICAN Journalist angry at reporting Azovstal in Marioepol: 'An utter lie and disinformation'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Waarheen Slava Oekraïners?
ReplyDeleteWhither Slava Ukraini?
DeleteNAVO-roeptoeter New York Times komt er ook achter: Oekraïense militaire overwinning op Rusland lijkt onrealistisch
ReplyDeleteNATO call horn New York Times also finds out: Ukrainian military victory over Russia seems unrealistic
DeleteOperatie Z – Rusland heeft geen domme bommen, ze zijn allemaal naar school gegaan
ReplyDeleteOperation Z – Russia has no dumb bombs, they all went to school
DeleteDmitry Trenin: How Russia must reinvent itself to defeat the West's 'hybrid war'
ReplyDeleteRussia's very existence is under threat. The country has to take serious measures to ensure it survives
Veiligheidsdeskundigen waarschuwen: Westerse wapens voor Oekraïne komen terecht bij criminelen en terroristen
ReplyDeleteSecurity experts warn: Western weapons for Ukraine end up with criminals and terrorists
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
NATO member will send Ukraine anti-ship missiles
ReplyDeleteNew Zealand to train Ukrainian troops
ReplyDeleteNew Zealand is also at WAR with Russia!
DeleteOn behalf of the PEDO-POPE and SATAN!
DeleteGedonder in Navostan – Polen eist van Noorwegen olie-inkomsten af te staan
ReplyDeleteBig fight in Navostan – Poland demands Norway to hand over oil revenues
DeleteEU member explains why Ukraine's accession is unlikely
ReplyDeleteHungary declares state of emergency
ReplyDeleteMoscow explains slowdown of Ukraine operation
ReplyDeleteUkraine pledges to enter Crimea ‘by end of year’
ReplyDeleteThe turnaround in the conflict with Russia is going to happen in August, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence claims
Het lijkt erop dat de CNN en de rest van de mainstream media moe worden van de oorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteLooks Like CNN and Rest of The American Media Are Growing Weary of the war in Ukraine
DeleteHenry Kissinger op het WEF: Oekraïne moet grondgebied aan Rusland afstaan (en meer onderling gelazer)
ReplyDeleteHenry Kissinger at the WEF: Ukraine must cede territory to Russia (and more infighting)
Delete‘Situation in Donbass extremely bad’ – Ukraine
ReplyDeleteOorlogshitser New York Times verwerpt streven naar “beslissende militaire overwinning” in Oekraïne, roept nu op tot vredesonderhandelingen
ReplyDeleteNew York Times warmonger rejects push for 'decisive military victory' in Ukraine, now calls for peace negotiations
DeleteFrans luitenant-kolonel Jacques Guillemain: “Oekraïense soldaten verschansen zich in de steden”
ReplyDeleteFrench Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Guillemain: “Ukrainian soldiers are entrenched in the cities”
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Oekraïense regering dient wetsvoorstel in om officieren in staat te stellen overgevende Oekraïense legertroepen te doden
ReplyDeleteMadness! Ukraine Gov't Files Bill to allow Officers to KILL Surrendering Ukraine Army Troops
DeleteVS militaire trainers gespot in Krivoy Rog, Oekraïne (video)
ReplyDeleteUS Military Trainers Spotted In Krivoy Rog, Ukraine (Video)
DeleteRusland bereikt record handelsoverschot – de financiële oorlog van het Westen is mislukt
ReplyDeleteRussia To Reach Record Trade Surplus – The West’s Financial War Has Failed
DeleteUkraine threatens EU member
ReplyDeleteIsrael blocks Ukraine missile deal – media
ReplyDeleteRussia warns it will respond to US censorship
ReplyDeleteYouTube censureert na 8 jaar tape van Obama functionarissen uit 2014 die Oekraïense staatsgreep plannen (Nederlands transcript)
ReplyDeleteYouTube Censors Tape of Obama Officials From 2014 Planning Ukraine Coup After 8 Years
Delete“Go fuck yourselves” zegt Zelensky’s kabinet tegen Westerse functionarissen
ReplyDeleteNederlandse journalist doet verbazingwekkende vondst in voormalig hoofdkwartier Azov-bataljon
ReplyDeleteDutch journalist makes astonishing find in former Azov battalion headquarters
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Ukraine risks merging with Poland – former president
ReplyDeleteKissinger turns 99, declared ‘enemy’ by Ukraine
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: Oekraïense leger stort in elkaar; Zelensky zegt (nu) “moeten de realiteit onder ogen zien”
ReplyDeleteUkraine Army COLLAPSING; Zelensky (Now) Saying "Must Face Reality . . ."
DeleteZal de agressie van de NAVO Rusland dwingen de speciale operatie tot buiten Oekraïne uit te breiden?
ReplyDeleteWill NATO Aggression Force Russia to Extend the Special Operation Beyond the Ukraine?
DeleteMainstream media geven zeldzame inkijk in hoe slecht het werkelijk gaat met de Oekraïense strijdkrachten
ReplyDeleteMSM Offers Rare Glimpse Into How Bad Things Are Really Going For Ukrainian Forces
DeleteErgste gevechten die ik ooit heb meegemaakt: Buitenlandse huurlingen in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteWorst Fighting I Have Ever Experienced: Foreign Militants On Battles In Ukraine (Video 18+)
DeleteFinland to deploy F-35 fighter jets near Santa Claus village
ReplyDeleteTwee voorbeelden van het gebruik van drone-oorlogsvoering door Rusland
ReplyDeleteTwo Examples of Russia’s Use of Drone Warfare
DeleteWaarom vertelt Kiev eindelijk de waarheid over het Oost-Oekraïense front?
ReplyDeleteWhy’s Kiev Finally Telling The Truth About The Eastern Ukrainian Front?
DeletePlannen zijn aan het veranderen voor de VS
ReplyDeletePlans Are Changing For The US. Larry Talks To Eva.
DeleteVeteran of the CIA & State Department, Larry C Johnson, on Ukraine, Donbass & Russia
DeleteZelensky verwijt Mark Rutte ervan “te blijven zwijgen” over het mogelijke EU-lidmaatschap van Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteZelensky accuses Mark Rutte of "remaining silent" about Ukraine's possible EU membership
DeleteZelensky and Rutte are both first class A-HOLES!
DeleteUS insists it won’t give Ukraine weapons that could attack Russia
ReplyDeleteRussia names profiteers from Ukraine crisis
ReplyDeleteSome US companies are using the conflict for economic expansion, Russia’s top security official has claimed