Friday, May 31, 2013
Netanyahu Tells Putin: We’ll Destroy S-300s
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu hinted in a meeting with Russian
President Vladimir Putin that if Russia sends S-300 missiles to Syria,
Israel will destroy them before they become operational. So reports Maariv based on reports from diplomatic sources who were updated regarding the meeting between the two leaders. Read more...
Netanyahu’s language reportedly was echoed by National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror, who told EU diplomats that Israel would prevent Russian S-300s delivered to Syria from becoming operational.
Globalists Furious: Putin Disrupts Their Plans for a “New World Order”
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World Economic Forum and Soros Rally Behind Ukraine: Delete Connection to Putin (Video)
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World Economic Forum and Soros Rally Behind Ukraine: Delete Connection to Putin (Video)
And the people of this world will be singing:
Space Station YELLOW and BLUE Is Another Coinky dink! / Hugo Talks
What's happening in Ukraine is part of the plan.
New book exposes the TRUE history of the New York Times’ embrace of Hitler, Stalin, Castro
ReplyDeleteBulgarije, Hongarije, Servië: verzet tegen oorlogszuchtige NAVO groeit
ReplyDeleteBulgaria, Hungary, Serbia: Resistance to belligerent NATO grows
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Bandietenrijk Amerika gebruikt brutale morele preken en dreigementen tegen hele wereld
ReplyDeleteBandit American Empire Using Bold Moral Lecturing and Threats Against Entire World
DeleteLPR has taken control of more than 90% of its territory – Russian MoD
ReplyDelete20,000 foreign volunteers have reportedly joined Ukrainian Army
ReplyDeleteIt Took Russia 31 years to figure out she was trusting Satan but the knowledge hasn’t translated into action
ReplyDeletePutin Acknowledges that Washington Has Launched a War of Annihilation Against Russia
ReplyDeleteRussia Confirms It Is Using Hypersonic Missiles In Ukraine
ReplyDeleteThese Charts Show Russia's Invasion Choking World Of Natural Resources
ReplyDeleteNATO's Plans to Attack Russia 23 March 2022???
ReplyDeleteCaptured Ukrainian ammo and military tech in Kiev region
ReplyDeleteZelensky bans 'pro-Russian' opposition parties
ReplyDeleteIn het onbezette Oekraïne wordt iedereen aan palen vastgebonden en afgeranseld
ReplyDeleteIn Unoccupied Ukraine, Everyone Is Getting Taped to Posts and Whipped
DeleteZelensky dreigt met een Derde Wereldoorlog als de onderhandelingen met Rusland mislukken
ReplyDeleteZelensky Says WWIII Assured If Negotiations With Russia Break Down
DeleteZelensky wil de hele wereld verwoesten door het Westen in een kernoorlog met Rusland te trekken
ReplyDeleteZelensky wants to destroy the whole world by drawing the West into a nuclear war with Russia
DeleteOekraïens medisch hoofd beveelt castratie van Russische krijgsgevangenen – “Het zijn kakkerlakken”
ReplyDeleteUkrainian medical chief orders castration of Russian prisoners — RT EN
DeleteRussisch leger zegt bedankt: Duits oorlogsmaterieel voor Oekraïne al na drie dagen verloren – huurlingen vluchten massaal
ReplyDeleteRussian army says thanks: German war equipment for Ukraine lost after three days – mercenaries flee en masse
DeleteIn de schaduw van de oorlog: Oekraïne als het Great Reset-laboratorium van de wereldwijde tech-elites – Sociaal krediet en metaversum hel
ReplyDeleteIn the Shadow of War: Ukraine as the Great Reset Laboratory of the Global Tech Elites – Social Credit and Metaverse Hell
DeleteKiev zegt dat Oekraïners zuiverbloed Slavische mensen zijn, Russen zijn vuile rasmengers
ReplyDeleteSatanic people find any excuse to hate = to murder, while we ALL derive from Adam and Eve
DeleteWereldoorlog ESCALATIE wordt agressief gepusht door Biden en de NAVO, omdat tirannen een voedselschaarstecrisis nodig hebben om wereldwijde ontvolkingsmijlpalen te bereiken
ReplyDeleteWorld war ESCALATION being aggressively pushed by Biden and NATO because tyrants need a food scarcity crisis to reach global depopulation milestones
DeleteGlobalisten woedend: Poetin verstoort hun plannen voor een “Nieuwe Wereldorde”
ReplyDeleteGlobalists Furious: Putin Disrupts Their Plans for a “New World Order”
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World Economic Forum and Soros Rally Behind Ukraine: Delete Connection to Putin (Video)
DeleteWarning: Ukraine is the Great Reset Laboratory of the Global Tech Elite
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum and Soros Rally Behind Ukraine: Delete Connection to Putin (Video)
ReplyDeleteUkrainian refugees will be celebrating Passover in Israel thanks to Meir Panim
ReplyDeleteMany refugees are headed to search for sanctuary in various countries. But the Jewish ones are returning to their ancestral homeland, Israel
Israel warns Moscow about ‘consequences’ amid Jewish Agency row
ReplyDeleteEU explains different approach to Ukraine and Palestine