The Russian government has announced the issuance of an arrest warrant for billionaire Georges Soros, "the main promoter of the war in Ukraine."
Almost simultaneously, China publicly declares Soros to be a "Global Terrorist."
Developing, check back
Put this article in a translator and know more....
The Moron in Chief: Joe Biden Tells US Servicemen in Poland, “Don’t Jump!” – Calls Declaration of Independence “Corny” (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteWij onderbreken het programma om u de brandende wereld te laten zien
ReplyDeleteWe Interrupt This Program To Bring You the World As It Burns
DeleteDuits bord: Geen vluchtelingenhulp voor blanken
ReplyDeleteGerman sign: No refugee aid for whites
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White House Furiously Backpedals After Biden Tells US Troops In Poland That ‘When You’re There’ In Ukraine ‘You’re Going To See’ People And Tanks
ReplyDeleteLive Replay: President Biden delivers remarks on efforts to support the people of Ukraine
DeleteIt starts at 5:10
DeleteHe started his speech as a ROMAN CATHOLIC by referring to Pope John Paul II
The head of every Catholic is the POPE, btw....
This former president restored relations with the Vatican:
Biden the 'children's friend'
At the end of his speech, Biden made it clear that he wants regime change in Russia and that Putin must leave.
DeletePutin sees that very differently!
Biden Says "Butcher" Putin "Cannot Remain In Power" In Call For Regime Change In Russia
ReplyDeleteBiden himself is the Butcher.
DeleteThe Biggest Lies (so Far) Surrounding Russia and Ukraine
ReplyDeleteDe geest uit de fles: Zoon van Biden zit diep in de Oekraïense biolabs
ReplyDeleteThe genie out of the bottle: Biden's son is deep in Ukraine's biolabs
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Dozens protest in Vienna ‘against NATO's expansion'
ReplyDeleteBelgrade residents denounce NATO in support of Russia
ReplyDeleteHas The West Forgotten The Iraq War? | By Robert Inlakesh
ReplyDeleteBBC interviews Ukrainian soldier with Nazi symbol on uniform
ReplyDeleteEnd of West near: China stands squarely behind Russia as Ukrainian army is virtually defeated
ReplyDeleteSources below the article
Links Between Hunter Biden and Ukrainian Biolabs Confirmed
ReplyDeleteDe NAVO propagandeert zichzelf in oorlog
ReplyDeleteTopglobalist: Poetin heeft globalisering gedood
ReplyDeleteBlackRock's Larry Fink, who oversees $10 trillion, says Russia-Ukraine war is ending globalization
DeleteHet Westen gebruikt de voedselschaarste als wapen
ReplyDeleteThe West uses food scarcity as a weapon
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Propaganda verandert de oorlog niet – Oekraïne verliest nog steeds
ReplyDeletePropaganda Does Not Change The War - The Ukraine Is Still Losing - Updated
DeleteMarch 25, 2022
DeleteFor the record Russia's Defense Ministry just announced that as of today 1,351 Russian servicemen have been killed and 3,825 wounded. (The losses of the Lugansk and Donetsk militia are not included in those numbers.)
Estimated UA losses: 30k (killed + wounded + captured?), with 14k categorized as "irretrievable". 50%-70% of important UA equipment destroyed.
6500+ foreign mercenaries/etc present.
De media keren terug naar COVID – Voorspel van een valse vlag voor Oekraïne?
ReplyDeleteMedia Pivots Back to COVID – Prelude to a Ukraine False Flag?
DeleteSchokkende video’s tonen Oekraïners die Russische krijgsgevangenen neerschieten en martelen
ReplyDeleteShocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs
DeleteShocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)
DeleteAZOV nazi-commandant gevangengenomen
ReplyDeleteAZOV Commander Caught as Mariupol’s Nazi Torture Factories Revealed, POWs Shot for Twitter Videos (Extreme Warning/Graphic Torture)
DeleteRusland: De Nieuwe Wereldorde is tot een einde gekomen
ReplyDeleteRussia: The New World Order has come to an end
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Het is officieel! De Russische Centrale Bank heeft zojuist de de Euro en de Amerikaanse dollar verpletterd
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It's Official! Russia Central bank Announces Ruble Bound to Gold! 5000 Rubles per Gram
DeleteWhat Russia just did is the financial equivalent of detonating a nuclear bomb.
DeleteVladimir Putin's Indictment Against the New World Order
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s wet om Russen straffeloos te doden – Verdrag van Genève ongeldig voor gewapende burgers
ReplyDeleteZelensky's Law to Kill Russians With Impunity – Geneva Convention Invalid for Armed Civilians
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Gasleveringen aan Europa kunnen in enkele DAGEN worden stopgezet
ReplyDeleteGas supplies to Europe could be halted in a matter of DAYS
DeleteHet is duidelijk dat degenen die begrijpen waar dit naar toe gaat, de Derde Wereldoorlog is
ReplyDeleteObviously, those who understand where this is headed is World War III
ReplyDeleteNATO & Russia Nearly Went to War - Kosovo 1999
ReplyDeletePoetin stopt vandaag met de gaslevering aan Europa – tenzij er in roebels betaald wordt
ReplyDeletePutin will stop supplying gas to Europe today – unless payment is made in rubles
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Poetin waarschuwt Westen voedselcrisis zal leiden tot nieuwe migrantencrisis
ReplyDeletePutin Warns West Food Crisis Will Lead to New Migrant Crisis
DeleteHe also asserted that the sanctions against Russia were “prepared in advance” and would have been imposed anyway “to curb Russia’s development” and to weaken its “industrial, financial and technological potential.”
DeleteZonder Russisch gas kan West-Europa niet overleven en er is geen plan B
ReplyDeleteWestern Europe cannot survive without Russian gas and there is no plan B
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“Russia is Succeeding Wildly in its Objectives!” Scott Ritter on the War in Ukraine
DeletePoetin wint – Rusland zal dankzij de sancties van het Westen naar verwachting in 2022 de hoogste gaswinsten in de geschiedenis boeken
ReplyDeleteRussia Expected to See Highest Gas Profits in History in 2022 Despite U.S. Sanctions
Delete“De helse Westerse sancties zijn er niet alleen niet in geslaagd Rusland te verlammen, maar zijn in plaats daarvan als een boemerang naar het Westen teruggekeerd
ReplyDeleteMeet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency
DeleteGazprom stopt gastransporten naar Europa via kritieke pijpleiding nadat EU weigert in roebels te betalen
ReplyDeleteGazprom Halts Gas Shipments To Europe Via Critical Pipeline
DeleteEr is geen contract voor aardgas tussen Gazprom in Rusland en Duitsland – Duitsland is F*cked!
ReplyDeleteThere is NO CONTRACT for Natural Gas Between GAZPROM in Russia, and Germany
DeleteOekraïne eist GESTOLEN Russische valutareserves te krijgen
ReplyDeleteUkraine demands to get STOLEN Russian currency reserves
DeleteVia slimme tactieken krijgt Poetin zijn zin in de roebels-voor-energie-eis
ReplyDeleteVia Clever Tactics, Putin Gets His Way On Rubles-For-Energy Demand
Delete“Roebelgas:” De Grote Reset van Davos is verbrijzeld door de Russische Reset
ReplyDelete‘Rublegas:’ the world’s new resource-based reserve currency
DeleteStrategische misrekening? Kunnen de financiële sancties tegen Rusland het Westen “ten val brengen”?
ReplyDeleteStrategic Miscalculation? Financial Sanctions Directed against Russia Could “Topple the West”?
DeleteRusland en het Westen verwikkeld in een fundamenteel conflict tussen globalisten en anti-globalisten
ReplyDeleteRussia and the West Engaged in Fundamental Conflict between Globalists and Anti-Globalists, Shaburov Says
Delete'We are not going to be isolated' – Putin to the world
ReplyDeleteUkrainian side violated agreements reached in Istanbul – Putin
ReplyDeleteFood prices are growing, and they did so even before the special operation began - Putin
ReplyDeleteBucha incident ‘faked’ like Syria chemical attack allegations - Putin
ReplyDeleteArctic region is not part of the geo-political game — Putin
ReplyDeletePutin: ‘Unfriendly’ West delaying payments for Russian energy
ReplyDeleteRT visits Mariupol apartments turned into firing positions by neo-Nazis
ReplyDeleteRT visits Mariupol apartments turned into firing positions by neo-Nazis
ReplyDeleteNeo-Nazis on drugs.
DeleteThese are the heroes of the western nations controlled by the insane Jesuits and Jesuit Pope Francis and Satan.
Roots of Ukraine conflict | 8 years since Kiev's 'Donbass operation'
ReplyDeleteBryansk residents emotional after Ukrainian airstrike
ReplyDeletePoetin: “Het Westen heeft gefaald met zijn economische oorlog”
ReplyDeletePutin: "The West has failed with its economic war".
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‘Hij wil Europa slopen’: Gelekte stukken onthullen dat George Soros verkiezingen in heel Europa manipuleert
ReplyDelete'He wants to demolish Europe': Leaked documents reveal George Soros manipulating elections across Europe
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George Soros: “Wat in Oekraïne gebeurt, is mijn beste project”
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros: "What's happening in Ukraine is my best project"
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Waarom zijn de tunnels van Azovstal in Mariupol zo belangrijk voor het Westen?
ReplyDeleteWhy are the tunnels of Azovstal in Mariupol so important to the West?
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Journalist brengt bezoek aan ‘enorm massagraf’ bij Marioepol: ‘Allemaal leugens, nep’
ReplyDeleteJournalist visits 'huge mass grave' near Marioepol: 'All lies, fake'
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Western Claims of Russian Mass Graves Near Mariupol Another Fake News Hoax--I Know, I Went To See
DeleteGeorge Soros wil “Europa slopen en verkiezingen vervalsen”, zo blijkt uit documenten van de Open Society
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros wants to "demolish Europe and rig elections," according to documents from the Open Society
DeleteSecond most powerful person
DeleteThe Ukrainian newspaper Vesti compiled a list of the 100 most influential figures in Ukraine in 2019. Soros turns out to be the second most powerful person in Ukraine, just behind President Zelensky.
Nieuwe ministerie van Waarheid gerund door marionetten van George Soros
ReplyDeleteNew Ministry of Truth run by puppets of George Soros
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Psychopath and mass murderer Soros declares ‘defeat Putin ASAP to preserve our civilization
ReplyDeleteOntmoet de nieuwe baas; Poetin verlegt kritieke koolwaterstoffen naar het Oosten en laat Europa in de kou staan
ReplyDeleteMeet the New Boss; Putin Reroutes Critical Hydrocarbons Eastward Leaving Europe High-and-Dry
Delete‘De oude wereldorde is voorbij’: dit zijn de belangrijkste punten uit de speech van Poetin
ReplyDelete'The old world order is over': these are the key points from Putin's speech
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Putin disagrees with ally on NATO nuclear threat
ReplyDeletePutin to take first foreign trip since February
ReplyDeletePutin predicts ‘revolutionary’ changes
ReplyDeleteCoca-Cola is ‘all chemicals’ – Putin
ReplyDeleteDuidelijke woorden Poetin over de komende nieuwe wereldorde
ReplyDeletePutin's clear words about the coming new world order
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Russian communist leader reveals offer from Western- backed President
ReplyDeleteBoris Yeltsin had entourage of ‘hundreds’ of CIA agents who instructed him how to run Russia, claims former parliamentary speaker
DeletePutin reveals imminent delivery of new hypersonic missiles
ReplyDeletePoetin legt de Europeanen uit waar het bij de Nord Stream turbine om gaat, en meer
ReplyDeletePutin explains to Europeans what the Nord Stream turbine is all about, and more
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Putin says EU should thank Turkey
ReplyDeletePoetin slaat het woke Westen om de oren met ongemakkelijke waarheden – “Maak uw eigen huis schoon… de schuldigen voor de crisis zijn in uw eigen omgeving te vinden”
ReplyDeletePutin is beating the woke West with inconvenient truths – “Clean your own house… the culprits for the crisis are in your own environment”
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Details about assassination of ‘Russian world’ ideologue’s daughter revealed
ReplyDeleteWestern media's favorite Russian philosopher: Who is Aleksandr Dugin, whose daughter was killed in a Moscow car bombing?
ReplyDeleteDit is ‘m dan: de man die op het deksel van de doofpot rond de laptop van Hunter Biden zit
ReplyDeleteHere it is: the man sitting on the lid of the cover-up around Hunter Biden's laptop
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The man behind the curtain: A new report exposes how George Soros’ propaganda machine has corrupted the media
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros is defending the unipolar world order, not freedom
ReplyDeleteHongarije bereidt vervolging voor van “levenslange nazi” George Soros voor Holocaust-gruweldaden
ReplyDeleteHungary Prepares To Prosecute ‘Lifelong Nazi’ George Soros For Holocaust Atrocities
DeleteZoon van George Soros is kind aan huis in het Witte Huis
ReplyDeleteSon of George Soros is a regular in the White House
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‘Ridin’ with Biden’: Zoon van Soros deelt foto met marionet-president
ReplyDelete'Ridin' with Biden': Son of Soros shares photo with puppet president
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China has officially declared George Soros a ‘Global Terrorist’ — and said that he is “the son of Satan and the most evil person in the world”.
ReplyDeleteThis is breaking news because although that story was released a few years back, it was suppressed and censored! Now that we have Twitter, this news can trend and people can become aware of such statement made by China.
Delete9:43 PM · Apr 30, 2023
Hans S
Tracy 🇺🇲 ☮️
We had Twitter 2 years ago...
City Katz
Yeah and it was censored
RiderStrong 2.0
China Officially Declares George Soros a 'Global Terrorist' - He's 'the Son of Satan'
DeleteSoros partly controls human rights court – Medvedev
ReplyDeleteMusk haalt uit naar ‘Magneto’ George Soros: ‘Hij haat de mensheid’
ReplyDeleteMusk lashes out at 'Magneto' George Soros: 'He hates humanity'
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Is George Soros actually a real-life Magneto?
ReplyDeleteAlex Soros zweert conservatieven uit te roeien van het internet: “Ik ben 100 keer erger dan mijn vader”
ReplyDeleteAlex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”
DeleteSoros to shut down most EU projects – Reuters
DeleteSatan is giving up? I don't think so
Why San Francisco is dying and what it has to do with George Soros
ReplyDeleteGeorge Soros funded Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’ – NY Post
ReplyDeleteMusk haalt uit naar Soros: ‘Hij lijkt niets minder te willen dan de VERNIETIGING van de westerse beschaving’
ReplyDeleteMusk lashes out at Soros: 'He seems to want nothing less than the DESTRUCTION of Western Civilization'
DeleteKijk: President van El Salvador haalt verwoestend uit naar Soros
ReplyDeleteWatch: President of El Salvador lashes out at Soros
DeleteDe agenda van globalist George Soros ontmaskerd: dit is waarom Europa volgepakt wordt met migranten
ReplyDeleteGlobalist George Soros' agenda exposed: this is why Europe is becoming packed with migrants
DeleteRothschild helpt Oekraïne bij schuldsanering
ReplyDeleteRothschild helps Ukraine with debt restructuring
DeleteHoe president Poetin George Soros wist te verslaan
ReplyDeleteHow President Putin managed to defeat George Soros
DeleteBREAKING: China has officially declared George Soros a ‘Global Terrorist’ — and said that he is “the son of Satan and the most evil person in the World.”
ReplyDeleteThis is huge!
Hoe George Soros de democratisch gekozen regering in Oekraïne afzette (de media vertellen je dit niet)
ReplyDeleteHow George Soros Overthrew Ukraine's Democratically Elected Government (The Media Won't Tell You This)
DeleteDit interview mogen we van George Soros niet zien: als tiener werkte hij samen met de nazi’s (en daar is hij trots op)
ReplyDeleteWe are not allowed to see this interview from George Soros: as a teenager he collaborated with the Nazis (and he is proud of that)
DeleteItaliaanse premier Meloni haalt uit naar George Soros: ‘Dit is gevaarlijke bemoeienis’
ReplyDeleteItalian PM Meloni lashes out at George Soros: 'This is dangerous interference'
DeleteDit is hoe Soros Rusland probeerde te infiltreren (en het land leegroofde)
ReplyDeleteThis is how Soros tried to infiltrate Russia (and plunder the country)
DeleteSo here we have George Soros showing his true colors:
ReplyDelete"I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia, and the foundation has been functioning ever since.
There was one person who was deeply involved with Ukraine and that's Biden"
Rare video of Hilary Clinton introducing George Soros into American Politics.
ReplyDeleteHe tells the audience he plans to interfere with the electoral process in America
“I feel that I need to stand up and do something and become really engaged in the electoral process in this country”