Tuesday, 15 February 2022

TOP 22 KJV Errors You Must Know to Avoid Hell

 Grace Bride

 Jun 3, 2016


I agree with this criticism of the KJV, but I do believe that reading the KJV can save you forever because the gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, is correct in it.

Incidentally, I have established that the lady who made this video herself does not spread that gospel. 


The Gospel that SAVES FOREVER from burning forever in the lake of fire, and having been saved through this GOSPEL also makes one RAPTURE-READY!

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye ARE saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how^ that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures

^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!

Romans 5:9 King James Version
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Ephesians 1:7 King James Version
7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace

Hebrews 9:22
King James Version
22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Ephesians 2:8-9 King James Version
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.


Ephesians 1:13 King James Version
13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise

2 Corinthians 1:22 King James Version
22 Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

John 3:16 King James Version
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It's ALL about 'I AM SALVATION' 'the ANOINTED ONE' = JESUS the CHRIST according to what our apostle Paul has taught us ON HIS BEHALF in Romans through Philemon.
Read the ENTIRE Bible through (t)his perspective because that's THE GOSPEL OF GRACE by JESUS through Paul.
AFTER the RAPTURE the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM will come into effect AGAIN.
That's NOT for us but for Israel and for everyone who'll be LEFT BEHIND.

Geneva Bible 1599 version of these verses:

The Gospel that SAVES FOREVER from burning forever in the lake of fire, and having been saved through this GOSPEL also makes one RAPTURE-READY!

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible
1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue,
2 And whereby ye ARE saved, IF ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.
3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how^ that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures

^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!

Romans 5:9 1599 Geneva Bible
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Ephesians 1:7 Geneva Bible
By whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, according to his rich grace

Hebrews 9:22
1599 Geneva Bible
22 And almost all things are by the Law purged with blood, and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Ephesians 2:8-9 1599 Geneva Bible
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God,
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast himself.


Ephesians 1:13 1599 Geneva Bible
13 In whom also ye have trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, even the Gospel of your salvation, wherein also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise

2 Corinthians 1:22 1599 Geneva Bible
Who hath also sealed us, and hath given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

John 3:16 1599 Geneva Bible
16 For God so loveth the world, that he hath given his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.  

Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible
46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.
'these' are the those who refused to believe in JESUS and 'the righteous' are those who are saved by God's undeserved gift of grace through faith alone in the blood of JESUS that was shed for the remission of our sins and His resurrection from the dead, and they are also the righteous of the Old Testament and of the coming Time of Jacob's Trouble, aka the great tribulation.

Bible quotes are from the 1599 Geneva Bible and if you use the King James Bible 1611 that's also good. Keep in mind that the KJV was made in response to the GNV (Geneva Bible).
It's ALL about 'I AM SALVATION' 'the ANOINTED ONE' = JESUS the CHRIST according to what our apostle Paul has taught us ON HIS BEHALF in Romans through Philemon.
Read the ENTIRE Bible through (t)his perspective because that's THE GOSPEL OF GRACE by JESUS through Paul.
AFTER the RAPTURE the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM will come into effect AGAIN.

Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Why the KJV is not the perfect inspired word of God - And this applies more or less to all translations of the original correct source text


Many defenders of the so-called Authorized Version of the Scripture (the Bible), also referred to as the King James Version and the 1611 Version, will vigorously attack any other version regardless of sources or the relative accuracy of the translation. While their enthusiasm and dedication is admired, their motives often are suspect. To make a statement that a version is an inspired translation, while knowing that there are translational errors in that version, is to say that our Elohiym, whose name is Yahuwah (yah-hoo-WAH), is known to make mistakes. This cannot be. Yahuwah makes no mistakes. Man is often just too dimwitted to understand that.

    YashaYahuw (Isaiah) 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said Yahuwah.

The King James Version Greek, or Apostolic Scripture, is based on the Textus Receptus and the Ibriy (Hebrew), or TANAKH, is based on the Ben Chayyim manuscripts. However, there are a GREAT many renderings of words in it that do not agree with the underlying original languge definitions. There are many words that are there that are just not translated at all and many other words that are not there have been added to the version by the translators. Many words that should have been translated have been garbled in transliteration and names, which should ALWAYS be transliterated, have been garbled as well. There are so many of these false renderings and ommissions that it cannot seriously be viewed as an "inspired translation" as the KJV-Onlyist claim.





 Related Articles:

Translational Errors in the KJV

Some Answers to KJV-Onlyists

Knowledge vs Science

Corrupt vs Peddle

Why the King James is Not a Perfect Inspired Translation

Is the Geneva Bible the perfect inspired word of God?

Though I believe it's better than the KJV, it's also NOT PERFECT!


  1. What a bunch of LIES! You come across as a JESUIT or a ROMAN CATHOLIC!

    The Roman Catholic MASS MURDER DEATH CULT hated and HATES the Geneva Bible, because in its footnotes it was revealed who the ANTICHRIST is by default: the PAPACY.

    That's something the devil and his death cult made VERY ANGRY.
    So they wanted to get rid of this translation asap, but God=JESUS protected the Geneva Bible thanks to the PROTESTANT Queen Elizabeth who ruled Britain prior to James.

    And you're totally wrong about the Geneva Bible as a so called out-dated translation, because I have a NEW copy at home of the 1599 version and I use the Geneva Bible everyday and especially online.

    Just to give you an example how the KJV CHANGED the word of God=JESUS:

    Matthew 25:46 King James Version

    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    But what did JESUS REALLY say?

    Matthew 25:46 New Matthew Bible (Modernized version of the New Testament of William Tyndale, published in 1537 https://classic.biblegateway.com/versions/New-Matthew-Bible-NMB/ )

    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, but the righteous into life eternal.

    Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible

    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.

    Matthaeus 25:46 Luther Bibel 1545

    46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.

    Translation: And they will go in the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

    My Dutch PROTESTANT Bible also says PAIN and not 'punishment'.

    Is this a big deal?
    Because adherents of the unbiblical doctrine called annihilationism believe in the word punishment of the KJV, because annihilation is indeed a punishment.

    But is this the truth?
    The torment in the lake of fire is ETERNAL or EVERLASTING and this is what JESUS really meant so the KJV is LYING!

    King James authorized the KJV because he had read EVERY WORD of it and had given his approval before it was published, so he was responsible as the KING.

    The Geneva Bible was made by people who were former Catholics and they did it with the COMMON people in mind, and in that sense they finished the work of William Tyndale.
    The KJV was a STATE PROJECT and not a project ordained by God because King James wasn't even SAVED!!!!!

    When the KJV celebrated its 400th anniversary in 2011, it received enormous attention in the SECULAR world and the media.
    That shows how important this COUNTERFEIT of the Geneva Bible is to the world, and that world is STILL in the power of the Roman Empire in disguise, the Roman Catholic Church.

    When the Geneva Bible was 400 years old in the year 1960, NO ATTENTION was paid to it!
    Of course not, because Satan HATES that translation that was once the most popular translation into English of the original manuscripts of the root Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible.

  2. Replies
    1. So, recently, I've wanted to get an interlinear bible. My searching for the perfect (for me) interlinear bible led me to stumble upon the Geneva Bible. After reading about it, some things I learned were that

      - It was condemned by King James
      - He made it illegal and tried to print his own in it's place
      - The KJV was hated and failed miserably upon release
      - King James literally had to enforce laws banning the printing of the Geneva Bible and make owning one completely illegal and making the use of it in churches illegal, but even after the banning of the Geneva, people still illegally imported it due to the preference of it over the politically inspired KJV
      - Then, even after it's banning, it still took nearly nearly half a century of the KJV being the only bible being published, to finally start catching on because it was the only bible being printed
      - The only reason the KJV was printed, was because the king wanted people to stop reading the Geneva (some historians argue it's - among many other reasons - partially because of the use of the word tyrant being used over 400 times to describe wicked kings and queens)
      - Even the people who translated the KJV bible read and historically preferred this bible (Geneva)
      - Several famous people of the day, and those that worked on the KJV quoted from the Geneva bible


  3. Hebrews 4:8 King James Version

    8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

    Hebrews 4:8 21st Century King James Version

    8 For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterwards have spoken of another day.

    Hebrews 4:8 Complete Jewish Bible

    8 For if Y’hoshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later of another “day.”

    Hebrews 4:8 1599 Geneva Bible

    8 For if [a]Jesus had given them rest, then would he not after this have spoken of another day.

    [a] Hebrews 4:8 He speaketh of Joshua the son of Nun: and as the land of Canaan was a figure of our true rest, so was Joshua a figure of Christ.

    Hebrews 4:8 American Standard Version

    8 For if [a]Joshua had given them rest, he would not have spoken afterward of another day.

    [a] Hebrews 4:8 Greek Jesus. Compare Acts 7:45.

    Acts 7:45 American Standard Version

    45 Which also our fathers, in their turn, brought in with [a]Joshua when they entered on the possession of the [b]nations, that God thrust out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;
    [a] Acts 7:45 Greek Jesus. Compare Heb. 4:8.
    [b] Acts 7:45 Or, Gentiles. Compare 4:25.

    Acts 7:45 King James Version

    45 Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David

    Acts 7:45 1599 Geneva Bible (without footnotes)

    45 Which tabernacle also our fathers received, and brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, which God drove out before our fathers, unto the days of David

    Yes, it should be Joshua


    Walter Mintz • 2 hours ago

    In Hebrews 4, the KJB mentions Jesus when it's really talking about Joshua. Joshua led his people to the promised land, and Jesus will lead His as well.


  4. The first Bible in English in what would become the US was the Geneva Bible and NOT the KJV!

    The KJV is NOT better than the Geneva Bible: it's WORSE and it CHANGED the WORD OF GOD!

    KJV-onlyists think that God ONLY speaks ENGLISH and only preserved their beloved KJV, which is total MADNESS!

    And I also understand German:

    Matthaeus 25:46 Luther Bibel 1545

    46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.
    And they will go in the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

    Matthew 25:46 New Matthew Bible (Based on the New Testament translated by William Tyndale and published in 1537)
    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, but the righteous into life eternal.

    Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible (First published in 1560)
    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal

    And then the KJV CHANGED the words of JESUS Christ:

    Matthew 25:46 King James Version
    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.


    No big deal?

    Well, the people who believe in the SATANIC doctrine called ANNIHILATIONISM love the version of the KJV of Matthew 25:46 because EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT can ALSO mean ANNIHILATION and that's totally in the interest of Satan!

    He doesn't want to be TORMENTED by God FOR EVER in the lake of fire!!!!


    Hans S • 3 days ago • edited

    One very good thing came out of this experiment, called the USA: the GOSPEL of Christ JESUS was introduced in this continent, and KJV-lovers might not like this, but the Pilgrim Fathers brought with them the Bible that was made in Geneva Switzerland, due to the persecution in England by the Roman Catholic church during that time, and they tried to live in the Netherlands, that had become PROTESTANT and AGAINST the Catholic church, but due to language problems they went to Britain again, but there they didn't want to live under the rule of King James, who hated the Geneva Bible, so they decided to flee to what is now the USA.



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    BuffaloBillyT Hans S • 5 hours ago

    No issues with the pilgrims having a Geneva Bible...but can't recall ever reading that King James hated the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible served its purpose...and a valuable one at that, but the KJB is the Word of God. It is a better translation...and there is no other translation that will ever supersede it. That is why it has a longevity of over 400 years...GOD preserves His Word! Shalom, BuffaloBilly

  5. I keep being amazed how especially Americans have such high esteem for kings and monarchies!

    During the time of King James, the Dutch were the first and only modern Protestant Republic in the world and God blessed the Netherlands so much the we became the richest and most powerful country on earth, while we were only a few million strong and a small country.

    The US didn't exist and the Dutch discovered many parts of the world and founded New Amsterdam at the tip of Manhattan, which the British later stole and called New York, resulting in several wars between the British and the Dutch.

    The Pilgrim Fathers didn't want to live under the oppression of King James who hated the Geneva Bible, which was VERY popular in those days.

    I know that most of the KJV is simply COPIED from the Geneva Bible!

    King James wanted to get rid of the footnotes of the Geneva Bible in which is was revealed who the Antichrist is: the PAPACY.

    All monarchies cooperate with the Vatican up until this day, so they want to stay friends with this MAFIA organization.

    King James forced people to buy his 'authorized' counterfeit and HE was the one who 'authorized' that version and not God, and God is also not only speaking English, what a lot of KJV-onlyists seem to think.

    There was already an EXCELLENT translation of the Bible and that was (and is: a have a brand new copy at home) the Geneva Bible, but that Bible was not produced according to the rules of the Christian-religious establishment of busy bodies who weren't even saved and who also didn't have to risk their lives while making it.

    The makers of the Geneva Bible had to flee all the way to Geneva, Switzerland due to the brutal oppression of Protestants by the Catholic church In England under the rule of 'Bloody Mary' Tudor.

    Information of an American free thinking believer in the Lord JESUS:



    sparrow456 Hans S • 5 hours ago • edited

    Hi Hans, No I'm not saying you lied at all, only that others have, your source. I find it hard to believe some of that because King James employed holy, God fearing men to meticulously translate every book, checking them over and over and over. The translators made sure of no errors and no changes.
    Translating the King James Bible
    Unlike Westcott, Hort, and the R.V. Committee, King James went through great efforts to guard the 1611 translation from errors. Please note the following:

    1. 1. In 1604, King James announced that 54 Hebrew and Greek scholars had been appointed to translate a new Bible for English speaking people. The number was reduced to 47 by the time the work formally began in 1607.
      2. Rather than working together all at one location, these men were divided into six separate groups, which worked at three separate locations. There were two at Westminster, two at Oxford, and two at Cambridge.
      3. Each group translated a selected portion of Scripture.
      4. Each scholar made his translation of a book and then passed it on to be reviewed by each member of his group.
      5. The whole group then went over the book together.
      6. Once a group had completed a book of the Bible, they sent it to be reviewed by the other five groups.
      7. All objectionable and questionable translating was marked and noted, and then it was returned to the original group for consideration. 8. A special committee was formed by selecting one leader from each group. This committee worked out all of the remaining differences and produced a finished copy.
      9. This means that the King James Bible had to pass at FOURTEEN examinations before going to press.
      10. Throughout this process, any learned individuals of the land could be called upon for their judgment, and the churches were kept informed of the progress.

      So, was King James a Freemason? I never heard that before, and I doubt it.

      “Edward Macbean claims that the initiation of James VI, King of Scotland, is apocryphal...

      “Edward Macbean [Junior Warden of Quatuor Coronati Lodge]: '...we may remark that the reception of the Scottish King is generally considered apocryphal.'”

      apocryphal adj.

      1. of doubtful authorship or authenticity.
      2. false; spurious: untrue; counterfeit; fabricated; fictitious; made up



    2. Matthew 25:46 King James Version (1611, corrected version)

      46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

      Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible

      46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.

      Matthaeus 25:46 Luther Bibel 1545 (LUTH1545)

      46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.

      Translation: And they will go in the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

      The KJV changed PAIN (what JESUS said) into PUNISHMENT which is a 'great'
      find for people who believe in ANNIHILATIONISM, which is a satanic

      My Dutch Protestant Bible also uses the word PAIN, but
      later revised versions use the Dutch word for PUNISHMENT, and this was
      done on behalf of the VATICAN and the same can be said about the German
      Luther Bible.
      Satan HATES to be TORMENTED FOREVER in God's lake of fire.....he can live with 'punishment' and then eternal non-existence.

      The Vatican is behind all BAD 'translations'.

      There are also non-copyrighted versions of the Geneva Bible.

      The reason why the KJV is mostly based on the right manuscripts from Antioch is because it was and imitation of the Geneva Bible, with very subtle but important changes, and I gave you an example above.

      But there are more examples.

      If you say there isn't anything wrong with the King James Bible then you blindly believe what 'authorities' say.
      I have only one authority and He's JESUS Christ.
      People LIE since Eva and Adam and translators are sinners too.
      I don't say the Geneva Bible is perfect or my Dutch Protestant Bible, but the problem with KJV-onlyists is that they assert that the KJV is infallible, which is not true.

      KJV-onlyists are condemning a lot of people to hell because they don't read the 'infallible KJV'.

      In my case that's not even possible because I'm Dutch, but believe it or not: there are even KJV-onlyists who want me to read the KJV only, which is ridiculous.


      sparrow456 Hans S • an hour ago

      I don't hold anything against the Geneva Bible, but I don't believe there is anything wrong with the King James Bible either.
      Most of the King James Bible comes from the Antioch manuscripts, and the Egyptian text is the minority text from which the new perversions come. Those that worked on the Antioch manuscripts were Bible-believing Christians that worked at winning souls and spreading the word of God.

      All versions do not “say the same thing” because they are all copyrighted. Legally, they cannot say the same thing!!
      The King James has no copyright.

    3. Yes, God preserves HIS WORD but HIS word is not only translated into English but into MANY languages and most people on earth DON'T speak English as their first language or they don't speak English at all.

      This is what I know about the KJV:

      The Holy Bible – Geneva Edition
      1st Printing, 1st Edition in 1560
      Given back to the people so all may understand

      The Geneva Bible was first printed in Geneva, Switzerland, by refugees from England, fleeing the persecution of Protestants by Roman Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary.
      Many copies were smuggled back into England at great personal risk. In later years, when Protestant-friendly Queen Elizabeth took the throne, printing of the Geneva Bible moved back to England. The Geneva Bible was produced by John Calvin, John Knox, Myles Coverdale, John Foxe, and other Reformers. It is the version that William Shakespeare quotes from hundreds of times in his plays, and the first English Bible to offer plain roman-style type in some of its early printings.

      The Geneva Bible was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the
      Mayflower… it is the Bible upon which early America and its government was founded (certainly not the King’s of England’s Bible!) The Geneva Bible was also the first English Bible to break the chapters of scripture into numbered verses, and it was the first true “Study Bible” offering extensive commentary notes in the margins. It was so accurate and popular, that a half-century later, when the King James Bible came out… it retained more than 90% of the exact wording of the Geneva Bible.

      More... http://greatsite.com/facsimile-reproductions/geneva-1560.html

      The Geneva Bible was the “Bible of the Protestant Reformation”, and the Bible of the Puritans and Pilgrims. It was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the Mayflower. The Geneva Bible is the Bible upon which America was founded. You can imagine, most early American colonists, who were fleeing the religious oppression of the Anglican Church (Church of England), wanted nothing to do with the King James Bible of the Anglican Church!

    4. Textually, the Geneva Bible offered a number of radical never-before-seen changes: It was the first Bible in English to add numbered verses to each chapter of scripture. Also, the Geneva was the first Bible to introduce easier-to-read “Roman Style Typeface” rather than the “Gothic Blackletter Style Typeface” which had been used exclusively in earlier Bibles. Another curious innovation; the Geneva was the first “Study Bible” with extensive commentary notes in the margins.

      The Geneva Bible is the version quoted from hundreds of times by William Shakespeare in his plays. Also called the “Breeches Bible”, the Geneva Bible is the only Bible ever able to outsell and exceed the popularity of the King James Bible, as it did in the early 1600’s until its printing ceased in 1644. In fact, one of the greatest ironies of history, is that Protestants of all denominations today embrace the King James Version of the Bible (which reads 90% the same as the Geneva), even though the King James Version is not a Protestant Bible (it’s Anglican / Church of England). Most Protestants have never even heard of the Bible of their own heritage: the Geneva Bible. It was produced by John Calvin, John Knox, Myles Coverdale, John Foxe, & other English refugees in ever-neutral Geneva, Switzerland… fleeing the persecution of Roman Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary in England. Mary would not tolerate the Protestant Geneva Bible, which proclaimed the Pope an “antichrist” in its commentary notes.

      And King James also disliked the Geneva Bible for this reason, being of Catholic parents.
      And King James is responsible for the fact that the Geneva Bible was almost destroyed.


      sparrow456 Hans S • 32 minutes ago

      The KJ Bible was copied from good manuscripts without changes, hence no copyright. New modern versions all have tons of changes for their copyrights. Modern versions are corrupt.

      The KJ Bible was not copied from the Geneva or it would say the same. Again I don't find fault with the Geneva nor the King James Bible. I do believe God used King James, the English for easy translating into other languages around the world. English is the international language for business.

      God promised to preserve His Word, and He has kept His promise. God doesn't lie.
      The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever (Psalm 12:6-7).

  6. The KJV is the Bible of the Anglican church and the Geneva Bible is the true Protestant Bible.

    Revelation 22:18 1599 Geneva Bible

    18 For I protest unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.

    Revelation 22:18 King James Version

    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book


    Bishops Bible 1568

    The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.


    King James Bible 1611

    The commissioning of the King James Bible took place at a conference at the Hampton Court Palace in London England in 1604. When King James came to the throne he wanted unity and stability in the church and state, but was well aware that the diversity of his constituents had to be considered. There were the Papists who longed for the English church to return to the Roman Catholic fold and the Latin Vulgate. There were Puritans, loyal to the crown but wanting even more distance from Rome. The Puritans used the Geneva Bible which contained footnotes that the king regarded as seditious. The Traditionalists made up of Bishops of the Anglican Church wanted to retain the Bishops Bible.

    The king commissioned a new English translation to be made by over fifty scholars representing the Puritans and Traditionalists. They took into consideration: the Tyndale New Testament, the Matthews Bible, the Great Bible and the Geneva Bible. The great revision of the Bible had begun. From 1605 to 1606 the scholars engaged in private research. From 1607 to 1609 the work was assembled. In 1610 the work went to press, and in 1611 the first of the huge (16 inch tall) pulpit folios known today as "The 1611 King James Bible" came off the printing press.


    Geneva Bible 1560/1599

    The Geneva Bible is one of the most influential and historically significant translations of the Bible into English, preceding the King James translation by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of 16th century Protestantism and was the Bible used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Donne, and John Bunyan. The language of the Geneva Bible was more forceful and vigorous and because of this, most readers strongly preferred this version at the time.

    1. The Geneva Bible was produced by a group of English scholars who, fleeing from the reign of Queen Mary, had found refuge in Switzerland. During the reign of Queen Mary, no Bibles were printed in England, the English Bible was no longer used in churches and English Bibles already in churches were removed and burned. Mary was determined to return Britain to Roman Catholicism.

      The first English Protestant to die during Mary's turbulent reign was John Rogers in 1555, who had been the editor of the Matthews Bible. At this time, hundreds of Protestants left England and headed for Geneva, a city which under the leadership of Calvin, had become the intellectual and spiritual capital of European Protestants.

      One of these exiles was William Whittingham, a fellow of Christ Church at Oxford University, who had been a diplomat, a courtier, was much traveled and skilled in many languages including Greek and Hebrew. He eventually succeeded John Knox as the minister of the English congregation in Geneva. Whittingham went on to publish the 1560 Geneva Bible.

      This version is significant because, it came with a variety of scriptural study guides and aids, which included verse citations that allow the reader to cross-reference one verse with numerous relevant verses in the rest of the Bible, introductions to each book of the Bible that acted to summarize all of the material that each book would cover, maps, tables, woodcut illustrations, indices, as well as other included features, all of which would eventually lead to the reputation of the Geneva Bible as history's very first study Bible.


      The Holy Bible – Geneva Edition
      1st Printing, 1st Edition in 1560
      Given back to the people so all may understand

      The Geneva Bible was first printed in Geneva, Switzerland, by refugees from England, fleeing the persecution of Protestants by Roman Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary.
      Many copies were smuggled back into England at great personal risk. In later years, when Protestant-friendly Queen Elizabeth took the throne, printing of the Geneva Bible moved back to England. The Geneva Bible was produced by John Calvin, John Knox, Myles Coverdale, John Foxe, and other Reformers. It is the version that William Shakespeare quotes from hundreds of times in his plays, and the first English Bible to offer plain roman-style type in some of its early printings.


    2. The Geneva Bible was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the
      Mayflower… it is the Bible upon which early America and its government was founded (certainly not the King’s of England’s Bible!) The Geneva Bible was also the first English Bible to break the chapters of scripture into numbered verses, and it was the first true “Study Bible” offering extensive commentary notes in the margins. It was so accurate and popular, that a half-century later, when the King James Bible came out… it retained more than 90% of the exact wording of the Geneva Bible.

      More... http://greatsite.com/facsimile-reproductions/geneva-1560.html

      The Geneva Bible was the “Bible of the Protestant Reformation”, and the Bible of the Puritans and Pilgrims. It was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the Mayflower. The Geneva Bible is the Bible upon which America was founded. You can imagine, most early American colonists, who were fleeing the religious oppression of the Anglican Church (Church of England), wanted nothing to do with the King James Bible of the Anglican Church!

      Textually, the Geneva Bible offered a number of radical never-before-seen changes: It was the first Bible in English to add numbered verses to each chapter of scripture. Also, the Geneva was the first Bible to introduce easier-to-read “Roman Style Typeface” rather than the “Gothic Blackletter Style Typeface” which had been used exclusively in earlier Bibles. Another curious innovation; the Geneva was the first “Study Bible” with extensive commentary notes in the margins.

      The Geneva Bible is the version quoted from hundreds of times by William Shakespeare in his plays. Also called the “Breeches Bible”, the Geneva Bible is the only Bible ever able to outsell and exceed the popularity of the King James Bible, as it did in the early 1600’s until its printing ceased in 1644. In fact, one of the greatest ironies of history, is that Protestants of all denominations today embrace the King James Version of the Bible (which reads 90% the same as the Geneva), even though the King James Version is not a Protestant Bible (it’s Anglican / Church of England). Most Protestants have never even heard of the Bible of their own heritage: the Geneva Bible. It was produced by John Calvin, John Knox, Myles Coverdale, John Foxe, & other English refugees in ever-neutral Geneva, Switzerland… fleeing the persecution of Roman Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary in England. Mary would not tolerate the Protestant Geneva Bible, which proclaimed the Pope an “antichrist” in its commentary notes.

      Of course the Geneva Bible 'had to be destroyed'....

      But Satan failed!


      NTEB Mod LG • 4 hours ago

      I do like to use "several versions" when comparing them to the King James Bible when I am teaching on the authority of the KJB.

  7. King James Bible 2016

    As Christians, we must be careful to make intelligent and informed decisions about which translation of the Bible we choose to read. On one extreme, we have people who would give us heretical new translations that attempt to change God’s Word to make it politically correct. Many new translations are not only poorly translated, but are based upon poor manuscripts.

    But equally dangerous, is the other extreme… of believing that any English translation that was produced after the original King James Bible is heretical. Many who love the King James Bible reject any attempt to modernize the Bible because of the glut of poor translations that have flooded the market in the past century. We must remember that the main purpose of the Protestant Reformation was to stop the Bible being imprisoned in an ancient language that few could understand, and into the modern, spoken, conversational language of the present day.

    The original manuscripts of the New Testament were not written with all the eloquence of Classical-Greek but in Koine-Greek. In Greek "Koine" means common. The Bible was originally written in the commonly spoken, conversational language of the day.

    William Tyndale, who produced the first printed Bible in English, fought and died for the right to print the Bible in the common, spoken, modern English tongue of his day. Tyndale boldly told one official who criticized his efforts, "If God spare my life, I will see to it that the boy who drives the plowshare knows more of the scripture than you, Sir!"

    Will we now go backwards, and seek to imprison God’s Word once again in old translations? Clearly it is not God’s will that we overreact to some of the bad modern translations, by rejecting all new translations. The Word of God is unchanging from generation to generation, but our language is a dynamic and ever-changing form of communication.

    We therefore have a responsibility before God as Christians to make sure that each generation has a modern translation that they can easily understand, yet that does not sacrifice accuracy in any way. Let us be ever mindful that we are not called to worship the Bible. We are called to worship the God who gave us the Bible, and who preserved its meaning through the centuries.

    With all this in mind the King James Version 2016 seeks to continue the work of updating the Bible into the language of today. The KJV 2016 is still based upon the same Greek Textus Receptus manuscript as the original King James Version. This new Bible does not seek to replace the original King James Version, it was made to replace modern translations based on corrupt manuscripts.

  8. I'm a TEXTUS RECEPTUS-ONLYIST. http://textusreceptusbibles.com/

  9. I'm a TEXTUS RECEPTUS-ONLYIST. http://textusreceptusbibles.com/

    I read the Word of God in my own language Dutch, and this TRANSLATION is a TEXTUS RECEPTUS Bible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statenvertaling

    In English I prefer the Geneva Bible, but it's not problem for me to use the KJB, or else I would have left your site long ago, because I'm not a Geneva Bible-onlyist.


    kay2 • 4 hours ago

    It does knock the stuffing out. Reminds me of Paul Harvey's 'If I were the Devil'. The world we live in today is a reflection of this tinkering. I never thought I'd see the day that Americans would walk so passively in lockstep. The pulpits have lost their fire. Passivity, materialism and tolerance stepped in. We were called to be watchmen and to stand up for what is right.



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    NTEB Mod kay2 • 3 hours ago

    As pulpits across America have ditched the KJB, like the entire Southern Baptist Convention has done by switching to the ESV, God has been blowing out the lights and now they have no power.


  10. Matthaeus 25:46 Luther Bibel 1545

    46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.
    And they will go in the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

    Matthew 25:46 in the Dutch States Translation:

    46 En dezen zullen gaan in de eeuwige pijn; maar de rechtvaardigen in het eeuwige leven.
    And these will go in the eternal pain; but the righteous in the eternal life.

    Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible

    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.

    And then the KJV changed PAIN into PUNISHMENT which is NOT the same:

    Matthew 25:46 King James Version

    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    People who believe in Annihilationism love this verse in the KJV because ANNIHILATION, which is UNBIBLICAL, is also a PUNISHMENT.

    But they HATE the word PAIN!!!!

    Because the word PAIN can ONLY mean ONE thing: ETERNAL TORMENT.


    NTEB Mod Darryl Giles • 5 hours ago • edited

    Actually, you cannot make the same points for the NIV. It is an indefensible book that is filled with mistakes and easily-seen errors, as I have shown in this article. Shows me ONE error in the King James.



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    Izzy Doolittle NTEB • 23 minutes ago

    Geoff, I came across this that you might want to keep as a reference, too. Too many are blind to the corruption of any "new" translations, starting foremost with the NIV and progressing further. Most are unaware of the Jesuit conspiracy to destroy the Bible. And, yes, I stand firm that the NIV is a "bloodless" perverted translation.


    Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? John 1:38 KJV

    NKJV: …(which is to say, when translated, Teacher)…


    Repeatedly in the ‘moderns’ we see the omission of the word Master. Anyone who has studied the New-age religions knows the ‘children of the new age’ are not waiting for a Master, but a great Teacher; and in the ‘modern’ gospel Jesus is no longer referred to as ‘Master’, but now He is demoted to the lesser title of ‘Teacher’. In some of the ‘new-age’ versions - NIV for example - this change demoting Jesus Christ from the Master to a Teacher occurs nearly fifty times! Is the Lord Jesus Christ your Master or just your Teacher?



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    RancherJoe NTEB • 5 hours ago

    Do you really want to go there?


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    NTEB Mod RancherJoe • 4 hours ago

    Lol, you cannot defend the NIV, it is such a piece of Laodicean trash.


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    RancherJoe NTEB • 4 hours ago • edited

    LOL...not defending the NIV in the least and never have, for it is flawed to the point some of its errors are likely intentional evil. My comment related to KJV being without error. As I stated IMVHO, KJV is 4 sigma good from my personal research, but it does have errors. But we really don't want to go there.


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    NTEB Mod RancherJoe • 4 hours ago

    Then I invite you to show me one of those errors. I have not seen one in 30 years, you would be the first. Fire away.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

King James, the speculative mason who built the Masonic Lodge System



The Geneva English Bible: The Shocking Truth



Friday, October 4, 2019

The Difference Between the Geneva and King James Bibles

When the popularity of a different version of religious text grows, it can change the course of its corresponding culture. In this article we are going to take a look at the Geneva Bible and the King James Bible, highlighting the different translations into the English language.

The Geneva Bible

The 1560 Geneva Bible translators were: Walter Whittingham, Myles Coverdale, Christopher Goodman, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, William Cole, Thomas Greshop and John Knox, with marginal notes created by John Calvin. As the Geneva Bible was being translated by Protestants during a time of Protestant persecution in England, the translators were forced to converge in Geneva, Switzerland, where they were able to arrange publication of their work. The original version was first printed in 1560 with 200 copies being made from the Geneva press up through 1644, split between two versions of the book.

 Other places of publication eventually included the Netherlands, Scotland, America and England, leading to the publication of the 1560 Geneva Bible in 1575. In 1599, a revised edition of the book was released and is now known as the 1599 Geneva Bible. Though much of the translation relied heavily upon the earlier translations of William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale, the Geneva Bible was the first English Bible to have the full translation of the complete Old Testament taken straight from the Hebrew writings. Due to the importance of having the full translation, the Geneva Bible was the main book followed by the Protestants, Puritans and Calvinists.

The King James Bible

In 1604 there was a ruling from the Hampton Court Conference between the English king and various clergymen, one of whom was President John Reynolds of Corpus Christi College. An agreement was reached that there should be a revised English translation version of the Bible. Forty-seven scholars began the translation to create the King James Version which used both the Tyndale and Geneva Bible as a starting point. The point of having this new version created was to try and eradicate the use of the 1599 Geneva Bible.

 The marginal notes throughout the 1560 and 1599 Geneva Bibles questioned the authority of the Catholic Church and any ruling monarchy. That his subjects might question his authority because of this text was a problem for King James I. It helped to cement the choice of creating a new Bible for one uniformed English translation that would represent both King James I and the Church of England’s religious and political views. The first King James Version began publication in 1611 and has since gone through many revisions but remains the Standard English translation in use for the Bible today.

Bible Differences

The differences between the 1599 Geneva Bible and the 1611 King James Version of the Bible are apparent. The King James Version of the Bible eliminated the marginal notes that had been a popular feature for those who used them as a study guide in the 1599 Geneva Bible. Furthermore, the Old Testament from the 1560 and 1599 Geneva Bible was translated directly from the Greek Old Testament and the Hebrew Septuagint scriptures, while the 1611 King James Version of the Bible was compiled from previous English translations of the Old Testament.
The Protestant Reformation began as a movement to reform the Catholic Church in 1517, but created a political backlash of stricter religious oppression in countries where the Church and Monarchies were in control. Thus in England, when King James I commissioned the creation of the King James Version of the Bible, tolerance of Protestants and Puritans using the 1560 and 1599 Geneva Bible version became non-existent. King James I and the Church of England wanted only their English translation version of the Bible to be in use. The Protestants and Puritan could only choose to stay and live with the oppression, or create another life for themselves in another country. Some followers of the Protestant Reformation moved north to The Netherlands and others went across the Atlantic Ocean to the American colonies. The Protestant Reformation, also known as 'The Reformation', lasted through 1648 in Europe and ended with the Peace of Westphalia treaty.


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    There are some problems with this article. First, both the Geneva & the KJV had people translating from ancient texts. When the colonists settled in what would become the United States of America, it was illegal for anyone to self-publish a Bible in English: all such requests had to have the approval of the "Crown". Many of the refugees who arrived had first hand knowledge of religious persecution handed down by the Catholic church at the time, and some of the Geneva bible's marginal and other study notes reflect that. Revelation references to the beast, etc were flat out identified with the Pope.
    Also there were 2 or 3 versions if I recall published between 1560 and 1599 as English was going through a rapid change in spelling and grammar as the advent of printing brought about standardization, so that what resembled 'f' became 's' etc. Some modern re-printings of the Geneva Bible preserve this, keeping words like "astonied" along with "astonished". The 'Textus Receptus' underpinning the KJV is basically a textual tradition, promoted to seem as if the King giving his stamp of approval to its publication conveyed some special status on it. It is fine to use but understand that you are not really seeing the form as how it appeared in 1611, which would still be somewhat difficult for a modern English speaker to read. It has been revised but not as much as the "New King James" for example. For the curious, the best thing to do is look at an Interlinear which has a reasonable consensually edited Greek text along with 2 or more translations at the same time. The NIV is acceptable. Some of the texts are downright poetic, like 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 in the New English Bible

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    Where is the deference between the two Bibles? You never answered that question.

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    Thank you and I'm glad that my article was helpful to you. On resources, there are some great resources out there.
    Here are some that I used:
    1. The Origin of the Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 2003 Edition
    2. The King James Bible Brief History by Dr. Herbert Samworth
    3. Harvard Divinity School w/Andover-Harvard Library
    As for translation and scripture differences, a good place to see what some of them are right away is: http://www.tyndale.org/TSJ/... Now, this site also references the difference with the Tyndale translation of the Bible but there are some scripture lists cited.
    For more, I would suggest that you contact the Harvard Divinity school: http://www.hds.harvard.edu

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    Im caught in the middle of constant debates between the KJV and other versions and I would love to learn more of the origins of the KJV and why the Geneva Bible isnt the standard English Bible since it was the first translation. If you dont mind I would love to know were your sources came from on this matter to further research this topic. Also if you know of any scriptural difference in the Geneva and KJV version would be greatly appreciated.


  1. King James and his 'gang' wanted to ERADICATE the use of the then very POPULAR Geneva Bible!
    This article proves that he was an AGENT of the Roman Catholic church!

  2. Warning AGAINST the Revised Geneva Translation:
    This translation is (as of yet only the New Testament) INCORRECT:

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 Revised Geneva Translation (RGT)

    3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that Day shall not come unless an apostasy comes first and the man of sin is revealed - the Son of Perdition

    The RIGHT Geneva Bible says:

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 1599 Geneva Bible

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.

    a DEPARTING is the right translation of the Greek word 'apostasia' and NOT the ENGLISH word 'apostasy'

    So again (just like in the case of the World English Bible) we see that SINNERS DARED to CHANGE God's WORD!

    Satan HATES it so he took it OUT of the Bible by people who were (are) UNDER HIS INFLUENCE.

    Matthew 25:46 is correct in this translation:

    Matthew 25:46 Revised Geneva Translation (RGT)

    46 “And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.”


    The New Testament of the Geneva Bible was based on the New Testament of William Tyndale and in this modernized version we see correct representations of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and Matthew 25:46

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 New Matthew Bible (NMB)

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means. For the Lord comes not unless there come a departing first and that sinful man be revealed – the son of perdition

    Matthew 25:46 New Matthew Bible (NMB)

    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, but the righteous into life eternal.

    So if you want to read a GOOD New Testament in MODERN English I recommend the New Matthew Bible.

  3. Replies
    1. The Dutch declared religious freedom for everybody. Amsterdam became an open city*. English Puritans arrived by the boatload. The 1599 Edition of the Geneva Bible was printed in Amsterdam and London in large quantities until well into the 17th Century.

      *At the time Geneva, was a city-state. Geneva did not become part of Switzerland until 1815.

    2. Another of the ironies left us from the 16th Century is that freedom of religion and freedom of the press did not originate in England, as many people commonly assume today. Those freedoms were first given to Protestants by the Dutch, as the records of that era plainly show. England today does not have freedom of the press the way we understand it (There are things in England such as the Official Secrets Act that often land journalists in jail.)

    3. King James I, among his many other faults, preferred young boys to adult women. He was a flaming homosexual. His activities in that regard have been recorded in numerous books and public records; so much so, that there is no room for debate on the subject.

    4. James ascended the English throne in 1603. He wasted no time in ordering a new edition of the Bible in order to deny the common people the marginal notes they so valued in the Geneva Bible. That James I wasn't going to have any marginal notes to annoy him and lead English citizens away from what he wanted them to think is a matter of public record.

    5. During the 16th Century and the one preceding it, the Spanish Empire, a colossus larger than the Roman Empire, had been unable to stamp out the Reformation with the world's finest and most well equipped armies. The Spaniards needn't have bothered. What the armies of Catholic Spain were unable to make a dent in, one sadistic sodomite, James I, did with a pair of censoring scissors.

      The Reformation, and the blood of millions who fought for it, apparently went for nothing. Protestant churches of today hardly resemble the churches of the Reformation.

    6. The King James Bible is the COUNTERFEIT of the Geneva Bible!

  4. The Geneva Bible is alive and well and I have a copy at home of the 1599 version, and back then this excellent translation (though it's not perfect and that's no translation of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts into English or whatever language) was also printed in large quantities in my country, the Netherlands.

    Was there a need to produce a new translation when James became King?


    Bible Battles: King James vs. the Puritans

    King James VI of Scotland was raised as a Presbyterian. Even though his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, had been a Catholic, he was baptized by a Calvinist figure no less prominent than John Knox, sent by John Calvin to Scotland. You would think that when James ascended to the English throne in 1603 that he would have been sympathetic to the English Puritans, for their beliefs also derived from Calvin and his teachings. Instead, within a year of becoming King James I of England, he initiated a project which would attack the Puritans. This project was a new Bible translation; he called it the Authorized Version, but in America it became known as the King James Version.

    Why would a Bible translation have this effect? The answer lies in the character of the national English Church, the Anglicans, which derived from two important events in the 1530s.

    First, John Calvin began preaching in Geneva. His increasingly popular ideas argued that all aspects of the Catholic Church had misled Christianity. From its theology and Bible to its hierarchy, ritual and pageantry, the Church needed to be reformed. He left the Catholic Church to form a new one following his teachings.

    Second, King Henry VIII of England also broke with the Catholic Church in the 1530s. He was not interested in reform or even in theology; he just wanted a divorce. Since the Pope would not give him one, Henry declared that the English church would become independent, with himself as the Church’s head.

    It was not until Queen Elizabeth I, Henry’s daughter who ruled from 1558 to 1603, that the Anglican Church underwent reform. Elizabeth set a tone of compromise early in her reign. The English would adopt some of Calvin’s theological positions, but they would keep the hierarchy and much of the ritual. The end result was a church with both Protestant and Catholic characteristics.

    While many liked this compromise, there was a growing number who did not. These people became known as the Puritans. They did not like the compromise but wished instead to follow Calvin’s lead in banishing all Catholic elements from the church. They wished to “purify” Anglicanism.

    The Puritans had their own Bible translation, the Geneva Bible. Not only was it small, and therefore inexpensive, but it also had extensive notes that explained biblical passages using Puritan theology. Since this Bible was the only book many people owned or read, it was effective in winning people over to Puritan theological beliefs and keeping them there.

    Although most of the notes were innocuous or “merely” radical Calvinist theology, other notes argued against current political and religious structures. In particular, Calvinism believed in neither the divine right of kings to rule, a belief strongly promoted by James, nor that the church should be governed by bishops, but rather by presbyters elected by congregations. The former angered the king, while the latter incensed the Anglican hierarchy.

    To combat this subversive Bible, James and the bishops decided to create a new Bible translation. James authorized the new translation with a decree that included several guidelines for the translators. The most significant of these was the command to have no notes in the text (apart from short remarks about translation from Hebrew or Greek). This stricture prevented remarks linking the biblical text to unwanted theological perspectives and political positions.

    1. After the King James Version was published in 1611, the Geneva Bible was banned in England. Indeed, James made ownership of it a felony. The King James Bible became the pulpit Bible for Anglicans and inexpensive copies were published for sale to the masses. At first, it was not very popular; several of its early publishers went broke from poor sales.

      The King James Version began to gain popularity only when different publishers began to add explanatory notes to the text, in direct opposition to James’ expressed wishes. Indeed, the KJV became the most popular Bible version in twentieth-century America when a set of notes written by Cyrus I. Scofield was added in 1909 and then revised into the Scofield Reference Bible in 1917. These notes promote the theology of dispensationalism, based in part on Calvinist theology that James rejected, and have helped promote that theology’s popularity, just as the Geneva Bible promoted Puritan theology.


      BuffaloBillyT Hans S • a day ago

      Hans, It was the Bishops Bible that was the prevailing text at the time. Think now...just how many of God's Words are there. There is only one true God so there can only be one rendition of His Word. God does not issue different versions of his Word, right. We are all allowed to choose which of these "perversions" that we want, but there is only one true edition of the Holy Word of God. The King James Bible has withstood the test of time and man to prevail as the accepted edition of God's Word. You might want to search out Mike Hoggard on the net and once you get to his site, order as many of his DVDs on the Bible as you want...all for free. Pay close attention to those that discuss numbers, or Bible numerics. I am not talking about numerology as that is forbidden in scripture, but Bible numerics shows interesting ways that the KJB is constructed that all the other Bibles cannot duplicate...further isolating the KJB as the one, true Word of God. You will be pleasantly surprised. Shalom, BuffaloBilly


  5. I'm not a Geneva Bible-onlyist and one of the reasons is I'm Dutch
    and I read the Bible in my own language, but in some instances the Geneva Bible is better than my best Dutch Bible and in other cases I prefer my Dutch translation of the original Word of God in Hebrew and Greek.

    In Thessalonians 2:3 both my best Dutch Bible and the KJV translate the Greek word 'apostasia' into '(a) falling away' ('de afval' in Dutch=the falling away) and I don't agree with that because first William Tyndale and later the translators of the Geneva Bible translated 'apostasia' into 'departing'.

    Departing is the RAPTURE and not 'a falling away from faith' or a 'rebellion' which other translations say.

    It will happen on the DAY OF CHRIST, which is not the DAY OF THE LORD.

    In that sense both the Geneva Bible and the KJV are right, but there are also 'translations' that translate 'the day of the Christ in verse 2 of 2 Thessalonians into 'the day of the Lord', which doesn't make sense, because 'the day of the Lord' is when JESUS returns, and that will be a day of judgment.

    My best protestant Bible translates Matthew 25:46 this way:

    En dezen zullen gaan in de eeuwige pijn; maar de rechtvaardigen in het eeuwige leven.

    Translation: en these will go in the eternal pain; but the righteous in the eternal life.

    Martin Luther translated this verse like this in 1545:

    Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.

    Translation: And they will go in the eternal pain, but de righteous in the eternal life

    The KJV translated this verse this way::

    And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    Revisions of the Luther Bible 1545 and the Dutch Bible 1637 CHANGED 'pain' into punishment.

    Why did they change the words of JESUS CHRIST?
    He used the word 'pain' and not 'punishment'.
    In the very old Armenian Bible the word 'torment' is used.

    I really don't understand KJV-onlyists.

    The best Bible is the Bible in Hebrew and Greek from the right libraries of Antioch.
    The wrong translations derive from Alexandria, like the Catholic 'translation'.

  6. Replies
    1. Verse KJV
      II Samuel 21:19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaare–oregim, a Beth–lehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver’s


      And there was yet another battel in Gob with the Philistims, where Elhanah the sonne of Iaare-oregim, a Bethlehemite slewe Goliath the Gittite: the staffe of whose speare was like a weauers beame.


      2 Samuel 21:19 That is, Lahmi the brother of Goliath, whom David slew, 1 Chron. 20:5.

  7. Replies
    1. "Expatriate Calvinists"
      I don't agree with that label, because they were FORMER CATHOLICS who risked their lives to make this Bible!

      "For all its former glory, the Geneva Bible is now covered in a thick layer of dust"
      Not anymore because I have a brand new 1599 Geneva Bible at home and here's the online version: https://classic.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Thessalonians+2%3A3&version=GNV



Friday, September 13, 2019

The KJV is the word of CONFUSION, not the infallible WORD of God!

Click on picture to enlarge

Hanss September 13, 2019 at 4:36 AM

Job 1:6 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

6 Now on a day when the children of God came and stood before the Lord, Satan came also among them.
The KJV changed it into this:
Job 1:6 King James Version 1611
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.
'children of God' was changed into 'sons of God'.

Hanss September 13, 2019 at 4:43 AM

King James Bible 1611 is Masonic!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_p6fbi32dQ

Hanss September 13, 2019 at 7:05 AM

Genesis 6:1-3 1599 Geneva Bible
1 So when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and there were daughters born unto them,
2 Then the *sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all that they liked.
3 Therefore the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, because he is but flesh, and his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
*Geneva Bible footnote: Genesis 6:2 The children of the godly, which began to degenerate.
The masonic KJV changed it into this:
Genesis 6:1-3 King James Version 1611
6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Read the Bible that was made in Geneva by true reformers and not the KJV that was made on orders of the Masonic King James who hated the then POPULAR Geneva Bible!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

King James Bible 1611 is Masonic!!


King James Bible 1611 is Masonic!!

Published on Nov 24, 2014
Shocking... yet true! The King James Bible was commissioned by Freemason King James... KJV is an antichrist translation, which makes God the Tempter Satan, and its readers idolaters of many gods!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The King James Bible Mystery Babylon Connection

The King James Bible Mystery Babylon Connection 

Acts 12:4 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

4 And when he had caught him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to be kept, intending after the Passover to bring him forth to the people.

Acts 12:4 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. 

Published on Jul 11, 2015
Nowhere in Scripture did God promise a perfect English translation by a Mason King. The irrational mind control slave Roman Jesuit Masonic fronts want to mind control you into thinking so.

After an introduction we begin to present the data.
This video will begin to help you ask the question. Who of the KJVOnlyists are Roman Catholic Jesuit fronts. By saying this we are not implicating anyone apart from facts and data that prove they are Roman Counter Reformation Jesuit fronts. The point of the statement is to help you beware where KJOnlyism leads to. That is the gates of hell in Rome.

In this video we extort and show you how to purge out the purposeful mistranslated text of the KJV. The research in this video is drawn from over 20 years of study, prayer and revelation from God on the refutation of Gnosticism. We present this to you since no one has made the connection, and we see it is necessary when the NWO is promoting the KJV. This video reveals why.

We did get hacked in the process of creating this video. They did not want you to see the connection. Through perseverance we now present it to you. If you appreciate more uncompromising videos like this one, please help fund more projects.

If after seeing the leaven connection about the KJV in this video, if you still want to throw away your KJV Bible, even after we explained to you to judge every verse by it's original language meaning. You can always get the Geneva Bible and better yet, a KJ3 Literal Translation on e-sword.

Part 2
British Israelism & The KJV English Onlyism Mystery Babylon Connection ✔.

Confuting KJOnlyism, Psalm 12 Is The Refutation of Gnosticism, More Refutation of False KJOnlyism Gnosis ✔.

Vain Puffed Up KJOnlyism Mythologies of Flattering Double Heart Gnosticism Confuted ✔.

All the manuscript evidence for passover in Acts 12:4 ✔.

See an example why God did not "use" the faulty Easter translation to change the original intent of God's foundational Word ✔.

The oldest existing record of the King James Lodge, records "The Mutual Agreement" of 24 December, 1658. It records that James was "entered Freemason and Fellowcraft of the Lodge of Scoon" on 15 April, 1601."
This is concrete evidence of how King James was a Mason. Do not let others beguile you into duplicitous words that this is not hard concrete evidence. In those times there were no "Masonic certificates of initiation". The watershed process of "Masonic certificates of initiation" is generally taken to be the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717. Therefore the concrete evidence of the "record" for "The Mutual Agreement" of 24 December, 1658, records that James was "entered Freemason and Fellowcraft of the Lodge of Scoon" on 15 April, 1601." is factual as an ancient record.

Note: The Edward Macbean speculative Masonry research, post-1717, is just that. Duplicitous statements by "speculative" Masons, that always giving duplicitous statements about the true "record" being exposed, and when their dirty laundry is being exposed to the light of truth. They bring out the contradiction in an attempt to nullify their previous statements.

Also, the Stone of Scone that all the Kings and Queens of England have sat on during coronation. Also makes the King of England the head of the Masonic hierarchy. Therefore it is not logical that any King of England is not a Mason. Since they "sit" on their mythological Masonic "stone". Since at least the signing of the 1328 Treaty of Edinburgh. When Edward III agreed to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland.

Help Edifying Others continue edifying you and others.

Download the KJV+ Tense Voice Mood module for E-sword Bible software by clicking on link below. It will help give understanding concerning the present active participles of New Testament Scripture.
Note: Download the Windows Executable on the right side of the page.
Use it with e-sword bible software.



Don Stewart : Were the Sons of God Fallen Angels?




 Giants_Men of Renown or Nephilim of Genesis 6 - Lucifers Playground and the Nature of the Beast 




  1. Replies
    1. we are dealing with the gross sins of humans, not angels, that caused God to send the Flood.

  2. Replies

    1. Why do you believe fallen angels could have had sexual intercourse with earthly women
      , producing the giants?
      This is not a salvational issue, but I believe it's impossible, because God-the Lord JESUS didn't create angels with the ability to procreate.
      And giants didn't only exist in 'the days of Noah' but also after the Flood.
      Why can't we just believe that God created them, because of this?:
      John 1:1-3 1599 Geneva Bible
      1 In the beginning was that Word, and that Word was with God, and that Word was God.
      2 This same was in the beginning with God.
      3 All things were made by it, and without it was made nothing that was made.

      All things were made by it, and without it was made nothing that was made.

      Satan cannot create ANYTHING! He's a silly IMITATOR!
      If you want to know what my view on this matter is: Genesis 6 http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.com/search/label/Genesis%206


      Now The End Begins
      6 hours ago
      READ MORE: https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/genesis-6-giants-days-of-noah-nephilim-enoch-pretribulation-rapture-church/


    2. @Art Gross You speak for yourself and me too
      , and I agree with what you said.
      This is a VERY good article:
      Did angels mate with women in Genesis? https://sunandshield.wordpress.com/2010/01/30/did-angels-mate-with-women-in-genesis/


      Art Gross
      Art Gross
      3 hours ago
      The flow of Gen 4, and Gen 5 are 2 lines- a godly line and an ungodly line. Gen 6 teaches the mixing of the two. This is the unequal yoke of the new testament. Believers marrying unbelievers has a diasterous effect as seen in the life of Solomon. His ungodly wives "turned his heart from the Lord". This is Gen 6 teaching , not angels. They are a different "kind" as taught in Gen 1. They do not marry and they cannot procreate. They cant even increase their own numbers. A fixed number. The angel theory is sensational, and titilates the flesh and is a man made doctrine. The word Angel is not even mentioned in Gen 6, even once. The term "sons of men" is a reference to all men of the earth in their unregenerate state. The term "sons of God" are the "regenerate men', to wit believers.
      The sinfulness of man is judged in Gen 6, not angels. They are not in the context.
      Art Gross
      Art Gross
      3 hours ago (edited)
      Even today the daughters of men are indeed fair as we see them on the streets and in the media, but for a believer to marry them , will only lead to a life of compromize and taking our eyes off of the Lord.( as did Solomon). NOTE: I am not linked with the Hans S in the above post in any way or shape.


    3. I believe Noah's Ark is still on earth, high up on Mount Ararat
      , broken in two due to an avalanche: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqjThPI0uKw&feature=youtu.be


      Susan Anderson
      Susan Anderson
      1 hour ago
      Thank you for the insights of Noah/Noe, Elijah/Elias and Nephilum/Rephaim. I have never heard that Noah's ark was taken up, such a beautiful revelation. Thank you for clear sound teaching throughout this video. May God continue to bless you.


    4. 1:43:16 Job 1:6-7 1599 Geneva Bible

      6 Now on a day when the children of God came and stood before the Lord, Satan came also among them.
      7 Then the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, saying, From compassing the earth to and fro, and from walking in it.
      This earlier translation than the KJV uses the words 'children of God' and not 'sons of God', and yes, it refers to angels.
      Jude 4-7 1599 Geneva Bible
      4 For there are certain men crept in, which were before of old ordained to this condemnation: ungodly men they are, which turn the grace of our God into wantonness, and deny God the only Lord, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
      5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, forasmuch as ye once knew this, how that the Lord, after that he had delivered the people out of Egypt, destroyed them afterward which believed not.
      6 The Angels also which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
      7 As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them, which in like manner as they did, committed fornication, and followed strange flesh, are set forth for an example, and suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.
      'they' in 'As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them, which in like manner as they did, committed fornication, and followed strange flesh' refers to 'Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them' and not to to 'The Angels also which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation
      In the Bible only the GOOD angels were allowed to appear as men.
      There are no female angels, because the first female (Eve) was created regarding reproduction and angels aren't created to reproduce.
      In the Bible we also don't read about 'daughters of God'.


    5. @Susan Anderson Yes, the Ark went up and that's a resemblance to the rapture
      , but I compare our future rapture more with what happened to Enoch because it occurred in a zero second.
      Even the way Elijah was caught up was not like the rapture, because they could see it happen.
      So see you at the moment of the rapture and then we'll be forever where our Savior JESUS is.


      Susan Anderson
      Susan Anderson
      40 minutes ago
      @Hans S Yes I do too. In this video he didn't mean that it disappeared, but went up via the water which is a resemblance to the rapture.

  3. Yes, but that's not the point. In Job:6 it's clearly about THE ANGELS, but in Genesis 6:2 it's NOT about the angels, though one might think so if one relies on the KJV only.

    I prefer the Bible that was made in Geneva, Switzerland by British exiles, due to the persecution of the Roman Catholic church during that time in England, and the original publication was in 1560, 51 years before the first publication of the KJV in 1611.

    The Bible that was made in Geneva, by reformers and former Catholics, on the basis of the unfinished work of former Catholic William Tyndale, who was murdered by the Catholic church, due to his striving to make the Word of God available to everybody, which made the devil and his Catholic church VERY angry, became the most popular translation in English and also because of the handy format and because it was affordable, and most of all because it was (is) an excellent translation, with a lot of explanations in the footnotes.

    When James became King, the Geneva Bible was the best sold translation in the English speaking world, and it was the Bible of the Pilgrim Fathers who settled in the new territories in what later became the USA.

    If you want to know more about the background of the Geneva Bible and the KJV then you can read this article: The Geneva English Bible: The Shocking Truth http://www.tyndale.org/tsj2...

    We shouldn't read things in the Bible that aren't there, because the Bible makes it very clear why God was so angry:

    Genesis 6:5-6 King James Version

    5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

    Genesis 6:5-6 1599 Geneva Bible

    5 When the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually,

    6 Then it repented the Lord, that he had made man in the earth, and he was sorry in his heart.

    THIS was the reason God was so mad, though He was still MERCIFUL, because He gave them 120 YEARS to REPENT=CHANGE THEIR MIND, but they refused.

    ALL people on earth were EVIL CONTINUALLY, and NOT because of a so called mixture of fallen angels and humans, but because of their OWN SINFUL nature!

    Also nowadays most people are evil and NOT because 'the devil made them do it' but because of their OWN sinful nature.


    MomForChrist • 14 hours ago

    The "sons of God" in Genesis refers to fallen angels. Let scripture define scripture: See Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7.
    This is what produced the giants. It was such an abomination to the Lord that He decided to flood the world.



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    1. Jewish Watchman MomForChrist • 3 hours ago

      Had always assumed it was due to the depravity of man for some reason

      "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

      And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at his heart.

      And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them" (Genesis 6:5-7)

      God appears to be uninterested in those very naughty angels who caused such fuss


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      BuffaloBillyT Jewish Watchman • 3 hours ago

      It was through the influence of those //naughty angels// that the imaginations of the thoughts of men's hearts was only evil continually//. Man's genome had been polluted by Satan through the efforts of the fallen angels and the workings of the Nephilim (giants). We read in Gen 6:9...that Noah was a just man and PERFECT IN HIS GENERATIONS. Now when one reads Gen 5, that chapter gives the 10 generations of Noah beginning with Adam. The fact that Noah was perfect in his generations shows that his genome (DNA...seed) had not been polluted by the fallen Angels who descended during the days of Jared. Also, the animals were destroyed because of the mixing of the genome of man and beasts (Chimeras) which is being done in labs all over the world and has been for over 40 years. The earth was "only continually evil".
      Shalom, BuffaloBilly


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      Jewish Watchman BuffaloBillyT • 3 hours ago

      Very much prefer God's Word rather than man's commentary

      "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect (תָּמִ֥ים) in his generations, and Noah walked with God." (Genesis 6:9)

      תָּמִ֥ים relates to Noah's 'blameless/wholesome character' NOT his physical makeup


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      Hans S MomForChrist • 12 hours ago




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      BuffaloBillyT Hans S • 3 hours ago

      "Children of God" and "Sons of God" both translate as angels (B'nai Ha Elohim).

  4. No angels can't have sexual intercourse with female humans and stop thinking in this occult way, because there's no proof in the Bible for that, unless people read the Bible from an occult point of view.
    The same goes for the shape of the earth, because God didn't create a spinning ball in 'space' and placed that ball in an orbit around a MUCH BIGGER sun.
    That's HELIOCENTRISM and that's OCCULT.
    The Holy Spirit is JESUS in spiritual capacity, but Pentecostals pray to 'the holy spirit' and that's OCCULT.


  5. Christian, it's all about God's CHARACTER!
    Why would God allow FALLEN angels to have MALE genitals with working semen in order to impregnate earthly women so that the offspring would become giants who would be DOOMED from the start?
    Then God would be a DEVIL Himself who wants to CONDEMN people instead of RESCUING them, because God is JESUS!
    So if you believe that fallen angels were able to do this, then God would be RESPONSIBLE because He is the CREATOR.
    But of course this isn't the case, because God NEVER gave (fallen) angels the ability to procreate, so they were created WITHOUT genitals.
    They can also not imitate a male body in such a way that it can be used for procreation.
    There are only a FEW occasions mentioned in the Bible that GOOD angels appeared on earth as MEN.
    But they were CLOTHED and NOBODY can prove from the Bible that they owned genitals like human men.
    Maybe they didn't even have an anus, because (fallen) angels don't HAVE TO eat and drink in order to exist.
    If we don't eat and drink we DIE, and we have to defecate and to urinate from time to time.
    (Fallen) angels also NEVER have to SLEEP, because they are supernatural beings.
    They can eat and drink, but they don't NEED it, just like JESUS after His resurrection with His indestructible body and yet he ate some baked fish in the presence of His disciples to show them that He wasn't a ghost and also later when He wanted to have a conversation with Peter at the shore of the sea of Tiberias in John 21.

    The Lord JESUS really didn't need to eat and drink with His resurrection body, yet He did it.
    God-the Lord JESUS can ONLY save humans and not angels because He didn't shed His BLOOD for them, because they are totally DIFFERENT creatures!
    Angels don't have FLESH and BLOOD like humans.
    Humans are in that sense more like ANIMALS and JESUS died for us as if he was an ANIMAL, the INNOCENT LAMB of God.
    He compares bad people to VIPERS like when He called the Pharisees a generation of vipers, or he uses other animals as a comparison.
    He compares Satan to a ROARING lion seeking who he may devour.
    But He Himself is ALSO a LION, the LION of JUDAH!
    So He is as a LION and as a LAMB.

    So STOP thinking that fallen angels can have male human bodies with genitals that work and that are able to impregnate earthly women so that they'll produce giants.
    That is a fantasy straight from a PORN MOVIE!



    1. MissNov111805 • 20 hours ago

      Hans........there are many things we don't "agree" on......and we "agree to disagree"......I love you as a Brother in Christ......let it go ok? Just move on........I am not going to debate this. The passage I posted stated sons of God (angels) took earthly women because they found them attractive. They took them as wives......read the rest it's pretty clear.
      Now.......we are done here. I will NOT ARGUE this with you. What is said in God's Word is CLEAR.
      ALL my love in Christ!


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      Hans S MissNov111805 • 19 hours ago • edited

      The sons of God in Genesis 6:2 are not FALLEN angels, that's unbiblical.
      All my love in JESUS to you too and JESUS is the TRUTH.
      He didn't give (fallen) angels the ability to have sex with earthly women and he didn't call FALLEN angels 'sons of God'.



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      MissNov111805 Hans S • 19 hours ago

      Whatever ..................................


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      Hans S MissNov111805 • 19 hours ago • edited

      It's sad that so many believers in the Lord JESUS are okay with lies.



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      MissNov111805 Hans S • 19 hours ago

      If that's what you think of me...........


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      Hans S MissNov111805 • 19 hours ago • edited

      If we discuss the Bible we should not be emotional.
      I encourage you to read this article written by a fellow saved believer in the Lord JESUS: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Believer%27s%20Corner/Doctrines/giants.htm



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      CB7 Hans S • 18 hours ago

      I have never posted any comment on this site, however I feel compelled to chime in, your assertion that fallen angels cannot be called sons of God is mistaken. Psalm 82:1 "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods." and verse 6 "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
      7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." the hebrew here is bene Elyon, in Genesis 6 it is bene Elohim.
      Love in Christ


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    2. Hans S CB7 • 12 hours ago

      Psalm 82 doesn't mention 'sons of God' and this is what the reformation Bible says, made in Geneva due to the persecution by the Roman Catholic church in Britain back then::

      Psalm 82 1599 Geneva Bible

      1 God standeth in the assembly of gods: he judgeth among gods.

      2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

      3 Do right to the poor and fatherless: do justice to the poor and needy.

      4 Deliver the poor and needy: save them from the hand of the wicked.

      5 They know not and understand nothing: they walk in darkness, albeit all the foundations of the earth be moved.

      6 I have said, Ye are gods, and ye all are children of the most High.

      7 But ye shall die as a man, and ye princes shall fall like others.

      8 O God, arise, therefore judge thou the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.



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      CB7 Hans S • 8 hours ago

      So who are the gods being mentioned here? What are they? Furthemore my point still stands that bene Elyon (sons of the Highest) of psalm 82 refers to the same type of beings as bene Elohim (sons of God) of Genesis 6


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      Hans S CB7 • 6 hours ago

      I encourage you to read this article written by a fellow saved believer in the Lord JESUS: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Believer%27s%20Corner/Doctrines/giants.htm
      And what's your first name, because I don't like to talk to strangers?



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      CB7 Hans S • 3 hours ago

      I am familiar with the sethite view I have read scholarship on both sides sethite and angelic cohabition and came to the conclusion that the angelic view of genesis 6 is much stronger. Why do you refer me to an article instead of answering me directly? I've taken a look at it and it is riddled with logical fallacies such as category errors, and non sequiturs. For exemple they quote the passage on the different types of flesh as evidence mixing is not possible and yet in our present world animal-human hybrids are being made. Also concerning the famous quote from the Lord, it has a qualifier : "the angels IN HEAVEN" the cohabitation view asserts that those angels left their post. The angelic view has a wealth of scriptural support, many people do not like it because it is disturbing and unsettling while others think it is too sensational but those are emotional reasons. Please answer my question on psalm 82, who is being adressed by God?
      My name is Christian. Looking forward to your answer, love in Christ.


    3. Angels don't have genitals because they don't need to procreate.

      There are small people and tall people and small elephants and big elephants and there are small cats and big cats.
      JESUS is God and He's the creator.
      Giants could exist because God allowed it to happen.
      There are very pale people and very dark brown people and everything in between.
      There are no 'black and white people'.
      That is a term invented by racists.
      There is only ONE race: the HUMAN RACE.

      To answer your question:

      Psalm 82 Complete Jewish Bible

      82 (0) A psalm of Asaf:

      (1) Elohim [God] stands in the divine assembly;
      there with the elohim [judges], he judges:
      2 “How long will you go on judging unfairly,
      favoring the wicked? (Selah)
      3 Give justice to the weak and fatherless!
      Uphold the rights of the wretched and poor!
      4 Rescue the destitute and needy;
      deliver them from the power of the wicked!”

      5 They don’t know, they don’t understand,
      they wander about in darkness;
      meanwhile, all the foundations of the earth
      are being undermined.

      6 “My decree is: ‘You are elohim [gods, judges],
      sons of the Most High all of you.
      7 Nevertheless, you will die like mortals;
      like any prince, you will fall.’”

      8 Rise up, Elohim, and judge the earth;
      for all the nations are yours.


      CB7 Hans S • 4 hours ago • edited

      OK so many things to unpack here. You say that this is about God’s character and I agree. What do we know of his character? That he is perfectly good, perfectly intelligent, perfectly wise ; therefore we must have the mind of Job who although he could not understand the reason for his many afflictions, trusted the character of God and never denied him because he knew that there was a plan and purpose even though he could not perceive them. Concerning the issue of responsability, God created Lucifer knowing he would rebel, he also placed the tree of knowledge knowing Adam would transgress, yet He is without fault in these matters and has no moral responsability for the current state of the world. Sex is part of God’s created order and like everything it can be subverted and corrupted by creatures as we see with the LGBT movement or bestiality, likewise the angels elected to use their abilities for evil. It is they who chose this and the Holy God remains Holy. As to the question of why was this allowed, it is written in Isaiah 55 :8 ‘’ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.’’. In other words this is way beyond my intellectual abilities. Regarding another point you made I never intimated that the angels had to become physical and men-like, they could have very well used their celestial bodies or some other form to fornicate. Scripture does support the view that angels have genitals, in Isaiah 6 the reference to angels covering their feet could be translated as genitals because in hebrew the word ‘’ragle’’ is a euphemism for sex organs just do a search for ‘’Bible feet genitals‘’ and you will find scholarly articles on the subject. Finally regarding the issue of the glorious risen body of Christ, you are kind of making my point here that God does purvey abilities and functions that are not really necessary from a physical standpoint, the angels ate with Abraham, the triumphant church has the marriage supper of the Lamb, in psalm 78 : 24-25 the manna of heaven is called angels’ food. Please answer regarding psalm 82, who are the gods being refered there ?
      love in Christ



We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. I wasn't talking about THE BIBLE but about TRANSLATIONS.
    God's WORD is PERFECT but TRANSLATIONS aren't and it's easy to prove.

    Take for example this:

    Matthew 25:46

    King James Version

    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    But what did earlier translations say?

    Matthew 25:46

    1599 Geneva Bible

    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.

    Matthew 25:46

    New Matthew Bible https://www.biblegateway.co...

    46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, but the righteous into life eternal.

    Matthaeus 25:46 Luther Bibel 1545

    46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.


    And they will go in the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

    Matthew 25:46 in the Dutch States Translation:

    46 En dezen zullen gaan in de eeuwige pijn; maar de rechtvaardigen in het eeuwige leven.


    And these will go in the eternal pain; but the righteous in the eternal life.

    And then the KJV changed PAIN into PUNISHMENT which is NOT the same: people who believe in Annihilationism love this verse in the KJV because ANNIHILATION, which is UNBIBLICAL, is also a PUNISHMENT.

    But they HATE the word PAIN!!!!

    Because the word PAIN can ONLY mean ONE thing: ETERNAL TORMENT.


    Hans Hans • a day ago

    Steve Atwood about 'another Jesus' and about eternal salvation

    Steve Atwood-Guntersville Alabama Bible Conference-March 2012. Please visit Pastor Byron Wiggins' website for more sermons and information: www.gracebelieversbiblestud....



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    Bobbivilla Hans • a day ago

    Steve Atwood is an awesome brother in Christ! 💖. Here is his website. It also has the conferences they host.



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    Hans Bobbivilla • a day ago

    A great old fashioned site, but unfortunately he's a KJV-onlyist and there I go with my Geneva Bible 1599 and my Dutch 1637 Reformation Bible.....if the KJV is perfect then 'my' Bibles of choice aren't.



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    Bobbivilla Hans • a day ago • edited

    I understand Hans 💖. We can study along brother! Most do stand with the KJV, though not every country speaks english. God bless you. 🙏📣 May the Lord supply grace for you in this.


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    Hans Bobbivilla • 18 hours ago • edited

    In fact most people on earth don't speak English, but that's not my point: if people assert the KJV is perfect then ALL other translations aren't.
    The Geneva Bible is not perfect and neither is my Dutch reformation Bible, but I prefer them over the KJV.
    If King James had been graceful to the people who loved the Geneva Bible there wouldn't have been 'Pilgrim Fathers' who felt the need to flee all the way to what would become the USA.



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    SouthernBelle Hans • 15 hours ago • edited

    It sounds like you think NO Bible is perfect, anyway, so it really doesn't matter if one thinks their KJV is perfect or not, right? However, I do believe the KJV is a perfect translation into the English language and I trust it 100%. If I didn't know that, I'm not sure I could even use it. May you also just trust yours and not worry what others think regarding their KJV. :)

    1. Avatar
      Hans Hans • a day ago

      Steve Atwood about 'another Jesus' and about eternal salvation

      Steve Atwood-Guntersville Alabama Bible Conference-March 2012. Please visit Pastor Byron Wiggins' website for more sermons and information: www.gracebelieversbiblestud....



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      Bobbivilla Hans • a day ago

      Steve Atwood is an awesome brother in Christ! 💖. Here is his website. It also has the conferences they host.



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      Hans Bobbivilla • a day ago

      A great old fashioned site, but unfortunately he's a KJV-onlyist and there I go with my Geneva Bible 1599 and my Dutch 1637 Reformation Bible.....if the KJV is perfect then 'my' Bibles of choice aren't.



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      Bobbivilla Hans • a day ago • edited

      I understand Hans 💖. We can study along brother! Most do stand with the KJV, though not every country speaks english. God bless you. 🙏📣 May the Lord supply grace for you in this.


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      Hans Bobbivilla • 18 hours ago • edited

      In fact most people on earth don't speak English, but that's not my point: if people assert the KJV is perfect then ALL other translations aren't.
      The Geneva Bible is not perfect and neither is my Dutch reformation Bible, but I prefer them over the KJV.
      If King James had been graceful to the people who loved the Geneva Bible there wouldn't have been 'Pilgrim Fathers' who felt the need to flee all the way to what would become the USA.



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      SouthernBelle Hans • 15 hours ago • edited

      It sounds like you think NO Bible is perfect, anyway, so it really doesn't matter if one thinks their KJV is perfect or not, right? However, I do believe the KJV is a perfect translation into the English language and I trust it 100%. If I didn't know that, I'm not sure I could even use it. May you also just trust yours and not worry what others think regarding their KJV. :)


  2.  @Obediah002  King James, the speculative mason who built the Masonic Lodge System
    (here on YouTube)

    King James was not only a Freemason, King James was also the king who built the Masonic Lodge System.

    Are Freemasons behind Satan's King James Only movement? KJV1611 is the official Bible for Freemasons.

    KJV1611 was NOT the first "authorized" Bible of the the British monarchy. The Great Bible was the first, the Bishops' Bible was the second, KJV1611 was the third. The British monarchy had always wanted authority over the Word of God.
    The Geneva Bible was not 'authorized' by an unsaved earthly king, but it was made by former Catholics and blessed by God to serve the English speaking people.
    It became very popular and it remained popular even after the KJV was published in 1611, when King James decided to forbid the printing of the Geneva Bible and to persecute adherents of that true Reformation Bible.
    These are historical facts that are even mentioned in the Wikipedia.
    The Pilgrim Fathers were such adherents of the Geneva Bible and they first fled to the Netherlands and later part of them decided to settle in what would later become the US.
    And all because King James "wouldn't have been Freemason"...
    King James Bible Onlyists cannot change history.
    All high level Freemasons serve the Vatican, the disguised Luciferian Roman empire and every Pope is an Antichrist, which was stated in the footnotes of the Geneva Bible, that King James hated.


    1 year ago (edited)
    Luke 3:38
    King James Version
    38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

    *Who's son is Seth above, Adam right, who's son is Adam son of?

    Job speaks of "the sons of God" in same context as Luke3:38, see also Job 1:6, 2:1 , & 38:7 and they are clearly angels who are called the sons of God, there are no other choices possible.
    Hans S
    Hans S
    7 months ago
    The Masonic KJV uses the term 'sons of God' but the true Protestant English Bible uses the term 'children of God', referring to angels:
    Job 1:6
    1599 Geneva Bible

    6 Now on a day when the [a]children of God came and stood [b]before the Lord, Satan [c]came also among them.


    [a] Job 1:6 Meaning, the Angels, which are called the sons of God, because they are willing to execute his will.
    [b] Job 1:6 Because our infirmity cannot comprehend God in his majesty, he is set forth unto us as a King, that our capacity may be able to understand that which is spoken of him.
    [c] Job 1:6 This declareth, that although Satan be adversary to God, yet he is compelled to obey him, and do him all homage, without whose permission and appointment he can do nothing.

    Job 38:7
    1599 Geneva Bible

    7 When the stars of the morning [a]praised me together, and all the [b]children of God rejoiced:


    [a] Job 38:7 The stars and dumb creatures are said to praise God, because his power, wisdom and goodness is manifest and known therein.
    [b] Job 38:7 Meaning, the Angels.
    Highlighted reply
    11 hours ago
     @Hans S  KJV was written long before the Masons, and they only use it as a prop. Sons of God is correct anyway as there are no female angels, and too term sons of God is much more specific.


  3. ☕ Smell the coffee
    Contrary to the mythical belief that Freemasonry did not exist until the 17th century, the oldest known Freemason constitution dated 1350 in middle English has proved Freemasonry is much older than you thought. The minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel) No. 1 in Scotland has proved Masonic loges existed before 1598.
    📍 https://sites.google.com/site/freemasonryajesuitfront/home/origin-of-freemasonry
    📍 https://sites.google.com/site/masonickjv1611exposed/

    Grace Bride
    4 years ago


  4.  @Bellinger Family  No translation is perfect, that's why we should always compare translations with each other
    if we don't know Hebrew and Greek, and I don't believe God wants us ALL to know these two languages otherwise He would have wanted that His Word was only published in Hebrew and Greek.
    He wanted His Word to be available in all languages that He created through His miracle of the Babylonian Confusion of Tongues.
    He wants to save ALL people and not only scholars.
    I read my Dutch Reformation Bible, which is also not perfect, and I compare it with the Geneva Bible and other translations to get the best possible understanding of the Word of God.
    In that sense the KJV is not a bad Bible, but it's also not the BEST Bible in English and people who promote this ridiculous idea are misled.
    But if I were locked up in jail and they would give me a KJV I would be grateful because I've learned to know with which important verses I don't agree and here are some examples:
    2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 King James Version
    1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
    2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    'the day of Christ' is the day on which the RAPTURE will happen and 'a falling away' is what will happen after the RAPTURE

    2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible
    1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our assembling unto him,
    2 That ye be not suddenly moved from your mind, nor troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it were from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand.
    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.
    4 Which is an adversary, and exalteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

    Because the word PAIN can ONLY mean ONE thing: ETERNAL TORMENT.

    1. 'the day of Christ' is the day on which the RAPTURE will happen and 'departing' is the RAPTURE and 'a falling away' (KJV) is the effect of the rapture among left behind believers

      Matthaeus 25:46 Luther Bibel 1545

      46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.
      And they will go in the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

      Matthew 25:46 in the Dutch States Translation:

      46 En dezen zullen gaan in de eeuwige pijn; maar de rechtvaardigen in het eeuwige leven.
      And these will go in the eternal pain; but the righteous in the eternal life.

      Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible

      46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.

      And then the KJV changed PAIN into PUNISHMENT which is NOT the same:

      Matthew 25:46 King James Version

      46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

      People who believe in Annihilationism love this verse in the KJV because ANNIHILATION, which is UNBIBLICAL, is also a PUNISHMENT.

      But they HATE the word PAIN!


      I used to love this translation now I say burn it I use the geneva translation the bible of my ancestors the pilgrims which I'm trying to get it revised in modern English
      Hans S
      Hans S
      8 minutes ago
      Don't read the 'revised' version of the Geneva Bible because they changed the original! Learn to love the English of 1560 and rather read the 1599 version with improved spelling.
      Bellinger Family
      Bellinger Family
      4 minutes ago
       @Hans S  even the 1560 had some flaws that's why I'm using the interlinier looking at the hebrew and Greek to fix what was flawed


  5. It's disturbing how they persecute the readers of the true reformation Bible
    that was made in Geneva, Switzerland and that was published in 1560 and that became very popular until Freemason King James decided to ban the printing of this excellent Bible.


    Dragon Ball Spaghetti
    Dragon Ball Spaghetti
    10 months ago
    Sickening how people worship his translation.

  6. Replies

    1. The KJV was made in response to the real reformation Bible
      , that was made in Geneva, Switzerland due to the persecution by the Roman Catholic church of the protestant reformers, who were all former Catholics.
      King James I and the Geneva Bible
      Example of the blackletter version (1608)

      In 1604, the year after he claimed the throne of England, King James I hosted and presided over a conference pertaining to matters religious, the Hampton Court Conference. While the Geneva Bible was the preferred Bible of Anglican and Puritan Protestants during the Elizabethan Age, King James I disliked the Geneva Bible and made his views clearly known at the conference: "I think that of all [English Bibles], that of Geneva is the worst." Apparently, his distaste for the Geneva Bible was not necessarily caused just by the translation of the text into English, but mostly the annotations in the margins. He felt strongly many of the annotations were "very partial, untrue, seditious, and savoring too much of dangerous and traitorous conceits..." In all likelihood, he saw the Geneva's interpretations of biblical passages as anti-clerical "republicanism", which could imply church hierarchy was unnecessary. Other passages appeared particularly seditious: notably references to monarchs as "tyrants". It followed that the need for a king as head of church and state could be questioned also. James had been dealing with similar issues with the Presbyterian-Calvinist religious leaders back in Scotland, and he wanted none of the same controversies in England. Also, if annotations were in print, readers might believe these interpretations correct and fixed, making it more difficult to change his subjects' minds about the meanings of particular passages.
      Title page of a Geneva Bible Apparently dated 1599 but probably printed circa 1616 to 1625.

      So when towards the end of the conference two Puritans suggested that a new translation of the Bible be produced to better unify the Anglican Church in England and Scotland, James embraced the idea. He could not only be rid of those inconvenient annotations, but he could have greater influence on the translation of the Bible as a whole. He commissioned and chartered a new translation of the Bible which would eventually become the most famous version of the Bible in the history of the English language. Officially known as the Authorized Version to be read in churches, the new Bible would come to bear his name as the so-called King James Bible or King James Version (KJV) elsewhere or casually. The first and early editions of the King James Bible from 1611 and the first few decades thereafter lack annotations, unlike nearly all editions of the Geneva Bible up until that time. Initially, the King James Version did not sell well and competed with the Geneva Bible. Shortly after the first edition of the KJV, King James banned the printing of new editions of the Geneva Bible to further entrench his version. However, Robert Barker continued to print Geneva Bibles even after the ban, placing the spurious date of 1599 on new copies of Genevas which were actually printed circa 1616 to 1625. Despite popular misconception, the Puritan Separatists or Pilgrim Fathers aboard the Mayflower in 1620 brought to North America copies of the Geneva Bible.
      Source: Wikipedia

    2. Why is the Geneva Bible, 1560 and later versions, not the most popular Protestant English Bible?
      King James jailed Christians who rejected his Masonic Bible and his Masonic Church of England.

      1601: James became a Freemason of the Lodge of Scoon.
      1603: James became king of England.
      James persecuted Puritans and Separatists (Pilgrims) who refused to conform to the new Church of England.
      1604: Mason King James appointed Richard Bancroft, later George Abbot, as Archbishop of Canterbury.
      King James authorized the translation of the Bible to honor himself through future generations.
      1606: King James denied Puritans' request to start their own biblical church and forbade them from leaving England.
      1607: King James' sheriff and bailliffs arrested and jailed the Separatists who boarded a ship for Holland, including the 17-year old William Bradford.
      1608: King James' armed officers arrested and jailed those on shore trying to leave England for Holland.
      1620: King James persecuted the Pilgrims in Holland. William Brewster had to go into hiding.

      King James was not a true Protestant and he was in fact a Freemason.
      'His' bible is the translation of the Anglican church.
      The 'Geneva Bible' is the true Bible of the reformation and the Puritan Separatists or Pilgrim Fathers aboard the Mayflower in 1620 brought to North America copies of the Geneva Bible.


    3. Before the Flood there was one super continent
      on the stationary, round and flat earth, surrounded by one ocean and there was no ice and snow.
      Genesis 1
      1599 Geneva Bible
      The First Book of Moses, called Genesis

      1 1 God created the heaven and the earth. 3 The light and the darkness, 8 The firmament, 9 He separateth the water from the earth. 16 He createth the sun, the moon, and the stars. 21 He createth the fish, birds, beasts, 26 He createth man, and giveth him rule over all creatures, 29 And provideth nurture for man and beast.

      1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

      2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters.

      God is an ARTIST and He started the creation of earth like a painter starts his (or her, because there are also good female painters) painting with an empty (void) canvas.
      My Dutch reformation Bible (the States Bible) also says the earth WAS without form and void.


    4. Every Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor and AN Antichrist
      and the last Pope will be THE Antichrist = the 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'in place of Christ' = BLASPHEMY!

      V =5........F = 0........D = 500
      I = 1.........I = 1.........E = 0
      C =100....L = 50.......I = 1
      A = 0........I = 1............------
      R = 0........I = 1..............501
      I .= 1.........------
      U = 5.............53
      S = 0

      = 666

      The current Pope is a JESUIT and he might well be the LAST Pope.


    5. The Geneva Bible 1560 also contained the apocrypha.
      Later versions got rid of them. Understand that the translators of the Geneva Bible were former Catholics.
      That's also the reason why the translators of the Geneva Bible used the word 'church' instead of the word 'congregation' that radical former Catholic William Tyndale used in his translation of the New Testament. The KJV that came after the Geneva Bible also uses the word 'church'.
      The Dutch (States) reformation Bible uses the Dutch word for 'assembly' instead of the Dutch word for 'church' (kerk = 'kirk' in Scottish), because they wanted (like William Tyndale) to get rid of that word 'church' which was always associated with the CHURCH BUILDINGS (and Cathedrals) of the Roman Catholic CHURCH.


    6. @WordAboveAll Right off the bat it's clear that Matthew McGee is honest about who he is and you lie about your identity.

      Get saved or don't and spend your time in the lake of fire together with the other liars and deceivers and self--righteous freaks:
      We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
      Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

      4 hours ago
      I have no idea who Matthew McGee is....but right off the bat the guy is flawed.When he refers to the word of God he always capitalizes Word for the written word of God. That is a hilarious yet sad mistake. NOWHERE in the Bible is the written word of God (Bible) with a capitol W. When referring to the the written word it is ALWAYS a lowercase w. When speaking about the Word of God (Jesus Christ, the living Word) then it is ALWAYS capitalized.
      Written word of God lowercase
      Jesus Christ ALWAYS and ONLY Capitol W.

      But, that is the problem when you believe "For serious Bible students, I suggest a Bible dictionary for Greek and Hebrew words..."

      The devils trick is to get people sucked into GK and Heb and not in the God given PERFECT, given by inspiration English KJB.

      More errors but whats the use, he already bombed out.

    7. ANSWER: No. God has always given His word to one people in one language to do one job; convert the world. The supposition that there must be a perfect translation in every language is erroneous and inconsistent with God's proven practice. EXPLANATION: This explanation comes in three parts: the Old Testament, the New Testament, the entire Bible.

      (1) The Old Testament:

      It is an accepted fact that, with the exception of some portions of Ezra and Daniel, the Old Testament was written in Hebrew. It is also accepted that it was divinely given to the Jews. Thus God initiates His pattern of operation. He gave His words to one people in only one language. God, apparently unintimidated by modem scholarship, did not feel obligated to supply His words in Egyptian, Chaldian, Syrian, Ethiopian, or any other of the languages in use on the earth at the time the Old Testament was written. The Old Testament was given exclusively to the Jews. Anyone desiring the word of God would have to convert to Judaism. Ample provision was made for such occurrences.

      (2) New Testament:

      It is also an accepted fact that the New Testament was written in Greek. Koine Greek to be exact. Again, the Lord apparently saw no reason to inspire a perfect original in all of the languages of the world extant at that time. Only this time, instead of giving His Book to a nation, such as Israel, He simply gave it to the Christians who were told to go out and convert the world. (Matthew 28:19) His choice of Greek as the language of the New Testament was obvious in that it was the predominant language of the world at the time.

      (3) The Entire Bible:

      It is obvious that God now needed to get both His Old Testament and His New Testament welded together in a language that was common to the world. Only English can be considered such a language.

      The English language had been developing for many centuries until the late sixteenth century. About that time it finally reached a state of excellence that no language on earth has ever attained. It would seem that God did the rest. He chose this perfect language for the consummation of his perfect Book.

      First England and later the United States swept the globe as the most powerful nations on earth, establishing English in all corners of the globe as either a primary or secondary language.

      Today nations who do not speak English must still teach English to many of their citizens. Even nations antagonistic to the West such as Russia and Red China must teach English to their business and military personnel.

      Thus in choosing English in which to combine His two Testaments, God chose the only language which the world would know. Just as He has shown in His choosing only one language for the Old Testament and only one language for the New Testament, He continued that practice by combining those two testaments in only one language.

      But let us not forget the fact that, by choosing the English language, God has given us a mandate to carry out the great commission. He did not give us a perfect Bible to set placidly on the coffee table in our living room to let our guests know that we are "religious". He did not give it to us to press a flower from our first date, or to have a record of our family tree. He gave it to us to read! And to tuck under our arm and share with the lost world the good news of Jesus' payment for sin that is found inside.

      1 day ago
      @WordAboveAll I see this reply

  7. "One of the first things you should know about the ever changing NASBs is that it is just one more of the new Vatican Versions being foisted on the church today in an attempt to create an artificial "interconfessional" text that is acceptable to both "Evangelicals" and Catholics. It's textual choices are directly influenced by the Vatican." -Will Kinney


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