😅😅😅 Its merely a planned event by the good old boy cons who brought us the CONvid plandemic, facemasks, and the quackccine mandates. Little PuttPutt Putin and Volo are just playing their parts as directed by whomever the leader of the good old boy cabal is. Creepy Joe and Little PuttPutt Putin are playing good guy/ bad guy and Comedy Dhow Volo is playing the heroic victim. Meanwhile Creepy Joe has dispatched the SeanPenn to record the event for prosperity.....and profit. Can't leave out
The father of jailed journalist Gonzalo Lira Sr. has squarely blamed the situation on the US administration and its ties to Kiev. The alleged persecution of his son stems from the fact that the latter had bravely reported on about a dozen Zelensky “opponents” who had “disappeared,” he claims.
“This that is happening to my son, he’s a victim of this Biden government and his relation with that puppet Zelensky,” Lira Snr stated on Saturday in an interview with US journalist and political commenter Tucker Carlson.
The link between the US administration and the blogger’s hardships might be even deeper, his father suggested, given that his second arrest in Ukraine came mere days “after condemning Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”
Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson Ep. 47 Gonzalo Lira is an American citizen who’s been tortured in a Ukrainian prison since July, for the crime of criticizing Zelensky. Biden officials approve of this, because they’d like to apply the same standard here. The media agree. Here’s a statement from Gonzalo Lira’s father.
(00:00) American Zelensky critic jailed in Ukraine (05:14) Where is our State Department? (08:40) Lira arrested after criticizing Biden (11:49) Is Ukraine the democracy we’re told it is?
“The responsibility of this tragedy is the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American President, Joe Biden,” Gonzalo’s father wrote in a note published by the Grayzone.
Here, @GonzaloLira1968 discusses my article exposing how Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky owned Hunter Biden's Burisma, financed the political rise of Volodymyr Zelensky, and funded the Azov Battalion.
@TuckerCarlson : "Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture."
Victoria Jane Nuland also known as Toria Nuland is an American diplomat currently serving as under secretary of state for political affairs since 2021.
A former member of the US Foreign Service, she served as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs from 2013 to 2017 and the 18th US ambassador to NATO from 2005 to 2008.
If your learning that the UK and much of Europe is 'gearing up' for war with Russia - Because they are…
Consider the content of this video - It's potentially the context MSM will never mention and an Iraq like false flag trigger…
There Are No Good Guys / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeletethe world is a stage fake war fake covid 19 united states russia all working together
ReplyDeletethe world is a stage fake war fake covid 19 united states russia all working together crisis actors
ReplyDeleteThis is a possibility
DeleteThe Entire War Is A Show that was all planned in advance
ReplyDeleteIs Anyone Telling The Truth About This So Called Russian Invasion
ReplyDeletedepcom 2 days ago
Delete😅😅😅 Its merely a planned event by the good old boy cons who brought us the CONvid plandemic, facemasks, and the quackccine mandates. Little PuttPutt Putin and Volo are just playing their parts as directed by whomever the leader of the good old boy cabal is. Creepy Joe and Little PuttPutt Putin are playing good guy/ bad guy and Comedy Dhow Volo is playing the heroic victim. Meanwhile Creepy Joe has dispatched the SeanPenn to record the event for prosperity.....and profit. Can't leave out
Gonzalo Lira ging in Oekraïne door een hel: ‘Dit is één van de meest dramatische video’s die ik ooit zag’
ReplyDeleteGonzalo Lira went through hell in Ukraine: 'This is one of the most dramatic videos I've ever seen'
DeleteGonzalo Lira seeks political asylum in Hungary
ReplyDeleteHet ziet er niet goed uit voor Gonzalo Lira: ‘Sindsdien heeft niemand meer iets van hem vernomen’
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't look good for Gonzalo Lira: 'No one has heard from him since then'
DeleteOnjuistheden in de speculaties van Scott Ritter over Gonzalo Lira
ReplyDeleteFlaws in Scott Ritter’s Speculation About Gonzalo Lira
DeleteScott Ritter on Gonzalo Lira's Latest Disappearance
ReplyDeleteWho is the detained US journalist that Elon Musk is asking Biden and Zelensky about?
ReplyDeleteThe father of jailed journalist Gonzalo Lira Sr. has squarely blamed the situation on the US administration and its ties to Kiev. The alleged persecution of his son stems from the fact that the latter had bravely reported on about a dozen Zelensky “opponents” who had “disappeared,” he claims.
Delete“This that is happening to my son, he’s a victim of this Biden government and his relation with that puppet Zelensky,” Lira Snr stated on Saturday in an interview with US journalist and political commenter Tucker Carlson.
The link between the US administration and the blogger’s hardships might be even deeper, his father suggested, given that his second arrest in Ukraine came mere days “after condemning Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”
'Biden' doesn't exist because the real Joe Biden is dead!
DeleteThe US is run by Satan through that zombie called 'Biden'.
DeleteUS journalist jailed and 'tortured' by Ukraine has died – family
ReplyDeleteBurgerjournalist Gonzalo gevangengezet en gemarteld door Oekraïne is overleden – familie
ReplyDeleteCitizen journalist Gonzalo imprisoned and tortured by Ukraine dies – family
DeleteState Dept confirms death of US journalist jailed by Ukraine – TASS
ReplyDeleteGonzalo Lira ‘als beest gestorven’ in Oekraïense cel: ‘Zijn gruwelijke dood is bloed aan handen van VS’
ReplyDeleteGonzalo Lira 'died like an animal' in Ukrainian cell: 'His gruesome death is blood on the hands of the US'
DeleteTucker Carlson
Ep. 47 Gonzalo Lira is an American citizen who’s been tortured in a Ukrainian prison since July, for the crime of criticizing Zelensky. Biden officials approve of this, because they’d like to apply the same standard here. The media agree. Here’s a statement from Gonzalo Lira’s father.
(00:00) American Zelensky critic jailed in Ukraine
(05:14) Where is our State Department?
(08:40) Lira arrested after criticizing Biden
(11:49) Is Ukraine the democracy we’re told it is?
Gonzalo Lira’s father is delusional because the US has always been an instrument of the satanic Vatican
DeleteThe real Biden is DEAD and the current 'Biden' is a BUTCHER of the VATICAN
DeleteAnd the EU is no different and the revived Luciferian ROMAN EMPIRE
DeleteNATO is the army of the POPE = the disguised LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPEROR, the ANTICHRIST
DeleteTo deceive he talks softly and about 'peace' but he's a BEAST!
DeleteAnd he wants you to take his MARK, the Mark of the BEAST, 666
DeleteSo get yourself 'vaccinated' and accept the final 'vaccine' the quantum dot tattoo and go to HELL with him
DeleteOr be WISE and surrender to JESUS Christ!
DeleteThere is NO alternative!
Trump Jr. condemns Zelensky for US journalist’s ‘murder’
ReplyDeleteThe ex-US president’s son questioned sending aid to a country where American citizens are killed
“The responsibility of this tragedy is the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American President, Joe Biden,” Gonzalo’s father wrote in a note published by the Grayzone.
DeleteRIP Gonzalo Lira
DeleteHere, @GonzaloLira1968
discusses my article exposing how Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky owned Hunter Biden's Burisma, financed the political rise of Volodymyr Zelensky, and funded the Azov Battalion.
: "Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture."
De VS is verantwoordelijk voor de dood van Gonzalo Lira in een geheime Oekraïense gevangenis
ReplyDeleteThe US Is Responsible For Gonzalo Lira’s Death In A Secret Ukrainian Prison
DeleteMusk reacts to death of US journalist in Ukrainian prison
ReplyDeleteGerman MEP demands answers over death of US journalist in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteGonzalo Lira: Waarom de Russen heel Oekraïne zullen moeten bezetten – maar niet alles zullen annexeren
ReplyDeleteGonzalo Lira: Why the Russians will have to occupy the entirety of Ukraine — but won’t annex all of it.
DeleteDe bloeddorstige Victoria Nuland The bloodthirsty Victoria Nuland
ReplyDeleteThere's a seriously insane agenda coming from the US - Specifically from the clinically unstable and blood thirsty warmongering psychopathic, under the name of Victoria Nuland.
DeleteVictoria Jane Nuland also known as Toria Nuland is an American diplomat currently serving as under secretary of state for political affairs since 2021.
A former member of the US Foreign Service, she served as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs from 2013 to 2017 and the 18th US ambassador to NATO from 2005 to 2008.
If your learning that the UK and much of Europe is 'gearing up' for war with Russia - Because they are…
Consider the content of this video - It's potentially the context MSM will never mention and an Iraq like false flag trigger…
Media besteedden veel aandacht aan de dood van Alexei Navalny, maar negeerden de dood van Gonzalo Lira volledig – HIER IS WAAROM
ReplyDeleteMedia heavily reported on Alexei Navalny’s death, but completely ignored Gonzalo Lira’s death – HERE’S WHY
DeleteJudicial Watch Smoking Gun in Gonzalo Lira zaak: Hoe Biden regime zijn leven had kunnen redden en dat niet deed
ReplyDeleteJudicial Watch Smoking Gun in Gonzalo Lira Case: How Biden Regime Could Have Saved His Life and Didn't
DeleteDit is essentieel om de Oekraiense puinhoop te begrijpen.
ReplyDeleteThis is essential to understanding the Ukrainian mess.