Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Joseph 'Stalin' the JESUIT PRIEST, was worse than Adolf Hitler!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Joseph 'Stalin' the JESUIT PRIEST, was worse than Adolf Hitler!

By 1922, the Bolsheviks had won the Civil War, but left the whole country broke. The Rothschilds and the American Jesuit Bankers on Wall Street made a simple offer - they would help fund and bail out new new Soviet Union, provided Stalin was given a key role. Thus on April 3, 1922, Stalin was made General Secretary of the Central Committee, a post hew subsequently grew to become the most powerful.


The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - The Truth about Communism


  One of the earliest acts of Stalin was to begin the outlawing of the Russian Orthodox Church, allowing seized thousands of churches and schools to be handed over to the Catholic Church- a highly controversal program that has largely been unreported even to this day. By 1939, the Russian Orthodox Church was all but extinct.

Of the other persecutions, the Ukraine and deportation of Jews is also infamous under his reign in which tens of millions perished. But what is rarely if ever published is that the Head of the Death Camps of Siberia was none other than Catholic Cardinal Gregory Agagianian, his former classmate at the Jesuit Seminary of Tiflis.

There is a further and most disturbing note to this Catholic connection concerning the nature of the atrocities of Siberia. While it has been admitted by some historians that a number of concentration camps in Siberia had ovens to burn dead bodies, the lack of sufficient mass graves, even with the use of quick lime to destroy evidence has been found.

This implies that the use of ovens for body disposal must have been in frequent use across the thousands of camps. Furthermore, that people were not dead when fed into the furnaces. Unlike the Nazis who at least used a nerve agent to render people unconscious but living before being fed into the furnaces of the death camps, it appears Stalin and Catholic Cardinal Agagianian had no need for such sensitivity.

Tens of millions of people burnt alive under Satanic Vatican rituals in Siberia - at least three times those of Catholic Dictator Hitler, and not a single book accounting for these major anomolies has made the light of day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The evil man of steel of the Vatican: STALIN



Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jughashvili; Russian: Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Джугашви́ли Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) (December 18 1878 – March 5, 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin (Иосиф Сталин, Iosif Stalin; stalin meaning "made of steel".

Josef was born to influential Catholic parents Vissarion "Beso" Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina "Keke" Geladze. His father Beso was a successful and relatively wealthy local businessman. However, in later biographies, he is variously described as poor, dirt poor and a violent alcoholic.

Whatever the real truth, Josef was accepted into the Catholic Cappuchin run school at Gori. He graduated in 1892 first in his class and at the age of 14 he was accepted to enter the "Orthodox" Seminary of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution to be trained as a Jesuit priest.

Read more... 










Dramatically Different History to What You Were Taught - Vatican Beast System 



Resurrecting Stalin — Again



Joseph Stalin Vatican 



  1. +MrJohnnyjeyy
    I'm Dutch, but the Dutch government is unfortunately a close ally of the US
    , and the Netherlands is part of the revived Roman Empire, the EU and the real boss is the POPE.
    He's also the boss of the USA.

    This is the GOOD NEWS: we all DESERVE to ROT in HELL-the lake of fire, but when we surrender to JESUS, HE will save us from this fate, because He LOVES us, and because He is GOD in the capacity of SAVIOR!


    Yesterday 7:13 PM

    +Hans S
    If you really belive that might I suggest, moving to another country that's a fundytard theocracy/dominionist rageme", stay there, & don't come back?
    You're obviously just an unpatriotic treasonous religious terrorist eventually,
    No better than an ISIS Muslim, right/

    Again, you got it all wrong. The word GOSPEL means GOOD NEWS, not CONSPIRACY THEORIES.

    Can you tell me what the GOOD NEWS really is?
    I don't think you can. Cuz you really don't know, do you?

    JOHN 3:16
    ROMANS 3;23

  2. +Paul Darrow
    Yes, Adolf Hitler was a very compassionate Roman Catholic...
    Always a lot of fun with this man...

    But he was only a pawn of Pope Pius XII and the black pope Wlodimir Ledochowski https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/people/wlodimir-ledochowski and LUCIFER


    Paul Darrow
    Yesterday 11:53 PM

    Some of the most compassionate people I have ever met are Catholics. However in contrast the most evil people I have ever met have always been Born Again Christians. Psychopathy seems to be a requirement for Born Again types

    1. +Paul Darrow
      What's Martin Luther got to do with it?
      I'm a follower of JESUS and not of this PSEUDO-CATHOLIC.


      Paul Darrow
      12:29 AM

      +Hans S and you sir are a very compassionate Martin Luther who wrote "the jews and their lies" in 1537 calling for the extermination of the jewish race and was the inspiration for Hitler....sorry you will have to do better than that

  3. +Paul Darrow
    You're so brainwashed by religion and the word 'christian', that you don't realize that there are people who LOVE JESUS Christ who have no STUPID 'Christian-religious' background.

    THANK GOD, I've NEVER been a 'Christian', and I will NEVER become a 'Christian', because I'm a JESUS Christian!

    Got it?


    Paul Darrow
    1:40 AM

    +Nick MacLaughlin I still think hans may be a comedy troll pretending to be a christian for a laugh

  4. +Rob Alston
    Russia still needs to give the STOLEN territory back to Finland which was conquered during the winter-war of 1940-1941 under the leadership of the JESUIT PRIEST, Joseph Stalin.



    Young bear sabotages 3,000-strong Finnish army drill prompting them to take cover
    A one-year-old bear made an incursion into a Finnish army’s base and disrupted a brigade training exercise of more than 3,000 troops, with some taking cover in their trucks, local media reported.
    Nicholas Brickhouse's profile photoMiguel Burgueño's profile photoDana BK's profile photoGriffin Walker's profile photo
    Hide comments
    Rob Alston
    10:14 AM

    The Russian bear really did make an attack..
    Евгений Фокс
    10:28 AM

    perpetual eye
    12:42 PM

    Run awayyy!!
    Juuso(Yooso), it's broken now :D
    Neil Dudman
    1:52 PM

    Not like the army is armed or anything...
    Nicholas Brickhouse
    3:50 PM

    The US would've just shot it and took pics with the body to brag about on Facebook.
    Miguel Burgueño
    4:00 PM

    :D :D :D :P :P :P

  5. +Родерик Рандом
    That's because 'Stalin' was a JESUIT PRIEST, serving the SATANIC VATICAN.

    Communism was invented by the JESUITS!
    Родерик Рандом
    10:48 AM

    +Hans S Stalin was a Georgian. He studied in a Georgian Orthodox seminary. He was never any kind of Jesuit.
    Hans S
    10:54 AM

    +Родерик Рандом Joseph 'Stalin' the JESUIT PRIEST, was worse than Adolf Hitler! http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.nl/2016/05/joseph-stalin-jesuit-priest-was-worse.html
    Родерик Рандом
    10:55 AM

    +Hans S blah, blah, empty idiotic blah
    Hans S
    10:55 AM

    +Родерик Рандом
    You're a fan of Stalin the JEW HATER!
    Hans S
    10:56 AM

    +Родерик Рандом
    Just try to DISPROVE the FACTS about 'Stalin'.
    Родерик Рандом
    10:56 AM

    +Hans S You are just an idiot. Stop writing stupid lies. Fuck off.
    Родерик Рандом
    10:57 AM

    +Hans S What 'facts', you ignorant cunt? I am blocking you now, Hans - because you are full of shit.
    Hans S
    11:00 AM

    +Родерик Рандом Just try to DISPROVE the FACTS about 'Stalin'.
    Родерик Рандом
    10:42 AM

    +Barnie Smith Lenin specifically asked for a private burial ceremony, and to be buried alongside his brother. I strongly doubt he would have approved this appalling mausoleum - which was entirely Stalin's idea.

  6. +ruben camargo Adolf Hitler escaped to Argentina and Joseph Stalin was poisoned by the Jesuits, because he had become rebellious according to Satan and the 'black Pope', the leader of the Jesuits.
    So the real 'winner' of the '2nd world war' was Adolf Hitler and the USA, because many Nazis went to the US on behalf of the Vatican.


    ruben camargo
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +ruben camargo And NOT because of their deeds, but because of their REJECTION of God's GRACE through FAITH in the atoning BLOOD of JESUS Christ.

  7. +ROBERT S JORDAN It was the other way around: Hitler was merely a puppet of Pope Pius XII and the JESUITS and Satan, and Joseph 'Stalin', the JESUIT PRIEST, too!
    Joseph 'Stalin' the JESUIT PRIEST, was worse than Adolf Hitler! https://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.com/2016/05/joseph-stalin-jesuit-priest-was-worse.html


    ROBERT S JORDAN's profile photo
    +Hans S wasn't Pope Pious Hitler's Pope

  8. Joseph 'Stalin' the JESUIT PRIEST, was worse than Adolf Hitler!
    But Stalin was POISONED by the JESUITS in 1953 and Hitler lived on in the USA as a reward for his service to the Vatican, the Pope and SATAN!
    NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997! http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.com/2017/08/nazi-america-adolf-hitler-was-alive-and.html

  9. [Crime No.20-46] Of open contempt for church law for the purpose of promoting crimes against humanity: (1953 to present) That the Catholic Church has well established laws and cases of excommunicating individuals after their death from actions considered heretical. That these laws enabling a dead person to be excommunicated have been available for use for over three hundred years. That at the death of Fr. Joseph Stalin S. J. the leader of the Soviet Union in 1953, there was sufficient evidence both that Fr. Stalin was Catholic and had ordered some of the greatest atrocities of human history including reputedly the death of over 60,000,000 innocent people. That at no time since the end of Word War II until the present day has any Pope ever sought to excommunicate Fr. Stalin S. J. That such inaction, and deliberate concealement of his status even until his death of being a fully empowered Catholic priest and of even being Catholic by itself implies the tacit support of Stalin’s actions, regardless of any public statement by the Vatican to the contrary. Furthermore, such inaction voids any legality, or credibility of the excommunication and heresy investigation process of the Catholic Church as such inaction by the Vatican is in open contempt for church law. That all excommunications since 1953 are to be considered suspect and potentially invalid due to the nullification of the credibility of such law.



Friday, May 20, 2016

American Is NOT Babylon 9: Ian Paisley & The Jesuit Oath

American Is NOT Babylon 9: Ian Paisley & The Jesuit Oath

Published on May 19, 2016
If you ever wanted to know what the Jesuits truly believe and practice, please listen to this!


We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Replies
    1. both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin recognized the city’s ideological importance, since it was here that the first socialist revolution had taken place, and the city itself had been renamed in honor of the leader of the global proletariat, Vladimir Lenin.

    2. Stalin probably didn’t want to take responsibility for a catastrophe of this magnitude or show weakness in front of former allies with whom the Cold War was already brewing.

    3. Stalin initially considered the city’s situation nearly hopeless and was more focused on saving Moscow. But the desperate resistance of the city’s defenders, the steadfast perseverance of its inhabitants, and later the heroism of the brigades that transported scarce food supplies to Leningrad in trucks and carts along the city’s sole lifeline – the ‘Road of Life’ established on the ice of Lake Ladoga – forced the Bolshevik leader to change his mind.

    4. From the points of view of Stalin, Chief of the General Staff Shaposhnikov, and Zhukov, who commanded the encircled Leningrad Front, the operation was an immediate failure. Enraged, Zhukov even decided to act independently and gave an order to force a crossing of the Neva from the west. In the vicinity of Shlisselburg, the landing forces were destroyed, but another attempt 12km to the south, on a narrow river bend, was more successful, and the Neva Bridgehead, where Putin’s father fought, was formed.

    5. The impatience of the Georgian, who had had the leadership of the Western Front shot just two months before, led to a number of hasty and ill-prepared attempted to break the blockade.

    6. Those days saw the first deployment of the Tiger. One of those heavy tanks, which were still a rarity, was captured and carefully studied, which allowed Soviet and Allied armored soldiers to identify its vulnerabilities and learn how to deal with it effectively.

    7. And now Nazi-Germany is sending heavy tanks to Russia again....

  2. Replies
    1. The article doesn't mention that 'Stalin' was a JESUIT PRIEST and that communism was a JESUIT invention

    2. And the dumb people in the comment section do exactly what the Jesuits and Satan want: blame 'the Jews' or even LIE that 'most of the Jews aren't even Jews but 'Khazarians'.

    3. The reasoning of the Jew-haters is like this: 'there are evil Jews, so ALL Jews need to be killed''.

    4. They don't say: 'there are evil Germans so ALL Germans need to be killed' or there are evil American so all Americans need to be killed'.

    5. No, the sick Jew-haters hate ALL the Jews and they don't even know WHY.

    6. That's because the DEMONS in their brains tell them to do so, because SATAN hates the Jews!

    7. And most of all Satan hates JESUS the JEW, because He is GOD!

    8. JESUS the JEW will utterly DESTROY all Jew haters and torture them forever in His lake of fire!

    9. And that's why these SICK MORONS hate JESUS so much...former single celled embryos with a GOD COMPLEX

    10. The JEWS are proof of the existence of God! Without God there are no Jews!

    11. Abram (later Abraham) was a PAGAN from UR in nowadays IRAQ!

    12. He didn't wake up one day and decided to become a 'Jew'!

    13. No, GOD decided to use him for His purposes and from his son Isaac came Jacob, whom God called ISRAEL

    14. When the SECULAR leadership of the Jewish state in 'Palestine' sought a name for their state, they were left with nothing.

    15. Until someone said "why don't we just call it ISRAEL'?

    16. And so it became ISRAEL and that was NOT in the interest of Satan!

    17. So satan immediately activated the Arab Muslims to end Israel...and Satan FAILED!

    18. ISLAM was created by the SATANIC Vatican! The disguised LUCIFERIAN Roman empire.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”