Thursday, 20 January 2022

IF Righteousness Come By the Law


16:21 AMEN! Our apostle Paul is the 'Moses' of the New Testament for the saved believers in the Lord JESUS Christ.

Dream about Robert Breaker



  1. Replies

    1. Important pre-Jacob's Trouble-rapture verses

      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 King James Version
      13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
      14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
      15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
      16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 King James Version
      1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
      2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
      4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

      'the day of Christ' is the day on which the RAPTURE will happen and 'a falling away' is what will happen after the RAPTURE

      1 Corinthians 15:50-52 King James Version
      50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
      51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
      52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

      Philippians 3:20-21 King James Version
      20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
      21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

      Titus 2:13 King James Version
      13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ

      1 Thessalonians 2:19 King James Version
      19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

      1 Thessalonians 5:9 King James Version
      9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ

      Only Revelation 19:14 mentions the members of the Body of Christ AFTER the rapture and at the time of the Second Coming of JESUS Christ:
      Revelation 19:14 King James Version (KJV)
      14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

    2. Original version:

      Important pre-Jacob's Trouble-rapture verses

      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 1599 Geneva Bible
      13 I would not brethren, have you ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope.
      14 For if we believe that Jesus is dead, and is risen, even so them which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him.
      15 For this say we unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which live, and are remaining in the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which sleep.
      16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      17 Then shall we which live and remain, be caught up with them also in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      18 Wherefore, comfort yourselves one another with these words.

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible
      1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our assembling unto him,
      2 That ye be not suddenly moved from your mind, nor troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it were from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.
      4 Which is an adversary, and exalteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

      'the day of Christ' is the day on which the RAPTURE will happen and 'departing' is the RAPTURE and 'a falling away' (KJV) is the effect of the rapture among left behind believers

      1 Corinthians 15:50-52 1599 Geneva Bible
      50 This say I, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
      51 Behold, I show you a secret thing, We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
      52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall blow, and the dead shall be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

      Philippians 3:20-21 1599 Geneva Bible
      20 But our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Savior, even the Lord Jesus Christ,
      21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working, whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

      Titus 2:13 1599 Geneva Bible
      13 Looking for that blessed hope, and appearing of that glory of that mighty God, and of our Savior Jesus Christ.

      1 Thessalonians 2:19 1599 Geneva Bible
      19 For what is our hope or joy, or crown of rejoicing? are not even you it in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

      1 Thessalonians 5:9 1599 Geneva Bible
      9 For God hath not appointed us unto wrath, but to obtain salvation by the means of our Lord Jesus Christ.

      Only Revelation 19:14 mentions the members of the Body of Christ AFTER the rapture and at the time of the Second Coming of JESUS Christ:
      Revelation 19:14 1599 Geneva Bible
      14 And the hosts which were in heaven, followed him upon white horses, clothed with fine linen white and pure.


    3. @Frank Gordon Who says that the saved and raptured members of the body of Christ
      will be ON this earth after the Second Coming?
      I don't know what you want to do, but I want to stay as close to JESUS as possible, no matter where He is!
      JESUS teaches that we will be AS the angels!
      And the good angels are also active IN THIS WORLD and not only the fallen angels.
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      26 seconds ago
      @Hans S I LOVE YOU BROTHER !! I meant every word that I said, and I will leave the rest for you and God to settle!
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      5 seconds ago
      I’m not sure who Danny is. What is his last name?
      Hans S
      Hans S
      1 second ago
      @Frank Gordon I believe the earth is flat and round with a dome shaped firmament and its standing on at least four pillars and God-the Lord JESUS uses it as His footstool.
      Do you still love me?
      Anyone who believes THE Gospel of our eternal salvation is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is my fellow brother and sister.
      You believe that so then I say 'Our JESUS is with us!'.


      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      44 minutes ago
      I disagree with you about Revelation 19:14, that is not the body of Christ. The angels return with Christ - Matthew 16:27 The body of Christ home is eternal in heaven -2 Corinthians 5:1. Us returning with Christ at the second coming is manmade doctrine, it is just NOT TRUE!
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      26 minutes ago
      @Frank Gordon I believe we are eternal in the heavens too. ✝️❤️
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      18 minutes ago
      @GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4 Your friend Danny was on Truth Time Radio's video upload this week! Does Danny know that?

  2. Replies

    1. Dear sister, I believe the Papacy is the Antichrist by default
      and I believe 'Obama' is the fake Antichrist and that the Pope will play the role of False Prophet, while he's the real Antichrist.
      I believe 'Obama' is Bari Shabazz, the grandson of Adolf Hitler and the son of Malcolm X and one of Hitler's two daughters, and Hitler didn't commit suicide, but escaped to the America's with the aid of the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire.
      Donald Trump is being used to give people false hope, but he's a deceiver because he started the demonic jab campaign.
      The jabs and the corona pass are the stepping stone to the Mark of the Beast AFTER the rapture.
      We don't have to worry, because we're saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture ready, because we agree with this:
      We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
      Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
      Love in our JESUS!

  3. Replies
    1. Dear sister the best information you gave in this video is THE Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      The Lord JESUS isn't going to tell anyone when the year, the month and the day of the rapture is, so that Satan also won't know about it and it will be a huge surprise to Satan when it will happen, because currently the Lord JESUS is restraining him for the sake of His beloved children and because He's still saving people all over the world.
      Our Grace program has nothing to do with Israel's program and Israel's program restarts after the rapture and there are no prophecies being fulfilled during this dispensation of Grace.
      Not even the establishment of the secular state of Israel was a fulfillment of prophecies!
      After the Holocaust Satan allowed the creation of a tiny Jewish state in 'Palestine,' but what he absolutely hated was that the founders of this state called it 'Israel', because they weren't religious at all.
      If all the Jews live together in a small state it's easier for him to destroy them all, is his way of thinking.
      And he already tried it in 1947/1948 when the Arab Muslims attacked the Jews from all sides, and Islam was created by the Vatican and 'allah' is Satan!
      He failed, but after that he tried many more times to destroy Israel.
      But the secular government cooperates with the Vatican (the disguised Luciferian Roman empire) and they jabbed two third of the Jews.
      One third of the Israeli Jews didn't want to be vaxxed.
      This is for after the rapture at the Second Coming of JESUS to Israel and Jerusalem:
      Zechariah 13:8-9
      King James Version

      8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

      9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

      Russia has not conquered 'Ukrainian land' but has given the Russians (the majority) that live in the eastern and southern parts of the former Soviet state 'Ukraine' Russian citizenship.
      The Vatican controlled west under the leadership of the US and Roman Catholic Joe Biden (who used to be the vice president under 'Obama' and who started the disaster in Ukraine in 2014 with the Nazi-coup in Kiev) is using Ukraine to fight Russia and trying to weaken it.
      The Vatican controlled EU is doing that too and mind you that the EU-flag is the Roman Catholic 'Mary flag', blue with that circle of 12 stars!
      It's not a coincidence that the president of Ukraine is a 100% Jew and who's also an actor and a friend of Klaus Schwab, and in his turn Klaus Schwab is a friend of the Pope, and the father of Klaus Schwab was a high ranking Nazi during the 'second world war'.
      Ukraine has never been an independent state and in the past is was simply a part of the former Soviet Union and most of the people there speak Russian and only a minority speak Ukrainian as their first language. Even the first language of the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, is Russian!
      I think they use Zelensky to make the Russians angry at the Jews, because Zelensky is a Jew, and this is for after the rapture when 'Gog and Magog' will attack Israel from all sides.
      They lured Russia close to Israel in Syria and that's part of the plan.
      But Putin was also a friend of Klaus Schwab in the recent past, so it's all part of the 'great reset'.
      We're not appointed to God's wrath and your video is proof of that!
      Our JESUS is with us!


    2. ​ @Frank Gordon I haven't said I've learned anything from GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4.

      What I like about her is her firm believe in the right Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      I come here to tell her and others what I've learned and we shouldn't associate our Grace program with Israel's program, because currently there's no program for Israel.
      This is what I learned from brother Matthew McGee in 2015:

      Rightly dividing the Word is an indispensable key to proper understanding of the Bible. The epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude, all of whom were apostles of the circumcision, as well as to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, and the Old Testament are doctrine for Israel, which were written to Jews who believed in Jesus Christ, by the apostles of the circumcision, for direct application in the prophetic "kingdom" dispensation.

      The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

      Based on: The Seven Churches of Revelation
      Matthew McGee
      Hans S
      Hans S
      1 day ago
      @Frank Gordon I've downloaded that e-book and I will read it in due time.
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago (edited)
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      Frank Gordon

    3. Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      @Hans S YOU SAID .... "Our Grace program has nothing to do with Israel's program" .... BUT THEN ON ANOTHER VIDEO OF GOSPELGIRL'S , YOU SAID THIS ....
      "Only Revelation 19:14 mentions the members of the Body of Christ AFTER the rapture and at the time of the Second Coming of JESUS Christ:
      Revelation 19:14 1599 Geneva Bible
      14 And the hosts which were in heaven, followed him upon white horses, clothed with fine linen white and pure." .... THAT IS YOU MIXING OUR GRACE PROGRAM WITH ISREAL'S PROGRAM, THAT YOU NOW SAY NOT TO DO !! THE BOOK OF REVELATION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR GRACE PROGRAM !! PERIOD !! YOU CONTRADICTED YOUR SELF !!
      Hans S
      Hans S
      23 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon That's not mixing the two programs at all because what John saw in his vision ON BEHALF OF JESUS was not about SALVATION in this dispensation of Grace.
      And eventually the two programs come together in the New Earth and in the New Jerusalem.
      Peter also had many things right thanks to his contact with Paul ON BEHALF OF JESUS, but Peter is not our apostle but Paul.
      The same goes for John.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      23 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon Can you please stop SHOUTING at me?
      KJV-onlyists exclude all others and also other nationalities and I'm Dutch and I read the Bible in Dutch.
      There is no perfect translation of the Greek and Hebrew original texts in English and also the Geneva Bible isn't perfect, but this is the true reformation Bible and not the KJV which is the official Bible of the Church of England.
      The Geneva Bible was made by radical former Catholics during a time when many PROTEST*ants in England were burned at the stake by the Catholic church.
      The Bible that was brought over by the 'Pilgrim Fathers' to what would become the USA was the Geneva Bible and not the KJV.
      They fled their beloved England to my country the Netherlands due to the persecution by King James who forced them to buy and read 'his' bible and later a portion of them decided to emigrate to the 'New World'.
      *against the satanic Roman Catholic church.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      23 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon I'm come here for some REST and not to debate.
      That's why I like the vids of GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4 and because we agree on the right Gospel.
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      23 hours ago
      @Hans S But you have a problem in the fact that Revelation 19 is not the time at which the two programs come together in the New Earth and in the New Jerusalem. It is about Christ second coming to earth, and you knew that, or you would not have included verse 14 in your comment !! So you mixed the two programs even if you do not want to admit it !! But our argument at the time you post that, also proves that you mixed our grace program with Israel's program !! Where as I told you back then that the body of Christ remains in heaven, and does not return to this earth !! Then you said ... " I don't know what you want to do, but I want to stay as close to JESUS as possible, no matter where He is!"... , so you mixed the two programs to suite you only !!!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      22 hours ago
      @Hans S If you did not come here to debate, then you should have never posted your original comment that is not true of this channel !! It was a very confrontational statement by you !! You are the only one here that has ever mixed the two programs !! As I have so clearly pointed out !!
      Hans S
      Hans S
      22 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon I'm glad you're not JESUS Christ, Frank.
      I have no argument with Him and neither with Paul.
      Hans S

    4. Hans S
      22 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon Why don't you start your own channel with videos on YouTube?
      I come here in the first place for the videos of GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4.
      It's all about JESUS, Frank.
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      22 hours ago
      @Hans S No, you are not the only one here that has mixed the two programs, i should not have said that !!! But those who have mixed the two programs like you, I have corrected them also !! But I have NEVER seen Gospelgirl mix the two programs !! And I can prove that you know that, with another statement by you, on another video of Gospelgirl's !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      22 hours ago
      @Hans S It is all about Jesus, but is also about rightly dividing the WORD OF TRUTH , as told in 2 Timothy 2:15 !! But I guess you missed that part !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      22 hours ago
      @Hans S You are correct that I should do my own videos, and I think that I might be found ashamed at the judgement seat of Christ for not doing so !! But then you should also do your own videos, rather than coming here and accusing others of the very things that you do yourself !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      19 hours ago (edited)
      @Hans S Now the good things that I believe about you!! You are saved, which is the most important of all !! I also think that you are a very brave man for the things you say in your part of this earth !! I also know that you are much smarter than me !! If there is one scripture verse that describes me best, it is 1 Corinthians 1:27, it fits me so well !! I don't know if I am real proud of that, but it is true of me !!
      Hans S
      Hans S
      5 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon Who gave revelations to Paul and John?
      JESUS and He happens to be God and the author of His Bible.

      I'm HAPPY with wat I believe!
      Hans S
      Hans S
      5 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon You're mixed up.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      5 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon I'm a follower of JESUS through Paul or a follower of Paul on behalf of the Lord JESUS.
      Are you JESUS or Paul?
      I don't think so.
      Btw the earth is flat and 'nukes' don't exist and 'dinosaurs' never existed.
      Hans S

    5. Hans S
      5 hours ago
      @Frank Gordon I'm not brave.
      JESUS is my hero!
      And JESUS saved Paul to give us THE Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      Highlighted reply
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      2 hours ago
      @Hans S Yes, Jesus gave Revelations to both John and Paul, but revelations about two different groups of people ... to John, Jesus said Matthew 10:5-6 - GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES !! Then John in the book of Revelation, tells you exactly who John was speaking to, in his greeting in Revelation 1:4-6 - To the Churches which are in ASIA !! Is your Church in ASIA??? Then in verse six, John says.. And hath made us kings and priests ... Now read Exodus 19:6 ... John is clearly speaking to and about Jews only in the book of Revelation !!
      Then we move to Paul, where God said in Acts 9:15 he was sent to Gentiles , it is why Paul said what he said in Romans 11:13 !! But if we read more of Acts 9:15, Paul was also sent to the children of Israel, but I think the reason why that is, was told by Paul in Romans 11:11, to provoke them to jealousy !! Paul's main focus was about gentiles and to gentiles ... Romans 11:13, Romans 16:25 and Ephesians 3:9 !! NO SIR, I am not mixed up, but you have shown that you are !!
      The earth being flat, does not save me !! And the earth being flat, does not save you either !! NOWHERE in scripture does it say to believe the earth is flat to be saved !! I DO NOT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS ABOUT THE SHAPE THIS EARTH !! ALL I care about, is that everyone believes 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 to be SAVED !!
      "nukes' don't exist" ??? REALLY??? You might want to talk to the people of Japan about what hit their two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 !! They were nuclear bombs, like it or not !! I guess you also deny the holocaust , as it now seems, you love to deny history!! SMH !!!
      Jesus can be your hero, and you can still be brave, it does not deter from the fact that Jesus is your hero !! SMH !!
      Frank Gordon

    6. Frank Gordon
      1 hour ago
      @Hans S At this point, when it comes to you, I should obey 1 Corinthians 14:38 , but I love you too much to do that, right or wrong of me !!
      Hans S
      Hans S
      32 minutes ago
      ​ @Frank Gordon
      Of course I don't deny the Holocaust, which was organized by the satanic Jesuits of the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire.
      The Jesuits are also behind the lie of Heliocentrism and the globe earth lie as one of their weapons of their contra-reformation.
      A Jesuit priest invented the satanic lie of the 'big bang' and the Jesuits were/are behind the lie of 'evolution' and Charles Darwin was on their side.
      The Jesuits also invented communism and in the 7th century the Vatican created islam.
      The Jesuits are behind the lie of the existence of 'nuclear weapons' and they totally control the USA, which is their military arm.
      Hiroshima and Nagasaki were flattened (but not completely: burned trees and concrete building kept standing) by firebombs, and back then Japanese cities consisted mainly of houses of bamboo, just like Tokyo that was also firebombed.
      Truman was a 33rd Freemason = Luciferian and so was Roosevelt and they cooperated with the Vatican and so did 33rd Freemason Churchill.
      And Joseph 'Stalin' was a Jesuit priest and Adolf Hitler was Jesuit trained: they were all on the same side of the Vatican.
      JESUS is not dead and His earth is flat and not a Roman Catholic spinning ball in 'space' and if you think it's not important to JESUS then how was it possible that there are people who first discovered the flat earth truth and then realized this earth could only have been created by God and then they started to read the Bible and later discovered the right Gospel 1 Cor. 15:1-4.
      I have the testimony of such a person on my channel.
      I also got saved by the right Gospel after I had discovered the flat earth truth.

    7. There's so much proof of the flat earth truth!
      Take for example the fact that water always seeks its own level, whether it's in a glass or in the seas and the oceans and lakes and rivers.
      Yet globe earthers are brainwashed to believe that water can bend around the earth, that they call a 'planet' while the earth is not a planet.
      The sun and the moon and the stars were created three entire days after the creation of heaven and earth.
      The Bible also mentions 'planets' and they are wandering stars that move independently from the other stars.

      I know several people who are saved by the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, but who still believe in all kinds of lies.

      The Papacy is the Antichrist and the jabs are the precursor to the Mark of the Beast.

      I don't mix the Gospel of the Kingdom for Israel with the Gospel of Grace and what John saw in Revelation 19:14 was something the Lord JESUS showed him, without explaining to him what it meant.
      The rapture will happen before the seven year tribulation/Time of Jacob's Trouble, so who do you think those hosts in heaven are on white SUPERNATURAL horses, clothed in white linnen?
      Of course they are the raptured members of the world wide Body of Christ, and they're not coming back to this earth, but they follow the leader, KING JESUS, on His white supernatural horse as He will come back to His (flat) earth and Jerusalem to start His judgment on the Day of the Lord and rescue His tribulation Saints who are still alive and resurrect those who have been killed by the Antichrist, and then He will start His Kingdom that will last for a thousand years on THIS earth.
      The saved members of the Body of Christ will be AS the angels with their glorified and supernatural bodies and they won't set foot on THIS earth again, but they will set foot on the New Earth after the Final Judgment, together with the Saints of Israel and all the Saints of the Old Testament and the Saints of all times who were saved by JESUS.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      26 minutes ago
      @Frank Gordon
      Paul is my apostle and not Frank Gordon.
      Again: I come here to enjoy the videos of GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4 and not to debate, but if people challenge me I tell them what I know.


      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 day ago


    8. @Frank Gordon You believe in a conspiracy theory that is 100% NOT TRUE
      because there were burns from the many fires and very shortly after the bombings life resumed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which would have been impossible if radiation really were that dangerous.
      The Japanese were the first to be brainwashed into believing their country had been hit by "nukes."
      You believe in the fairy tales of your satanic government which was just as evil in 1945 as now, because your government is controlled by Satan and his Jesuits.
      'My' government too, btw, and all governments on earth.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      10 minutes ago
      @Frank Gordon You believe things, or make up things that just are NOT TRUE:
      Matthew 22:30
      1599 Geneva Bible

      30 For in the resurrection they neither marry wives, nor wives are bestowed in marriage, but are as the Angels of God in heaven.

      See? As the angels, and God-the Lord JESUS is the highest authority and not Paul!

      Revelation 19:14
      1599 Geneva Bible

      14 And the hosts which were in heaven, followed him upon white horses, clothed with fine linen white and pure.

      The true reformation ('Geneva') Bible says 'hosts' and not 'armies' as in the Bible of the Anglican church and Freemason King James!


      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      3 hours ago
      @Hans S Sorry, but I was in Hawaii in 1992 where I meet a very nice man from Japan, who was born in 1938 and spoke English very well !! He was a life long resident of Japan !! He was a life long Buddhist, and not a Jesuit, EVER!! He told me about the people he saw as a child that still had radiation burns and the people he saw who died from radiation poisoning, ALL from the two Nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 !! I will NEVER forget that conversation !! You believe in a conspiracy theory that is 100% NOT TRUE !!
      Highlighted reply
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      3 hours ago (edited)
      @Hans S - "Revelation 19:14 was something the Lord JESUS showed him, without explaining to him what it meant." ... Revelation 19:14 says this..."And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean." ... Jesus did NOT have to explain that to John, as John knew what is said in Matthew 25:31 - When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: .. This statement ... "the saved members of the Body of Christ will be AS the angels" you is NOT supported in any of Paul's writings !! ... 1 Corinthians 6:3 says we judge angels !! You believe things, or make up things that just are NOT TRUE !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      3 hours ago
      @Hans S You are correct that Jesus is not DEAD !! But what people believe about the shape of the earth, I do not care, no matter what shape they think the earth is !! ALL I care about, is that people believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 to BE SAVED !! Then we can talk about the Rapture, and what is said in 2 Timothy 2:15 - RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      3 hours ago
      @Hans S For anyone reading my last three comments, they are in reply to a comment that Hans S made that did not post here, but showed up in my notifications !!


    9. @Frank Gordon That's why I said AS the angels, which doesn't mean that they HAVE BECOME angels.

      This is a quote:
      Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
      And the armies which were in heaven,.... Not the angels, though they are God's host, and are the armies of the heavens; they are in heaven, and dwell there, and follow Christ, attend upon him, and minister to him, and have been sometimes represented by horses and horsemen, 2 Kings 2:11 and they are pure and holy creatures, and will come with Christ to judgment: but this vision refers not to the day of judgment; and besides, the saints are meant, as appears by their habit, for the fine linen, white and clean, is the righteousness of the saints, Revelation 19:8 and the righteousness of angels and saints is not the same. Moreover, these are the same company described in Revelation 17:14. The saints are in a state of warfare, have many enemies to fight with, sin, Satan, and the world; they are enlisted as volunteers under Christ, the Captain of salvation; they are provided with the whole armour of God, and are very numerous, and always more than conquerors through Christ: these are described by the place where they were, "in heaven"; not being glorified saints in heaven; with these indeed Christ will come to judgment, even with all his saints with him; but members of the church militant, said to be in heaven, because that is often called the kingdom of heaven; and because their names are written in heaven, and they are of heavenly extract; they are born from above, and are partakers of the heavenly calling; they belong to heaven, they are citizens of it, and are pressing on to it. And these

      followed him; Christ, their Leader and Commander in the exercise of grace, and in the discharge of duty; having gone on in his ways through a train of sufferings, and cleaved unto him, and now attend him; not to assist in fighting, but to add to the glorious and triumphant appearance of their General; and therefore are said to be

      upon white horses; they had served Christ in his Gospel, which some of them had preached, and all professed, and had maintained the purity of it in doctrine and practice, and now triumphed in Christ, and along with him, riding upon horses of the same colour with his, as being his princes and nobles, and whom he had made kings as well as priests; the former may be signified by their horses; see Judges 5:10 and the latter by their following habit,

    10. clothed in fine linen, white and clean; not the horses, but the armies on them; which designs not their inward purity, which was very glorious; nor their outward conversation garments, washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb; but the robe of Christ's righteousness, which is pure and spotless: these have no armour on, for they are not to strike a blow, only their General, who has the bloody garment on, is to tread the winepress, and destroy antichrist with the breath of his mouth, or with his sword proceeding out of it, as follows. End quote.

      This subject is not about salvation and we're free to disagree on this.
      You're not able to take my joy away of wanting to see JESUS DESTROY Satan's kingdom on earth, while I'm following Him on a white supernatural horse dressed in white fine linen.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      1 second ago
      @Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon said: 'Hans S The only person that is brainwashed is you !! The man that I talked to from Japan , told me very vivid stories of him watching people die of radiation poisoning !! He was NOT part of the U.S...'
      He was a child when it happened.
      Americans and Russians and many people from countries that LIE about the existence of 'nukes' are very PROUD of 'their power' through which they can terrorize other peoples who don't possess their FAKE weapons.
      I also used to believe in these LIES and the LIE of the earth as a spinning ball in 'space', but thanks to God-the Lord JESUS I don't believe in these JESUIT lies anymore!

      Frank Gordon said: 'Hans S PURE STUPIDITY ON YOUR PART !! I can not argue with stupid, but you are living proof that stupid will argue with me !!'

      Your problem is that you want to have the last word so that you can claim your victory while these subjects aren't even about eternal salvation.
      This is about eternal salvation:
      We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
      Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      3 hours ago (edited)
      @Hans S "but are as the Angels" It does not say that they are angels !! I am as the woman, but I am not a woman !! I am as the Christ, but I am NOT the CHRIST !! Matthew 25:31 is clear that ANGELS return with Christ in Revelation 19:14 !! Hosts, armies, whatever, they are all angels that return with Christ !! But thanks again for proving that you mix Israel's Program with our program !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      2 hours ago
      @Hans S Your other comment did not show up here, so I won't even bother with that nonsense !!


    11. @Frank Gordon I have never said I 'return' with the Lord JESUS Christ!
      I believe I stay as close to Him as possible
      from the heavenly = supernatural realm, being AS the angels, having also a supernatural body, but different than the angels.
      I read the entire Bible from the perspective of Paul in Romans through Philemon and most of what is written in Revelation is not meant for the saved members of the Body of Christ, but other things are, like what JESUS says about the New Earth and the New Jerusalem and the Final Judgment.

      You will never be able to turn me into Frank Gordon who thinks he knows it all while he doesn't even see that we're living on a stationary earth and not in a Roman Catholic 'universe' and that God never allowed Satan to give mortals the knowledge to produce weapons with which they supposedly can vaporize big cities and even countries.
      The nuclear lie is just as evil as the fake pandemic lie and meant to scare the hell out of people to keep them in fear so that they can be controlled more easily.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      12 seconds ago
      @Frank Gordon So now you're also mocking me?
      "Lord JESUS I ask you to interfere because Frank Gordon is not acting as a brother but as an adversary and I don't want to spend my eternity with You and with adversaries."
      I can't imagine GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4 is edified by this confrontation.


      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      2 hours ago (edited)
      @Hans S "That's why I said AS the angels, which doesn't mean that they HAVE BECOME angels." GREAT, then they do not return with Christ in Revelation 19:14 and neither do you !! Because Matthew 25:31 says that the Angels return with Christ !! I do not care what joy you get from your made up nonsense, when it rejects scripture !!
      Highlighted reply
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      1 hour ago
      @Hans S "And the armies which were in heaven,.... Not the angels," 🤣🤣🤣 You can have an army of anything !! A army of robots, a army of dogs, a army of ANGELS !! To say NOT ANGELS is hilarious !! Where did you go to school, and did you spend more than three years in school in your entire life, it appears not !!

    12. I have deleted the entire thread.


    13. Frank Gordon

      2 hours ago
      So you deleted this same comment by you, to avoid having people see the real truth told about your beliefs, in replies to this comment !!

      Frank Gordon
      2 hours ago
      I now encourage GospelGirl to block you from this channel, due to your confrontational comment here that is grossly misleading about this channel, and what it teaches !!

      Frank Gordon
      2 hours ago
      If she does not do so, then I advise you to watch your words, as I will be watching you !!

      Frank Gordon
      2 hours ago
      More advise to GospelGirl .... 1 Corinthians 14:38

    14. And I deleted the thread again....bub bye Frank Gordon


    15. @Frank Gordon You're used by Satan to try to destroy my comment to GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4


      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      46 minutes ago
      So you deleted this same comment by you, to avoid having people see the real truth told about your beliefs, in replies to this comment !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      46 minutes ago
      I now encourage GospelGirl to block you from this channel, due to your confrontational comment here that is grossly misleading about this channel, and what it teaches !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      45 minutes ago
      If she does not do so, then I advise you to watch your words, as I will be watching you !!
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      44 minutes ago
      More advise to GospelGirl .... 1 Corinthians 14:38
      Highlighted reply
      Frank Gordon
      Frank Gordon
      8 minutes ago
      I just posted a new comment about you in this comment section !! Persist more, and I will have more to come !!

    16. And I deleted the thread again....bub bye Frank Gordon

    17. And I deleted the thread again....bub bye Frank Gordon

    18. Frank believes the Jesuit globe earth and 'nukes' lies as a proud American...


    19. @GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      Dear sister the best information you gave in this video is THE Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

      The Lord JESUS isn't going to tell anyone when the year, the month and the day of the rapture is, so that Satan also won't know about it and it will be a huge surprise to Satan when it will happen, because currently the Lord JESUS is restraining him for the sake of His beloved children and because He's still saving people all over the world.
      Our Grace program has nothing to do with Israel's program and Israel's program restarts after the rapture and there are no prophecies being fulfilled during this dispensation of Grace.
      Not even the establishment of the secular state of Israel was a fulfillment of prophecies!
      After the Holocaust Satan allowed the creation of a tiny Jewish state in 'Palestine,' but what he absolutely hated was that the founders of this state called it 'Israel', because they weren't religious at all.
      If all the Jews live together in a small state it's easier for him to destroy them all, is his way of thinking.
      And he already tried it in 1947/1948 when the Arab Muslims attacked the Jews from all sides, and Islam was created by the Vatican and 'allah' is Satan!
      He failed, but after that he tried many more times to destroy Israel.
      But the secular government cooperates with the Vatican (the disguised Luciferian Roman empire) and they jabbed two third of the Jews.
      One third of the Israeli Jews didn't want to be vaxxed.
      This is for after the rapture at the Second Coming of JESUS to Israel and Jerusalem:
      Zechariah 13:8-9
      King James Version

      8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

      9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

      Russia has not conquered 'Ukrainian land' but has given the Russians (the majority) that live in the eastern and southern parts of the former Soviet state 'Ukraine' Russian citizenship.
      The Vatican controlled west under the leadership of the US and Roman Catholic Joe Biden (who used to be the vice president under 'Obama' and who started the disaster in Ukraine in 2014 with the Nazi-coup in Kiev) is using Ukraine to fight Russia and trying to weaken it.
      The Vatican controlled EU is doing that too and mind you that the EU-flag is the Roman Catholic 'Mary flag', blue with that circle of 12 stars!
      It's not a coincidence that the president of Ukraine is a 100% Jew and who's also an actor and a friend of Klaus Schwab, and in his turn Klaus Schwab is a friend of the Pope, and the father of Klaus Schwab was a high ranking Nazi during the 'second world war'.
      Ukraine has never been an independent state and in the past is was simply a part of the former Soviet Union and most of the people there speak Russian and only a minority speak Ukrainian as their first language. Even the first language of the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, is Russian!
      I think they use Zelensky to make the Russians angry at the Jews, because Zelensky is a Jew, and this is for after the rapture when 'Gog and Magog' will attack Israel from all sides.
      They lured Russia close to Israel in Syria and that's part of the plan.
      But Putin was also a friend of Klaus Schwab in the recent past, so it's all part of the 'great reset'.
      We're not appointed to God's wrath and your video is proof of that!
      Our JESUS is with us!


      NaneKnows JesusSaves
      NaneKnows JesusSaves
      2 weeks ago
      Amen! Hello 👋. I'm so glad you're safe and enjoying yourself. See you soon beloved sister.
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      2 weeks ago
      Thank you dear! God bless you and see you soon! 😊✝️❤️

    20. My comment is now here and let's see what Frank does...

  4. Replies

    1. @GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4 Strange: my original comment is deleted.

      I remember I said this: when it's Fall in the US and Europe and Israel it's Spring in Australia and South Africa and South America so it doesn't say anything about the rapture which season it is.
      But what is important is that we're saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit!
      We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
      Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


      Cliff Matthews
      Cliff Matthews
      13 hours ago
      Bless you GG! 🤗🥰😘 Hope you can visit a spell tomorrow on the Orlando Grace Life Podcast (we made renovations!)
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      13 hours ago
      I will be attending my uncle’s funeral. Tell everyone I said “hello and God bless!” I will try next week and thank you for thinking of me. Blessings! ✝️❤️


    2. @GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4 Yes, of course it's about Israel again after the rapture, but when the rapture will happen, though I believe it's soon, is God's secret.

      YouTube is playing dirty games again, because of course you didn't delete my comment.
      YES, see you at the moment of the rapture when we're with JESUS!😃


      Highlighted reply
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4
      58 minutes ago
      Yes, but it’s Israel that is the focus for the tribulation which is called Jacob’s trouble. Anyway, I did not delete any of your comments. God bless and see you soon! ✝️❤️

  5. Replies

    1. Very fitting that if you warn against 'another Jesus' as you walked past a house where they celebrated 'Halloween'
      , because that is related to the true church of Satan, the Roman Catholic church, which you mentioned.
      Satan is the creator of that church, which is the disguise of the Luciferian Roman Empire.
      Satan will always try to deceive the true saved believers in the Lord JESUS through false doctrines.
      According to the Roman Catholic Church, a sinner is saved by Grace through faith PLUS works.
      According to our Apostle Paul, we ARE saved by Grace through faith plus NOTHING.
      The false 'Jesus' of the Catholic Church and other false denominations wants us to DO something to be saved, while the true JESUS has DONE EVERYTHING to enable us to BE saved and not just temporarily but FOREVER.

  6. Replies

    1. Good message sister!

      The rapture MUST happen before the Time of Jacob's Trouble, because it's a prophetic necessity and without the rapture the rest of the prophetic word can't even be fulfilled.


    2. Now suppose a person can't speak
      , for whatever reason, then this means this person can't be saved because he can't confess with his mouth the Lord JESUS.
      Paul said this before the Lord JESUS revealed to him THE Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      Mind you that this Gospel doesn't say we WILL BE saved but that we ARE saved if we believe this Gospel.

      1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible
      1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue,
      2 And whereby ye ARE saved, IF ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.
      3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how^ that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
      4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures

      ^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!

      1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version
      1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
      2 By which also ye ARE saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
      3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how^ that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
      4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures

      ^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!


      D Lay
      D Lay
      1 hour ago
      Romans 10:9-10 “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, there are a lot of evil Jews and Netanyahu himself is a 33rd degree Freemason, and all 33rd degree Freemasons serve the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire, but not 'the Jews' rule this world but the Jesuits, on behalf of their hero Lucifer.
      Every Pope is the disguised Luciiferian Roman emperor since the Roman empire disguised itself as the Roman Catholic (universal) church, which is not a Christian church but a MAFIA organizaton.
      Every Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'in place of Christ', which is the meaning of the word Antichrist.
      It's not a coincidence that the current Pope is a Jesuit and it's not a coincidence that the current POTUS is a Roman Catholic.
      It's also not a coincidence that the flag of the EU is the blue Roman Catholic Mary flag with that circle of twelve yellow stars.
      It's not a coincidence that 'Biden' (the real Biden is dead!) is controlled by Bari Shabazz, aka 'Obama', the grandson of Adolf Hitler, and the son of the late Malcolm X and one of the two daughters of Hitler.
      'Obama' is both American and European!
      We're still living in the dispensation of Grace and we expect it soon to end at the moment of the rapture, when the saved members of the world wide Body of Christ will be taken away to heaven where our Lord JESUS Christ is.
      I believe the current conflict between Israel and the Muslim Arabs could lead the fulfillment of Psalm 83, followed by the Ezekiel 38/39 war right AFTER the rapture, which will be a conflict between Israel and the ENTIRE Muslim world.
      Our Lord JESUS is with us!

  8. Replies

    1. Our Apostle Paul didn't command us to support a SECULAR state called Israel, but to proclaim THE Gospel to ALL people.

      So I'm NOT pro-secular state of Israel, but PRO-the GOD of ISRAEL, who is our maker, Savior and Lord Christ JESUS.
      Islam was created by the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire.
      Our Lord JESUS is with us!

  9. Replies

    1. 'Nukes' don't exist and the earth is flat and the STATE of Israel
      is NOT the Israel of God, and in this dispensation of GRACE NO prophecies have been fulfilled regarding Israel, so this means that the establishment of the SECULAR STATE of Israel in 1947 was NOT a fulfillment of a prophecy.
      All prophecies regarding Israel will be fulfilled AFTER the pre-tribulation-rapture.
      What's happening now in the Middle East is also NOT the fulfillment of prophecies but they are the moves of Satan through his Jesuits of the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire.
      Netanyahu is a 33rd degree Freemason who cooperates with the Pope of Rome = the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor and it is his responsibility that most of the Israeli Jews got POISONED by the jabs!
      All 33rd degree Freemasons are Luciferians!
      Churchill and Roosevelt and Truman were also 33rd degree Freemasons and Josef 'Stalin' was a Jesuit priest and Adolf Hitler was controlled by the Jesuits.
      The first 'world war, the interbellum and the second 'world war' was the previous Great Reset, organized by the Vatican and the Jesuits and Satan.
      After that there was a New World Order during the 'Cold War', which was part of the plan, because communism was invented by the Jesuits, so the communist countries were in fact creations of the Jesuits.
      When the 'Cold War' ended there was only ONE superpower left, the USA, on behalf of the Vatican, because the US is its military arm.
      But in former communist Russia a new leader arose, Vladimir Putin, who is a Russian style capitalist, and he's pushing back against US hegemony, together with China.
      The Vatican controlled West wants to get rid of him and to do so they need to lure Russia into a FATAL CONFLICT: Ezekiel 38/39. Russia is already CLOSE to Israel in Syria!
      Of course this can only happen AFTER the rapture, because, again, NO prophecies regarding Israel will be fulfilled in this dispensation of GRACE.
      But Satan and his Jesuits are setting the stage for what will happen soon after the rapture has taken place.
      Our JESUS is coming soon!

  10. Replies

    1. Amen sister, THE Gospel is 1 Corrinthians 15:1-4 and not (for example) John 3:16
      , which was the PROMISE before our LORD JESUS shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins, was buried and rose from the dead three days later.
      And amen to what you said about the prophecies that are NOT being fulfilled in this dispensation and era of Grace, but AFTER the rapture of the Body of Christ, during the coming Time of Jacob's Trouble.
      The Vatican controls everything because it's the disguised Luciferian Roman empire and it's not a coincidence that 'Biden' (I believe the real Biden is dead) is a Roman Catholic just as Mussolini and Hitler were also Catholics, and the flag of the EU is the blue Roman Catholic Mary flag with the circle of twelve yellow stars.
      We don't have to speculate about who the Antichrist will be because that's ALWAYS a POPE, because every Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'in place of Christ', which is the meaning of the word 'Antichrist'.
      We can speculate about who the False Prophet will be, playing the role of the Antichrist (Satan is twisted and so are his minions), while the real Antichrist will play the role of the False Prophet.
      I still believe the best candidate is 'Obama' (Bari Shabazz) because I believe he's the son of slain Malcolm X and one of the two daughters of.....Adolf Hitler.
      The current Jesuit Pope likes 'Obama', but he dislikes Trump.
      Netanyahu is a real Jew and not a fake Jew what many assert, but he's a 33rd degree Freemason and all 33rd degree Freemasons serve the Vatican and Satan.
      But at the same time he's also being used by God, because God has overall control and not the devil.
      The rapture can take place at any time, so NOW!
      Love in our JESUS!


    2. Regarding Islam (which was invented by the Vatican)
      I recommend to all brothers and sisters in Chist JESUS this video:
      Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"!

  11. Replies

    1. @Ambassador-For-Christ "The Jews of today are not God's people!"

      Zechariah 13:8-9
      King James Version

      8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.

      9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

      God is only going to do this to the people of HIS people, who you claim are not His people....
      9 minutes ago
      @Ambassador-For-Christ 'Christmas' was invented by the Roman empire that morphed into the Roman Catholic church.
      That same Roman empire that crucified our maker and Savior, the Lord JESUS Christ.
      1 minute ago
      'New Year' on January 1, was also invented by the Roman empire that morphed into the Roman Catholic church.
      Before that people celebrated New Year on April 1, because of Spring.
      Exodus 12:2
      "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you."
      People who kept celebrating New Year on April 1 were mocked, hence the 'April Fools Jokes'...

    2. @Ambassador-For-Christ
      2 hours ago
      The Jews of today are not God's people! God is working on only one thing today .. Romans11:25 ... the coming in of the Gentiles !! As a Jew today, you can be saved according to Paul's "MY GOSPEL", and become a part of the Gentile Body of Christ !! Paul was a Jew who could NOT be saved under the Gospel of the Kingdom that the earthly Jesus and the Twelve disciples taught, because he Blasphemed the Holy Ghost at the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7 ..See Matthew 12:31 !! In the Gentile Body of Christ, God sees neither Jew nor Gentile, as we are ALL one in Christ Jesus our Lord !! And ALL sin is forgiven in the Gentile Body of Christ, even the sin of Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is forgiven in the Gentile Body of Christ .. See Colossians 2:13 !! FEAR NOT BODY OF CHRIST, WE ARE GOING HOME VERY SOON !! Ephesians 1:3
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4

      2 hours ago
      Amen! Today Israel is still in a fallen state. Romans 11:11. After the rapture of the Body of Christ, God will focus back on Israel and a remnant will be saved.
      Blessings in Christ! ✝️❤️

      2 hours ago
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 AMEN, and thus ISRAEL will be BORN AGAIN, as told in John 3:1-10, but read the whole chapter !! But you know this Teresa, so what I say here is not really meant for you, but for those who are unaware !!

      2 hours ago
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 I sent you an email on Dec 26, wishing you and your entire Family a MERRY CHRISTMAS !!

      2 hours ago
      Sorry I was late in doing that, as I got busy on Dec 25, and forgot to come here to wish you a Merry Christmas !! I am truly sorry about that !!

      1 hour ago
      @Ambassador-For-Christ I did not see it. I’m sorry. I will look for it. I pray you had a good Christmas and I pray you have an even better New Year! ✝️❤️

    3. The timing of the rapture has nothing to do with what Satan does.
      And who the Antichrist is has been known for centuries: the Papacy, because every Pope is the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise, and 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'in place of Christ', which is the meaning of the word 'Antichrist'.
      If the satanic world system is talking about the year 2030, then that says nothing at all about the rapture and second coming of our Lord JESUS.
      What we do know is that the rapture must occur before Ezekiel 38/39 occurs, because that is a prophecy for Israel and not for the Body of Christ.
      We know that after the destruction of 'Gog and Magog' Israel will stoke fires from the war materials left behind for seven years(!) and that after the Second Coming the weapons will be beaten into plowshares, and this proves that 'Gog and Magog' will take place at the beginning of the 7-year Time of Jacob's Trouble.
      And then look what is happening now in the Middle East: all the major players of 'Gog and Magog' have already been activated.
      However, there is something stopping them from attacking Israel and that is 'the Restrainer', the Holy Spirit.
      Once that 'Restrainer' is removed at the time of the rapture, then all hell will break loose on earth.
      PS: 'nuclear weapons' do not exist.
      The destruction of 'Gog and Magog' will be done by God's supernatural powers!


    4. @Ambassador-For-Christ That's what people always say who have never done some research.

      You probably also believe you're living on a spinning ball in 'space'.
      For your information: 'nukes' and the 'earth as a globe' are both lies of the Jesuits of the satanic Roman Catholic church.

      11 minutes ago
      "nuclear weapons' do not exist." - HOGWASH !! Try telling that to the people of Japan !!


    5. @Ambassador-For-Christ God-the Lord JESUS Christ NEVER calls me a fool...


      34 minutes ago
      @HansS11160 Hosea 1:10 -

      "Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, (( YE ARE NOT MY PEOPLE)), there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God."

      And NOW I am DONE with you !! You may be a brother in Christ,
      But I do not suffer FOOLS !!


    6. @GospelGirl1Cor15 Hi sister, I don't know what's wrong with @Ambassador-For-Christ
      because I've responded to him a few times with constructive criticism and then he gets so angry that he now plans to report me to Google for 'stalking'.
      And to think that Google is controlled by Satan....
      Highlighted comment
      9 hours ago
      The Jews of today are not God's people! God is working on only one thing today .. Romans11:25 ... the coming in of the Gentiles !! As a Jew today, you can be saved according to Paul's "MY GOSPEL", and become a part of the Gentile Body of Christ !! Paul was a Jew who could NOT be saved under the Gospel of the Kingdom that the earthly Jesus and the Twelve disciples taught, because he Blasphemed the Holy Ghost at the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7 ..See Matthew 12:31 !! In the Gentile Body of Christ, God sees neither Jew nor Gentile, as we are ALL one in Christ Jesus our Lord !! And ALL sin is forgiven in the Gentile Body of Christ, even the sin of Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is forgiven in the Gentile Body of Christ .. See Colossians 2:13 !! FEAR NOT BODY OF CHRIST, WE ARE GOING HOME VERY SOON !! Ephesians 1:3
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4

      7 hours ago
      My comment got deleted.

      7 hours ago
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 Sorry, that is my fault !! As I deleted my original comment, due to Hans S !! I am not putting up with him anymore !! I will delete my comment again, if Hans S replies again !! Sorry !!


    7. Ambassador For Christ said: 'You reply to me one more time, and I will report you to google for stalking me !!'
      8 hours ago


    8. Ambassador For Christ said: 'Hans S I DO NOT CARE !! So, like I said ....... I do not suffer FOOLS !!'
      1 day ago


    9. Ambassador For Christ said: '"nuclear weapons' do not exist." - HOGWASH !! Try telling that to the people of Japan !!'
      1 day ago
      Ambassador For Christ said: 'Hans S Hosea 1:10 - "Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was sai...'
      1 day ago

    10. 'Ambassador For Christ' is a typical American KJV extremist who lies about his true identity and who has more faith in the existence of 'nuclear weapons' than in what the Bible says...
      He also probably believes he lives on a spinning ball in 'space'.
      I told him that both the lie of the existence of 'nuclear weapons' and the lie of the Earth as a globe came from the Jesuits of the Vatican and he removed that response by deleting his initial response.
      He also deleted his comment to which I responded with my constructive criticism of the KJV:
      The King James is a very good Bible translation for study, but don't let anybody tell you it's a perfect translation.

      Bible Questions and Answers: KJV
      Matthew McGee

      Q: Is the King James Version of the Bible the best translation?

      A: The King James version (KJV) is the translation that I use throughout my web site and it is the primary one that I use for study. Since it was translated before most of the various protestant denominations were formed, it is less likely than the newer versions to contain words translated on a slant toward one denomination or the other. On the other hand, there were errant beliefs back in 1611 as well, so we have to be careful. Back then when the KJV was translated, the church was not very far removed from the dark ages and the many errors of the catholic church which did not rightly divide the Word of God. So the KJV translaters were not very familiar with the proper teaching of the dispensations. So like any translation, we have to watch for places where the translators may have mistranslated some of their incorrect doctrines into the text. I would never tell anyone that there is only one Bible translation that they should read. For serious Bible students, I suggest a Bible dictionary for Greek and Hebrew words or software that serves this function. Look not only at the definitions, but also at the other places that the Greek or Hebrew words were used. The usage in different passages can help clarify the intended meaning the passage that one is studying.

      Q: Is the King James Version of the Bible a perfect translation?

      A: All of God's Word is perfect in the original manuscripts in the original languages. But the scriptures never indicate that the KJV or any other translation would be perfect.

    11. There are some who claim that the King James Version (KJV) is a perfect translation into English. But that belief is based upon flawed logic.

      Psalms 119:89 says, "For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven." Likewise, Isaiah 40:8 says, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." This is also echoed in 1 Peter 1:24-25. So God made it clear that His Word would endure forever.

      But the question is: Did God specify seventeenth century English? No. There were English speaking people for thousands of years before the KJV was translated in 1611. So it is utterly obviously God never promised to have His written Word available to every English-speaking person for all times, much less, to everybody everywhere for all times in every language.

      The notion that the King James Version is translated perfectly is not based upon scripture, but upon the traditions of men. To insist that the KJV is perfect is to put man's tradition above what the Word of God actually says.

      All translations have at least a few errors introduced by the processes of translating languages making copies by hand. For some Greek and Hebrew words, there simply is no correct English translation, because there is no English word that means the same thing. Also, many Greek and Hebrew words are either more specific than or more general than the word to which they are translated in English.

      The Greek word 'Hades' and Hebrew word 'Sheol' are examples of Biblical words for which there is no perfectly correct English translation. The article called Hell Part 2: The Differences between Hades and the Lake of Fire explains this particular example.

      In rare cases, there are glaring mistakes in translation. For example, the Greek word "pashua" occurs in Acts 12:4. It is correctly translated "passover" in almost every Bible translation including NASV, NIV, and Amplified. But the KJV incorrectly translates it "Easter", which is actually the name of an ancient pagan sex goddess (same as Ishtar). Easter and passover do not even occur on the same day of the week and are frequently separated by many days on the calendar. So it behooves a Bible student to have both Greek and Hebrew Bible dictionaries and to do some digging.

      The King James is a very good Bible translation for study, but don't let anybody tell you it's a perfect translation.


    12. Ambassador For Christ said: '"nuclear weapons' do not exist." - HOGWASH !! Try telling that to the people of Japan !!'
      1 day ago


    13. @Ambassador-For-Christ That's what people always say who have never done some research.

      You probably also believe you're living on a spinning ball in 'space'.
      For your information: 'nukes' and the 'earth as a globe' are both lies of the Jesuits of the satanic Roman Catholic church.

    14. @Ambassador-For-Christ = Frank Gordon

    15. @PaulYoung-tj7gn So you also believe Paul Blasphemed the Holy Spirit at the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, while Paul himself later said that he acted out of ignorance?
      JESUS said that the sin against the Holy Spirit will NEVER be forgiven, so this absolutely cannot apply to Paul.
      It is also incorrect to say that today's Jews are not God's people, because why else is it prophesied that God will save a third of HIS people at the Second Coming of JESUS, Zechariah 13:8-9?

      25 minutes ago
      Thanks ambassador man. I agree with you

      1 minute ago
      @PaulYoung-tj7gn You are most welcome! It is so sad that others do not see the falsehoods of ALL other Bible versions. That is why there is such great confusion within the body of Christ! Ephesians 1:3 KJV


    16. I believe 'Ambassador-For-Christ' is Frank Gordon....


      20 hours ago
      I don 't know your name, but thanks again Gospel Girl, for that report. I'm mid acts and king James only, and seeing things getting set up for the Tribulation. I hope you keep better.
      Paul. Ayrshire Scotland U.K.
      GospelGirl 1Cor15:1-4

      19 hours ago
      AWESOME !!!! Psalm 12:6 - God's Words are PURE WORDS !! That KJV Bible is the ONLY preserved PURE WORDS of GOD !! I believe the KJV Bible is 100% BETTER than the original manuscripts !! AMEN & AMEN !!

      19 hours ago
      Hey Paul, thank you for the well wishes. It’s good to hear from you! Also good to know that you are Mid Acts and KJV too! Blessings from Teresa ✝️❤️

      18 hours ago
      @Ambassador-For-Christ The King James is a very good Bible translation for study, but don't let anybody tell you it's a perfect translation.

      Bible Questions and Answers: KJV
      Matthew McGee

      Q: Is the King James Version of the Bible the best translation?

      A: The King James version (KJV) is the translation that I use throughout my web site and it is the primary one that I use for study. Since it was translated before most of the various protestant denominations were formed, it is less likely than the newer versions to contain words translated on a slant toward one denomination or the other. On the other hand, there were errant beliefs back in 1611 as well, so we have to be careful. Back then when the KJV was translated, the church was not very far removed from the dark ages and the many errors of the catholic church which did not rightly divide the Word of God. So the KJV translaters were not very familiar with the proper teaching of the dispensations. So like any translation, we have to

    17. watch for places where the translators may have mistranslated some of their incorrect doctrines into the text. I would never tell anyone that there is only one Bible translation that they should read. For serious Bible students, I suggest a Bible dictionary for Greek and Hebrew words or software that serves this function. Look not only at the definitions, but also at the other places that the Greek or Hebrew words were used. The usage in different passages can help clarify the intended meaning the passage that one is studying.

      Q: Is the King James Version of the Bible a perfect translation?

      A: All of God's Word is perfect in the original manuscripts in the original languages. But the scriptures never indicate that the KJV or any other translation would be perfect.

      There are some who claim that the King James Version (KJV) is a perfect translation into English. But that belief is based upon flawed logic.

      Psalms 119:89 says, "For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven." Likewise, Isaiah 40:8 says, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." This is also echoed in 1 Peter 1:24-25. So God made it clear that His Word would endure forever.

      But the question is: Did God specify seventeenth century English? No. There were English speaking people for thousands of years before the KJV was translated in 1611. So it is utterly obviously God never promised to have His written Word available to every English-speaking person for all times, much less, to everybody everywhere for all times in every language.

      The notion that the King James Version is translated perfectly is not based upon scripture, but upon the traditions of men. To insist that the KJV is perfect is to put man's tradition above what the Word of God actually says.

      All translations have at least a few errors introduced by the processes of translating languages making copies by hand. For some Greek and Hebrew words, there simply is no correct English translation, because there is no English word that means the same thing. Also, many Greek and Hebrew words are either more specific than or more general than the word to which they are translated in English.

      The Greek word 'Hades' and Hebrew word 'Sheol' are examples of Biblical words for which there is no perfectly correct English translation. The article called Hell Part 2: The Differences between Hades and the Lake of Fire explains this particular example.

      In rare cases, there are glaring mistakes in translation. For example, the Greek word "pashua" occurs in Acts 12:4. It is correctly translated "passover" in almost every Bible translation including NASV, NIV, and Amplified. But the KJV incorrectly translates it "Easter", which is actually the name of an ancient pagan sex goddess (same as Ishtar). Easter and passover do not even occur on the same day of the week and are frequently separated by many days on the calendar. So it behooves a Bible student to have both Greek and Hebrew Bible dictionaries and to do some digging.

      The King James is a very good Bible translation for study, but don't let anybody tell you it's a perfect translation.

      3 minutes ago
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 I was forced to delete my comment again, and for the reason that I told you before !!

      2 minutes ago
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 But I did repost it again!

    18. Someone said: "The Jews of today are not God's people! God is working on only one thing today .. Romans11:25 ... the coming in of the Gentiles !! As a Jew today, you can be saved according to Paul's "MY GOSPEL", and become a part of the Gentile Body of Christ !! Paul was a Jew who could NOT be saved under the Gospel of the Kingdom that the earthly Jesus and the Twelve disciples taught, because he Blasphemed the Holy Ghost at the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7 ..See Matthew 12:31 !! In the Gentile Body of Christ, God sees neither Jew nor Gentile, as we are ALL one in Christ Jesus our Lord !! And ALL sin is forgiven in the Gentile Body of Christ, even the sin of Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is forgiven in the Gentile Body of Christ .. See Colossians 2:13 !! FEAR NOT BODY OF CHRIST, WE ARE GOING HOME VERY SOON !! Ephesians 1:3"

      My comment:
      JESUS said that the sin against the Holy Spirit will NEVER be forgiven, so this absolutely cannot apply to Paul, because Paul himself later said that he acted out of ignorance.
      The ULTIMATE SIN = the SIN against the Holy Spirit = UNBELIEF, which can NEVER be forgiven.
      It is also incorrect to say that today's Jews are not God's people, because why else is it prophesied that God will save a third of HIS people at the Second Coming of JESUS, Zechariah 13:8-9?


    19. @PaulYoung-tj7gn I have never said that God is dealing with the Jews as His people only.

      I responded to the assertion that the Jews of today are not God's people, which is not true.
      Suppose I have a lot of children and some of them are saved according to 1 Cor. 15:1-4 and others not, then this doesn't mean my unsaved children aren't my children anymore.
      Furthermore: JESUS, who is God, manifested in te flesh, said that the sin against the Holy Spirit will NEVER be forgiven, and this sin was committed by the evil Pharisees out of UNBELIEF.
      They REFUSED to believe the Lord JESUS was their Messiah because they were under the spell of Satan.
      Paul did NOT commit this sin, because he said he acted out of ignorance.
      Yes, the Gospel of Grace applies to ALL sinners, Jews and non-Jews alike and after the rapture God-the Lord JESUS will deal with Israel again.
      The current STATE of Israel is NOT the Israel of God.....but this state DOES contain Jews who WILL BE saved at the Second Coming of the Lord JESUS Christ, Zechariah 13:8-9.

      12 minutes ago
      Hans, God at the moment is not dealing with the Jews as his people only. Salvation now is not only for The Jews but to the whosoever. God is not finished with Israel, but will deal with them again as his covenant people, during Jacobs Trouble and into the Millennial Kingdom. Under a different program now under grace, and in Christ, Paul can be forgiven blasphemy. Under the Kingdom program for Israel, Paul would not be forgiven, because they had to keep the law as well as faith in the messiah ( Christ as the Son of God ) I am not too sure that the pope is The Antichrist, but you are close.


    20. @PaulYoung-tj7gn According to the Roman empire it's now 2024 and of course also the LORD's blessing to you
      , but the real new year starts when it's Spring, Exodus 12:2.
      When we are where our LORD JESUS is I can talk DUTCH to you and you'll understand it and vice versa and nobody's going to tell me there that the KJV is the best translation, or that the earth is a spinnig ball in 'space' or that 'nukes' exist, because God is more powerful than anything sinners have invented, and everybody will witness the condemnation of the Antichrist and the False Prophet and everybody will know they had everything to do with the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire, that crucified our Lord JESUS Christ.

      1 hour ago
      Hi Hans, and thanks for your reply. We both are on the same page brother on main issues, and if We don't see eye to eye on other points, I would respect you belief in these matters. As both of us are saved, we look forward to the blessed hope, and what a day that will be. A day when differences between brethren will be over. The LORDS blessing for 2024


    21. CONTEXT:
      Matthew 12:31-32

      1599 Geneva Bible

      31 Wherefore I say unto you, Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

      32 And whosoever shall speak a word against the son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever shall speak against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.

      20 minutes ago
      This ..."God, manifested in te flesh, said that the sin against the Holy Spirit will NEVER be forgiven" ... is a perversion of scripture, as Christ NEVER used the word "NEVER" in Matthew 12:31 KJV.....
      "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men."

      NOW, what event is missing when the earthy Jesus stated Matthew 12:31 KJV.???

      NOW SEE .... Colossians 2:13-14 , 2 Corinthians 5:19 , and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS !!

      1 minute ago
      @PaulYoung-tj7gn Israel's Prophecy Program vs, The Body of Christ MYSTERY Program ...
      We MUST obey 2 Timothy 2:15 - RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH !!
      We must seperate PROPHECY from MYSTERY !! WHY??? ANSWER - 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 ,,,VERSE 7 is KEY !!!


    22. King James jailed Christians who rejected his Masonic Bible and his Masonic Church of England.

      1601: James became a Freemason of the Lodge of Scoon.
      1603: James became king of England.
      James persecuted Puritans and Separatists (Pilgrims) who refused to conform to the new Church of England.
      1604: Mason King James appointed Richard Bancroft, later George Abbot, as Archbishop of Canterbury.
      King James authorized the translation of the Bible to honor himself through future generations.
      1606: King James denied Puritans' request to start their own biblical church and forbade them from leaving England.
      1607: King James' sheriff and bailliffs arrested and jailed the Separatists who boarded a ship for Holland, including the 17-year old William Bradford.
      1608: King James' armed officers arrested and jailed those on shore trying to leave England for Holland.
      1620: King James persecuted the Pilgrims in Holland. William Brewster had to go into hiding.

      The KJV is the counterfeit of the true Reformation Bible, made in Geneva, Switzerland.
      The KJV is the translation of the Anglican church that cooperates with the Vatican.

      35 minutes ago
      @HansS11160 ALL SAID BEFORE THE CROSS OF CHRIST !! PLUS those verses where ONLY stated to Israel and ISRAEL ALONE, who were UNDER THE LAW !!
      They will be UNDER the Law AGAIN in Daniel's 70th WEEK !! SEE ... Matthew 15:24, Romans 15:8 and Matthew 10:5-6 - GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: BUT GO RATHER TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL !!

      20 minutes ago
      @HansS11160 But hay, I get it, as you said .........."nobody's going to tell me there that the KJV is the best translation" ... so now you reject the PRESERVED PURE WORDS (Psalm 12:6-7) OF GOD in the KJV BIBLE !!
      YEP, you will say and do anything to push any of your FALSE NARATIVES !! NICE JOB !! You have picked your poison !!


    23. @GospelGirl1Cor15 This is your video on your channel and you can take everything out of here if you want.

      I had a good and respectful short conversation with Paul, but someone else threatened to report me to Google if I responded directly to him any longer, but he himself believes he has the right to address me directly and calling me a "fool" or calling what I think of the KJV "poison".
      So when you say 'let’s all please stop now', it only concerns TWO people.
      I never called anyone a "fool" or threatened this person to report him to Google for "stalking".....Google is controlled by Satan!
      It doesn't matter what I say: this person must and will treat me condescendingly even though he is three years younger than me...
      So I won't respond to him or quote him again, okay?
      I have better things to do like telling unsaved people how to be saved by believing in The Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      I do this everywhere I can, such as on YouTube and Twitter (X) and through my blogs.

      4 hours ago
      @HansS11160 God works through sinful men , such as Paul who killed Cristians, and King James who did whatever sins he did , and the 54 men who translated the King James Bible !! Those 54 men divided up into nine groups of six when translating the King James Bible !! The interesting thing about that , is that 9 is associated with fruit in the King James bible and 6 is associated with man in the King James Bible, all adding up to ...GOD BEARING FRUIT IN MAN !!
      But you have picked your poison, so live with it !!

      4 hours ago

      4 hours ago
      Ok let’s all please stop now. Thank you!


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