Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Brutal Assault On German Man Reading Out The Constitution By Police

(Brutal Assault By Police On German Man Reading Out The Constitution)

Sunday, October 10, 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Ethical Policing in Victoria

19.7K subscribers
Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell is a sworn member of the Victoria Police in Australia. She has served Victorians for 16 years as a police officer including 6 years at Professional Standards Command - the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate.
Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly about conduct of Victoria Police officers, their Chief Commissioner - Shane Patton, their Minister - the Hon. Lisa Neville MP, and ultimately their Premier - the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. She feels she can no longer remain silent with the division between police and community is growing, and totally ignored by the leadership of both the police and government.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Berlin: "Police violence" - Several arrests during a prohibited demo against Corona policy

Because these people don't know why this is happening, they take to the streets.
Because I know why it happens, I do not take to the streets to demonstrate against the corona terror measures, as JESUS ​​and Paul did not demonstrate against the Roman occupation of Israel, because there was the death penalty (through crucifixion torturous death).
The Romans crushed every resistance with a hard hand (sword and lance).
In fact, JESUS ​​and Paul even granted God's grace to the Roman occupiers!
As poignant as this is, I do not identify with these people because no one is there to testify of JESUS.
Most want their 'freedom' back, but without JESUS.
They will eventually yield to the antichrist and the mark of the beast, for they have no power through faith in JESUS.
People will simply no longer be able to buy and sell and thus no longer be able to buy FOOD without the mark, disguised as the last quantum dot tattoo 'vaccine' in the right hand or forehead, which will be invisible, but made visible with a special reading lamp.
When people can't eat anymore and can't pay their rent and mortgage and more bills, then they will give in except the true believers in the Lord JESUS.
So that will happen after the rapture and so the rapture is near, because the situation is getting more and more grim.
The police officers really think that the anti-corona demonstrators are life-threatening lunatics who are 'putting others' lives at risk' because the police officers BELIEVE in the corona LIE.
The corona LIE is of course from Satan.
They are supported by most people who also believe in the corona LIE, or who are too afraid to say anything about it. 

This is why it's happening:

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

UNSEEN FOOTAGE - Police storm the streets of Melbourne

Sep 10, 2020
Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown

Now we see another dimension to the German push to remove Belarus President Lukashenko!

Armstrong Economics –

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in August 2020 via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

• impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
impose a police state
• crash the economy

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko refused the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This fact can be verified using most search engines.
Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are forcing airline CEOs to implement very strict policies such as forced face mask covers on everyone, including small children, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.
And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world. The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar
 Click on picture to enlarge

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Anti Corona-TERROR protesters are beaten up by the police - The Hague 4 July, 2021


Sep 10, 2020
Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown

Now we see another dimension to the German push to remove Belarus President Lukashenko!

Armstrong Economics –

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in August 2020 via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

• impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Demon-possessed corona police officer punches woman hard in the stomach in Berlin

The video clip shows how a young woman, who is attacked in the street by three Berlin police officers in combat uniform on Sunday afternoon, 23 May, is brutally carried away by them and in the meantime is beaten with a striking fist. The force of the punch causes the body to slide face down and fall to the ground. These are the scenes that Merkel wants to see, message 


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Crazy cop is hanging upside down on a fence with his pants down - The Agenda To Cull and Control - The Crowhouse

A representative of the SATANIC POLICE STATE they have imposed on us was getting what he deserves.
During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands 1940-1945, people sang 'Mother there is a policeman lying in the water ... oh well, leave him there until he drowns' So HATED were the Dutch policemen who ALL collaborated with the satanic and murderous Nazis.
And all because they were afraid to lose their jobs and their income, and this is happening AGAIN.
A POLICE STATE can only be established with the collaboration of CORRUPT and EVIL police officers!
But don't forget about the 'higher ups' who are in charge because they are MUCH WORSE and a lot of them are dirty CHILD RAPISTS!
And the politicians who TERRORIZE us are the WORST of the WORST and they are also SATANISTS, cooperating with the SATANIC VATICAN.

JESUS is going to DESTROY them all and PUNISH them FOREVER in His LAKE OF FIRE!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Politie aan de coke en speed tegen de burgers - Police on coke and speed against the citizens

15.6K subscribers
Gesproken verklaring van politieverhoor 35 , ingesproken door een stemacteur.

De beelden van de verhoren zijn in bewaring gegeven bij een notaris die kan verklaren dat de transcripties op waarheid berusten. Dit in geval er in de toekomst een onafhankelijk en voor de betrokken functionarissen veilig onderzoek zal plaatsvinden. Van het onderzoek naar het politiegeweld en de cultuur binnen het politiekorps zal een apart rapport verschijnen.

Bezoek onze website voor het laatste nieuws, de laatste verhoren etc.:
Spoken statement from police interview 35, recorded by a voice actor.

The footage of the interrogations have been deposited with a notary who can certify that the transcripts are true. This in the event that an independent investigation will take place in the future and is safe for the officials involved. A separate report will be published of the investigation into police violence and the culture within the police force.

Visit our website for the latest news, the latest interrogations etc .:

Petra Bakker Slachtoffer politiegeweld - Petra Bakker Victim of police violence

This relatively young woman and mother of two daughters was possibly made handicapped for the rest of her life on King's Day, April 27 this year by a motorcycle cop with a baton because she sustained a crushed ankle due to his fault.
This day was always the most festive day off in the Netherlands before 2020.
She tries to get justice through the organization 'Outside Parliamentary Investigation Commission'.
Unfortunately, the Netherlands has now become a Corona police state and the Netherlands is no longer a constitutional state.
The Netherlands is now (and that applies to a large part of the world) a dictatorship in which mass murder is carried out via 'vaccines', or where people are made ill or otherwise seriously injured via 'vaccines'.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Corona regime: Germany abolishes immunity of own home, the police can raid any home at any time

The amendment of the Infection Protection Act allows the police to raid practically any home. For the first time in the Corona pandemic, the federal government will take over far-reaching powers from the states to implement the measures. This will be arranged in the context of an amendment to the Infection Protection Act.

Among other things, nightly curfews are planned and will be enforced by the federal government. The limit is a seven-day incidence of 100 per 100,000 residents. In addition, a household may only meet with one other person per day in the future. In total there may not be more than five people at the same time. Children under 14 do not count, Epoch Times reports.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Polish Pastor Chases Cops Out of Church on Easter Weekend: ‘Get Out! You Nazis!’ | Faithwire

 A Polish pastor at a church in Canada went viral after his blunt response to cops showing up at his church on Easter weekend, presumably to crack down on Covid restrictions. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Police charge at anti-lockdown protesters in Dublin after man launches FIREWORK at officer’s face (VIDEOS)

Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered in Dublin to protest Ireland’s restrictive lockdown policies. But the Saturday gathering soon turned violent, as police were pelted with bottles, cans, and even fireworks.

Ireland’s first national lockdown in 2020 was the longest in Europe, and the nationwide restrictions currently in place have been ranked the fourth-toughest in the world – and the toughest in Europe – by researchers at Oxford University. With the highest level of restrictions set to remain in place until early April at the earliest, hundreds of protesters gathered in Dublin on Saturday to protest the measures.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Masked gangsters arrest a lone protester and tell him to leave his home town

Utrecht 14-2-2021 A lone demonstrator on the corner of Fish Market/ Light Orchard with a cardboard sign 'step out of the vicious plandemic' is intimidated and demanded to leave 'the city', while indicating that he lives here, so (he) can't meet their demand. He is then dragged away and yet released and walks the shortest route via the Fish Market towards his bicycle on the Dom square. Where he is chased by officers and still arrested and taken away, only because this was the most logical and fastest walking route to his bike to be able to comply with the claim!

Anyone who is not yet convinced that we live in a police state should realize that this is exactly what our governments have put in place from the beginning of 'Corona' in the context of the 'Great Reset' and 'Build Back Better', and that also in connection with the so-called human-caused negative climate change.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

COVID-19 TERROR: Accordeonist zingt “Tulpen uit Amsterdam” en wordt daarvoor opgepakt door de politie - 07/02/21 Accordionist sings “Tulips from Amsterdam” and is arrested for this by the police - 07/02/21

 Sep 10, 2020
Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown

Now we see another dimension to the German push to remove Belarus President Lukashenko!

Armstrong Economics –

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in August 2020 via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

• impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
impose a police state
• crash the economy

Thursday, January 21, 2021

In naam van de Koning en de Paus, de vermomde Romeinse KEIZER, Meneer Corona - Arie: Slachtoffer van politiegeweld - Amsterdam, museumplein - 17/01/21

In the name of the King and the Pope, the Roman EMPEROR in disguise, Mr. Corona - Arie: Victim of police violence - Amsterdam, Museum Square - 17/01/21

Arie is 71 en hij werd door politie te paard omver gereden en toen hij op de grond lad werd hij ook nog hard op het hoofd geslagen.

Arie is 71 years old and he was run over by police on horseback and when he fell to the ground he was also hit hard on the head.

Bedenk ondertussen dit: wie hebben destijds JEZUS vermoord?
Antwoord: de Romeinse soldaten die JEZUS daadwerkelijk aan het kruis nagelden, en of ze dat in opdracht deden van 'hogerhand', doet er niet toe.
En zo zijn het wereldwijd de politieagenten die de Coronaterreur bedrijven jegens vredelievende en vrijheidslievende burgers, en namens hetzelfde Romeinse rijk!
Allen die het met de Coronaterreurmaatregelen eens zijn om een niet bestaande pandemie te 'bestrijden' zijn medeplichtig, dus ook alle burgers die hier achter staan, en denk ook aan winkelpersoneel dat deze terreur oplegt aan het winkelende publiek, zoals het dragen van maskers, die nergens anders toe dienen dan om de mensen rijp te maken voor het accepteren van de 'vaccins', die op zich al gevaarlijk zijn, in aanloop naar het merkteken van het beest van de Antichrist.
De 'social distancing' terreurmaatregel dient ook dat doel maar in verband met het in opbouw zijnde wereldwijde 5-G 'Big Brother' netwerk.

Meanwhile, think of this: Who killed JESUS back then?
Answer: The Roman soldiers who actually nailed JESUS to the cross, and whether they did so on behalf of "above," doesn't matter.
And so it is the police officers worldwide who perpetrate the Corona terror against peace-loving and freedom-loving citizens, and on behalf of the same Roman Empire!
All those who agree with the Corona terrorist measures to 'fight' a non-existent pandemic are complicit, including all citizens who support it, and also think of shop staff who impose this terror on the shoppers, such as wearing masks, which have no other purpose than to prepare the people for accepting the "vaccines," which are dangerous in themselves, leading up to the Mark of the Beast of the Antichrist.
The 'social distancing' terror measure also serves that purpose, but in connection with the world wide 5-G 'Big Brother' network that is under construction.

Monday, January 18, 2021




Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Heavily armed Police BEASTS felt threatened by PASSIVE UNARMED homeless man so they SLAUGHTERED him

The man was summarily executed because his crime was to not slavishly obey the police gods by sitting on the bench instead of lying on the ground like an animal, which the police predators had demanded of him.

This was before the bogus pandemic on 8-22, 2019, but nothing has changed, and because this man was NOT 'black' there were of course no protests in the 'western' world... 

One of these 'heroes' was a woman, btw, because you heard her on the cell phone...

Saturday, November 28, 2020

NAZI-BRITAIN, London: 150 Freedom fighters arrested by British MASKED Corona TERRORISTS dressed as riot police

Demon possessed, masked CORONA CRIMINALS dive on a freedom-loving citizen in an ORGY of VIOLENCE, completely disregarding the COVID-19 TERROR measures they impose on freedom-loving citizens such as 'social distancing' so that supposedly no one can be 'infected' with the Coronavirus, of which every sane person knows that it's a HOAX.
Massive crowds gathered in central London on Saturday to protest lockdown measures designed to SO CALLED combat the Covid-19 pandemic, and police followed through on their THREAT to arrest FREEDOM LOVING CITIZENS, leading to multiple clashes. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

In focus:

 Maniac Cops

 Worldwide the police have rebelled and they no longer accept it: 'down with freedom and long live the dictatorship!'

Thursday, November 19, 2020

This is how NAZI-GERMANY treats citizens who believe their government LIES about 'Corona'


The sign says:

Matthew 24:35 1599 Geneva Bible

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Victoria police filmed handcuffing PREGNANT beachgoer as state authorities consider extending lockdown rules

The ROMAN CATHOLIC, COMMUNIST, SADISTIC Australian police of Victoria struck again on behalf of CORONA CRIMINAL Daniel Andrews!
The 'crime' of the PREGNANT woman: she was going for a swim with her children.... 

When the woman got up it turned out that she had been bleeding from her lower body because of the cruel treatment of these police animals.

Echoing a similar incident a month ago, Victoria police have been caught on camera forcibly arresting a pregnant woman for allegedly breaching the 5km radius rule being heavy-handedly enforced throughout the Australian state

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

ROMAN CATHOLIC Spain: Cop Kneels on 14-Year-Old Boy For Refusing to Wear a Mask

A video out of Spain shows a police officer kneeling on a 14-year-old boy because he refused to wear a face mask.

The incident occurred in the city of Miranda de Ebro after police “observed the boy walking with his mask incorrectly on,” according to reports.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

MANIAC COP drags MASKED hysterical Aussie woman from car in dramatic altercation with police at lockdown checkpoint

Another 'great success' in the fight against the Coronavirus!
The goal is to turn us all into CORONA ZOMBIES as they are with CORONA ZOMBIE Pope Francis at the forefront!

A confrontation over a windscreen-mounted mobile phone saw a Victoria woman violently pulled from her vehicle by armed police, who allegedly wrestled her to the ground. The dramatic arrest was captured by the phone's camera.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

NAZI Police SCUMBAG harasses PAYING train passenger for refusing to be MUZZLED by Britain's DEVILISH government

British Transport Police has been pelted with virtual tomatoes online after an officer was filmed trying to heavy-handedly enforce the mask-wearing order on a stubborn passenger, ending up in an intense one-on-one scuffle.

The footage has caught the eye of multiple viewers and shows a uniformed Liverpool transport police officer in the middle of a heated argument with a commuter, who’d apparently refused to wear a compulsory mask. “I do not have to wear a mask,” he insists, adding it’s “against the law to challenge me.” 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Supermarket must close: "Police have become the enemy of society" Supermarkt moet sluiten: "Politie is de vijand van de samenleving geworden"

The supermarket owner supposedly didn't adhere to the Corona rules, but it was rightly said in this video that this also doesn't happen in large supermarkets, but they're not addressed.
That's because all the big companies cooperate with the government, and quite shortly after the start of 'Corona' they had their measures ready, which proves that the owners of the big supermarket chains were very well informed and had already taken measures well in advance, just as it happened in all hospitals, which are also just ordinary companies dealing with millions of euros.
All small shops and companies must go and all large shops and companies may continue to exist, because the government can more easily implement the 'vaccine' through those large shops and companies.

De eigenaar van de supermarkt hield zich zogenaamd niet aan de Corona-regels, maar men zei terecht in deze video dat dit ook niet gebeurt in grote supermarkten, maar die worden niet aangepakt.
Dat is omdat alle grote bedrijven samenwerken met de overheid, en vrij kort na het begin van 'Corona' hadden ze hun maatregels al klaar, wat bewijst dat de eigenaars van de grote supermarktketens zeer goed op de hoogte waren en al ruim van tevoren maatregelen hadden getroffen, net zoals dat ook gebeurde in alle ziekenhuizen, die ook gewoon ordinaire bedrijven zijn waarin miljoenen aan euro's omgaan.
Alle kleine winkels en bedrijven moeten weg en alle grote winkels en bedrijven mogen blijven bestaan, omdat via die grote winkels en bedrijven de overheid makkelijker het 'vaccin' kan uitvoeren.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Saturday, May 9, 2020

P O L I T I E S T A A T - 5 - M E I - 2 0 2 0 - POLICE STATE - MAY 5 - 2020

Deze video is verwijderd door het door satan gecontroleerde Google-YouTube, maar de volledige livestream is nog wel te zien met hieronder de link ernaar toe

This video has been removed by the Satan-controlled Google YouTube, but the full live stream can still be seen with the link to it below

Update: dit is helaas niet meer te zien
Update: unfortunately this is no longer to be seen

Op BitChute is de video ook verdwenen, maar dan zet ik 'm zelf hier neer:
The video has also disappeared on BitChute, but then I put it here myself:  

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

This is what MARTIAL LAW in the Netherlands looks like


This brutal crackdown by the government of this peaceful demonstration took place on the Dutch Liberation Day on May 5

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Direkt vom Rosa Luxemburg Platz Demo gegen Einschränkung der Grundrechte - Directly from Rosa Luxemburg Platz demo against restriction of basic rights
Video removed by the SATAN WORSHIPERS of Google-YouTube


The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL 4 - The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture




  1. Replies
    1. Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  2. Replies
    1. Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  3. Replies
    1. Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  4. Replies
    1. There is no pandemic and what they call 'covid-19' is just the flu.
      All corona measures are nonsensical and tyrannical and leading to the future implementation of the Mark of the Beast.

  5. Replies
    1. And again, Satan, who controls Disqus, has removed one of my comments:

      Find this comment here:

  6. Replies
    1. Why do we demonize snot bubbles, but normalize myocarditis and heart attacks?

    2. Because they want to MASS MURDER people!

  7. Police in Shanghai are destroying the grown vegetables of local residents. Lockdown, shortage of food ... yeah, this makes sense.

    They are losing it … (sound optional)

  8. Replies
    1. The police don't serve the interests of the citizens but the interests of those in power!

  9. Replies
    1. 'Corona operatives' given powers to break into homes in Western Australia

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  10. Replies
    1. This would have been just as fatal if the mentally unstable Jason Maccani had NOT had a plastic fork in his right hand because US police only receive 22 weeks of training while in other countries it is MUCH longer.
      When Jason raised his hands it was clear that he was not a potentially fatal threat.
      When he turned around and walked towards the officers with his arms down, the male officers should have put him out of action with a good tackle.
      In my judgment, Jason became confused by the commands he was receiving from both a woman and a man and at first he listened carefully to the clear MALE command to raise his hands and turn around and walk backwards towards him .
      Because they already assumed that he was dangerous, the officers were immediately prepared to use gun violence.
      This incident clearly shows how NOT to solve such a problem.
      Read the report and see a photo of the 13 cm plastic fork:
      LAPD releases body camera footage of fatal shooting of man holding plastic fork

      36-year-old Jason Lee Maccani was shot and killed by an LAPD officer on Feb. 3.
      ByLeah Sarnoff
      February 21, 2024, 4:55 AM

  11. Replies
    1. Police officers not prosecuted for death of old woman after violent arrest during corona protest

    2. This was before they started to inject people with the poisonous jabs


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”