Saturday, November 14, 2020
Biographer Reveals Audrey Hepburn's Secret World War II Past
In his new biography, "Dutch Girl," bestselling author Robert Matzen reveals the discoveries he made about Audrey Hepburn's life growing up in the Netherlands during World War II, and how her parent's Nazi connections haunted her for the rest of her life. Through meticulous research, Matzen tells the story of Hepburn's heroic efforts during the war, and how those difficult years led her to a life of humanitarian service.
This interview is also about Anne Frank
And the organization behind the Nazis is the same behind Corona: the Vatican!
The X Factor Winner Altiyan Childs EXPOSES EVERYTHING (Freemasons, Secret Societys, Elites END GAME)
Sunday, May 10, 2015
May 10, 1940: the Pope attacks the Netherlands, FINANCED by THE BANK OF ENGLAND & THE USA on behalf of the Vatican!
The Jewish people NEVER CEASED to be God's chosen people!
The Netherlands had to become part of the EU=the ROMAN EMPIRE, after the war, and the American, PAPAL controlled government financed BOTH Hitler and Stalin!
Inval in Nederland in kleur 1940
Inval in Nederland 1940
Fall Gelb 1940
Dutch armored cars 1940
List of Dutch military equipment of World War II
Heroic Holland!!
Adolf Hitler; stooge of pope Pius XII and controlled by Heinrich Himmler
The Vatican-Jesuit Inquisition of 1933-1945
The Protestant Reformation - The Papacy - The Seat Of Antichrist
What was/is WRONG about Protestantism....
Hitler's Pope!! (Beware of the LIES about the Khazars)
Bad news for Jew-hating Israel-haters; The Khazar Myth Debunked - 13th Tribe - Arthur Koestler Refuted
'Fun' with Hitler - 'Lol' met Hitler - 'Spaß' mit Hitler
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Jesuit Vatican behind NWO , WW2 , 911 , Palestine - Israel conflict & WW3 agenda
Dutch Revolt
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Living Under the Spectre of Hyperinflation: 1923 Weimar and Today
The ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZIS were at first DEFEATED by the Dutch!
But after the THREAT of DESTROYING Rotterdam and other major Dutch cities and after the DISGUSTING BETRAYAL of (Vatican controlled) 'Queen' Wilhelmina, who SECRETLY fled to England with all the gold in the morning of the 13th of May, 1940, WITHOUT informing the Dutch government and the Dutch High Command, and after also the COWARDLY Dutch government fled to England, later that day, WITHOUT informing the Dutch High Command, the STUNNED Dutch commander in chief, general Winkelman, had no other choice but to surrender, because otherwise the German, ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZIS would MURDER the Dutch CIVILIANS!
But the SATANIC and CRIMINAL BOMBING OF ROTTERDAM TOOK PLACE ANYWAY after the Netherlands had capitulated!
The Netherlands (and Belgium, Luxembourg and France) were being attacked by SATAN and HIS Vatican, by means of their NAZI-GERMANY, SECRETLY financed by the USA!
The Netherlands were a PEACEFUL and NEUTRAL nation, and this propaganda movie shows SATANIC MURDERERS and THIEVES and BARBARIANS in action, on behalf of the DEVIL and the Vatican and the POPE! COSTANZO Yes, it is, but we don't see this on TV and in the 'main stream media', because they cooperate with the Vatican NWO, and officials are FORBIDDEN to disclose this DISASTER upon the Austrian and German people and also in my country, the Netherlands.
Don't you see they're trying to DUMB us down?
ONLY the internet is still a FREE source of information, and after they've killed this outlet too in the near future, we don't know anymore what's going on!
We're dealing with MAFIA-style SATANIC BASTARDS!
They MURDER to get their way, because they are NAZIS, serving the SATANIC Vatican.
The USA is the MOST EVIL Nazi-country, and then Germany with the daughter of HITLER in charge.
She is EVIL!
JESUS is coming!
+diybunny En hier moeten we dan blij mee zijn? Pausbeeld onthuld in Utrecht
Nederland is opnieuw BEZET door de SATANISCHE Roomse DOODSKERK, ofwel het ROMIJNSE RIJK, en deze keer door MASSAAL LANDVERRAAD, want niet alleen de politici zijn hieraan schuldig, maar HELE VOLKSSTAMMEN die hier niets TEGEN doen, en die er in feite mee instemmen, met dat logo van de SATANISCHE ROOMSE EU op hun auto's en vrachtwagens, die blauwe vlag met die cirkel van 12 sterren, de nieuwe NAZI-VLAG!+No2TheNWO The Dutch have gone through this before: May 10, 1940: the Pope attacks the Netherlands, FINANCED by THE USA on behalf of the Vatican!
Revolt was created by the Vatican:
The JESUITS are behind ALL EVIL!
Their god is LUCIFER!
The Pope is a JESUIT himself and in fact the REAL 'black pope'= the boss of the JESUITS.+L chavez Yes, I know this problem and this is my advice: copy your original comment to a text editor, edit your text and copy/paste it back into the comment section. Btw: I'm Dutch and this was great news in my country. People are fed up with the GOVERNMENT and the local governments (this was in the province called Gelderland) who serve the ROMAN CATHOLIC EU, and the ROMAN CATHOLIC EU served the PAPACY and the SATANIC VATICAN. 'Obama' and his MAFIA-government is doing the same in the US.
ISLAM was created by the Vatican: More on the ROMAN CATHOLIC EU:
Roman Satanic E.U.
JESUS is the ONLY answer:
Google+YouTube is NSA-CIA CIA means CATHOLIC Intelligence Agency: the word 'Central' is a deliberate DECEPTION. Al Qaeda, ISIS, CIA, and Papacy ! ~ DO THEY CONNECT ? - by Bill Hughes camargo JESUS will deal with him in due time!
ruben camargo's profile photo
ruben camargo
THE POPE MUST BE REMOVED NOW.....Ballerina van Auschwitz, Edith Eva Eger, draaide pirouettes voor sadistische kamparts Mengele
ReplyDeleteWeer iets geleerd:
Marteling gaat door: 170 Duitse Joden in Limburgse kampen opgesloten
Dit is één van de redenen waarom ook Nederland door de JOOD, JEZUS, die GOD is, zal worden gestraft, wat eigenlijk al gaande is.
Anne Frank, the way she looked like shortly before she was arrested by the Nazis.
Voor Joden verboden en menschen die geen mondkap dragen - Forbidden for Jews and people who don't wear a mouth cap
The Hiding Place - The organization behind the Holocaust is the same organization behind 'Corona': the Vatican
Bergen-Belsen for example - How could this have happened?
The Unsettling Similarities Between The US Space Force Logo And The Unusual Configuration Of The First Nazi Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
Anne Frank betrayal suspect named
ReplyDeleteIlse Koch - Die Hexe von Buchenwald | MDR DOK
ReplyDeleteWith English subtitles
DeleteThe JUSTIFIED Execution Of The Female Guards Of Bergen-Belsen
ReplyDeleteHelft volwassen Nederlanders heeft 3e prik niet gehaald: ‘Coronatoegangsbewijzen en 2G feitelijk opgeblazen’
ReplyDeleteHalf of adult Dutch people did not get the 3rd shot: 'Corona passes and 2G actually blown up'
DeleteThat female cop started to provoke that woman, asserting she had insulted her, just to get an excuse to arrest her, together with her fellow armed demons in black.
ReplyDeleteThey're not serving the interest of the people but the interests of the pedo-elite who terrorize us and who want to kill us and turn the survivors into slaves.
Sep 10, 2020
Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown
Now we see another dimension to the German push to remove Belarus President Lukashenko!
Armstrong Economics –
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in August 2020 via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
• impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko refused the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This fact can be verified using most search engines.
Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are forcing airline CEOs to implement very strict policies such as forced face mask covers on everyone, including small children, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.
And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world. The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar
erik-da-red • 4 hours ago
This is the future your overlords want for your grandmother walking her dog
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Thierry Baudet: Nederland is op weg een totalitaire staat te worden
ReplyDeleteThierry Baudet: The Netherlands is on its way to becoming a totalitarian state
DeleteHans S januari 20, 2022 at 11:08
ReplyDelete>>Paus Johannes Paulus II bracht het communisme in Polen ten val met een zeer eenvoudige maar krachtige boodschap. Hij zei tegen zijn landgenoten, “Wees niet bang!”<<
Thierry weet niet dat het communisme was uitgevonden door de Jezuïeten en dat elke Paus de vermomde Luciferiaanse-Babylonische Romeinse keizer is sinds keizer Constantijn, dus hij weet niet dat 'het wonder' van Paus Johannes Paulus II GEPLAND was en dus helemaal geen wonder was.
Hij weet niet dat de EU vlag de MARIA-vlag is die blauw is met een cirkel van twaalf sterren, en dat de Roomse 'Maria' niet de Maria van de Bijbel is maar 'de hemelkoningin' Semiramis van Babel.
Hij weet niet dat Klaus Schwab een dienstknecht is van het Vaticaan, en dat het Vaticaan het als zogenaamde christelijke kerk vermomde ROMEINSE RIJK is dat achter ALLE ellende en kwaadaardigheden zit, dus ook aangaande de huidige 'great reset'.
Kortom: Thierry Baudet, als enige echte oppositieleider, heeft GEEN BENUL waarom dit allemaal geschiedt, terwijl Robert Jensen al DRIE keer kort in zijn video's liet doorschemeren WAAROM dit allemaal gebeurt: de toekomstige implementatie van het MERKTEKEN van het BEEST, Openbaring 13.
Hij weet dus niet dat ALLEEN het vertrouwen op God-de HEER JEZUS Christus uitkomst biedt, zoals onze voorouders dat leerden gedurende de 80-jarige oorlog tegen het duivelse Rooms Katholieke Spanje, dat onze lage landen terroriseerde namens het Vaticaan.
Het wordt tijd dat Thierry zaken als dit gaat onderkennen, omdat hij zeer geïnteresseerd is in onze geschiedenis: Heroic Holland!!
Hans S January 20, 2022 at 11:08
Delete>>Pope John Paul II overthrew communism in Poland with a very simple yet powerful message. He said to his countrymen, “Do not be afraid!”<<
Thierry doesn't know that communism was invented by the Jesuits and that every Pope has been the Luciferian-Babylonian Roman Emperor in disguise since Emperor Constantine, so he doesn't know that Pope John Paul II's "miracle" was PLANNED and thus wasn't a miracle at all.
He doesn't know that the EU flag is the MARIA flag which is blue with a circle of twelve stars, and that the Roman 'Mary' is not the Mary of the Bible but 'the Queen of Heaven' Semiramis of Babel.
He doesn't know that Klaus Schwab is a servant of the Vatican, and that the Vatican is the ROMAN EMPIRE disguised as a so-called Christian church that is behind ALL the miseries and evils, including the current 'great reset'.
In short: Thierry Baudet, as the one and only opposition leader, has NO CLUE why this is all happening, while Robert Jensen has already briefly hinted THREE times in his videos WHY this is all happening: the future implementation of the MARK of the BEAST, Revelation 13.
So he doesn't know that relying ONLY on God-the LORD JESUS Christ will help, as our ancestors learned during the 80-year war against the devilish Roman Catholic Spain, which terrorized our low countries on behalf of the Vatican.
It is time for Thierry to acknowledge things like this, because he is very interested in our history: Heroic Holland!!
Het laatste nieuws op bijvoorbeeld laat weer zien dat Nederland door walgelijke gangsters wordt bestuurd die dankzij het grootste deel van de domme en dwaze Nederlandse bevolking aan de macht kon komen. Er is maar één kleine partij die tegengas geeft en dat is het FvD, maar ook deze partij weet niet waar het om te doen is: de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest, Openbaring 13.
ReplyDeleteMensen die erop uit trekken om te demonstreren tegen de walgelijke, sadistische en moordzuchtige corona-poltitiek zijn zich er net zo min van bewust dat dit het einddoel is en ze denken echt dat door te demonstreren ze iets kunnen veranderen, zoals het aantal medestanders te vergroten.
Maar men wil niet weten waarom dit allemaal gebeurt en waarom God dit wereldwijd toelaat, indien men al in de God van de Bijbel gelooft.
God laat het toe omdat de meeste mensen op aarde lak aan Hem hebben en dat Hij ooit op aarde kwam als JEZUS Christus die hen allemaal wil liefhebben en wil vergeven als ze slechts geloven dat Hij Zijn bloed vergoot ter vergeving van hun zonden en dat Hij begraven was, en na drie dagen opstond uit de dood.
Maar de meeste mensen willen dat niet geloven en dat ze zondaars zijn die zonder Gods genade voor altijd verloren zijn, want ze willen wel toegeven dat ze fouten maken maar dat ze slecht zijn in Gods ogen gaat hen te ver.
Dus is het duidelijk dat God dit toelaat opdat de wereld geoordeeld zal worden en dat alleen diegenen door Hem worden beschermd die het met Hem eens zijn aangaande JEZUS Christus en wat Hij voor ons heeft gedaan.
The latest news on, for example, shows that the Netherlands is run by disgusting gangsters who were able to come to power thanks to most of the stupid and foolish Dutch population. There is only one small party that resists and that is the FvD, but this party also doesn't know what it is about: the implementation of the mark of the beast, Revelation 13.
DeletePeople who go out to demonstrate against the disgusting, sadistic and murderous corona politics are just as little aware that this is the end goal and they really think that by demonstrating they can change something, such as increasing the number of supporters .
But people don't want to know why all this is happening and why God allows this worldwide, if one already believes in the God of the Bible.
God allows it because most people on earth don't care about Him and that He once came to earth as JESUS Christ who wants to love and forgive them all if they only believe that He shed His blood for the forgiveness of their sins and that He was buried and after three days rose from the dead.
But most people do not want to believe that and that they are sinners who are lost forever without God's grace, because they want to admit that they make mistakes but that they are bad in God's eyes is too much for them.
So it is clear that God allows this so that the world will be judged and that only those will be protected by Him who agree with Him regarding JESUS Christ and what He has done for us.
Verontwaardiging over uitspraken Kamerlid Kuiken die BIG-registratie van duizenden medici wil afpakken
ReplyDeleteOutrage about statements MP Kuiken who wants to take BIG registration from thousands of doctors
DeleteNederland wordt geterroriseerd door levensgevaarlijke zwakzinnigen
DeleteGideon van Meijeren fileert kersverse minister Kuipers: ‘Dit deugt van geen kant’
ReplyDeleteGideon van Meijeren fillets new minister Kuipers: 'This is no good'
DeleteVan Haga roept op te stoppen met ‘idiote’ lockdown: ‘Angsthazen hebben ons land te lang gegijzeld’
ReplyDeleteVan Haga calls for an end to the 'idiotic' lockdown: 'Fearful people have held our country hostage for too long'
DeleteKijk: Minister Kuipers weigert antwoord te geven op vraag die Gideon van Meijeren 4 keer stelt
ReplyDeleteWatch: Minister Kuipers refuses to answer a question that Gideon van Meijeren asks 4 times
DeleteEn de lesbische sataniste en half Marokkaanse Vera 'Bergkamp' viel constant in de rede
DeleteAnd the lesbian Satanist and half Moroccan Vera 'Bergkamp' constantly interrupted
DeleteForensisch patholoog: ‘Ik krijg lichamen op de snijtafel die rechtstreeks door de vaccinatie zijn gestorven’
ReplyDeleteForensic pathologist: 'I get bodies on the cutting table that died directly from the vaccination'
DeleteEn Mark Ruttte en zijn gangsters gaan vrolijk door met het vermoorden van mensen
DeleteAnd Mark Rutte and his gangsters happily continue to kill people
DeleteAmbulancehulpverlener: ‘Wat ik de afgelopen 1,5 jaar heb meegemaakt slaat alles!’
ReplyDeleteAmbulance care worker: 'What I have experienced in the past 1.5 years beats everything!'
DeleteDe vaccinatieschade is helaas veel groter dan wij ons kunnen voorstellen!! OVERSTERFTE (Nederlands)
ReplyDeleteThe vaccination damage is unfortunately much greater than we can imagine!! DETERMINATION (Dutch)
DeleteNAZI Minister Kuipers opent aanval op artsen die ‘desinformatie’ verspreiden
ReplyDeleteNAZI Minister Kuipers opens attack on doctors who spread 'disinformation'
DeleteVan de 140.000 ‘coronadoden’ in Engeland en Wales stierven er 6183 AAN corona
ReplyDeleteOf the 140,000 'corona deaths' in England and Wales, 6183 died OF corona
DeletePatiënten die in het ziekenhuis terechtkomen om een andere reden dan corona en vervolgens positief testen, tellen in de cijfers ook mee als coronapatiënten. Dat geldt ook voor een patiënt die met hartklachten binnenkomt en na een coronatest positief blijkt.
DeletePatients who end up in hospital for a reason other than corona and subsequently test positive, also count as corona patients in the figures. This also applies to a patient who comes in with heart complaints and who turns out to be positive after a corona test.
DeleteSatansaanbidder Kuipers: testuitslagen en productiedetails coronavaccins zijn ‘niet met een breder publiek te delen’
ReplyDeleteSatan worshiper Kuipers: test results and production details corona vaccines cannot be shared with a wider audience
Delete‘Stupid joke’ at Nazi death camp Auschwitz lands tourist in trouble
ReplyDeleteEx-Telegraaf-journalist ziet parallellen tussen nazi-Duitsland en huidige situatie, dit zijn ze
ReplyDeleteEx-Telegraaf journalist sees parallels between Nazi Germany and the current situation, here they are
DeletePepijn van Houwelingen doet ontdekking over kwaliteitscontrole Pfizer-vaccins: ‘Goh, dat is interessant!’
ReplyDeletePepijn van Houwelingen makes a discovery about quality control of Pfizer vaccines: 'Gosh, that's interesting!'
DeleteFVD krijgt geen toegang tot Great Reset Portal want ‘het WEF is eigenaar van deze website’
ReplyDeleteFVD cannot access the Great Reset Portal because 'the WEF owns this website'
DeleteKabinet gaat QR-code handhaven terwijl bijna 80% van positief geteste mensen gevaccineerd is
ReplyDeleteCabinet will maintain QR code while almost 80% of people tested positive are vaccinated
DeleteHet gaat niet over corona, noch om de vaccins, maar om de coronapas en totale controle
DeleteIt's not about corona, nor about the vaccines, but about the corona pass and total control
DeleteEn uiteindelijk gaat het om de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest.
DeleteAnd in the end it comes down to implementing the mark of the beast.
DeleteBoze meneer bedreigt demonstranten met nep pistool - 25/01/22 - Dedemsvaart
ReplyDeleteAngry gentleman threatens protesters with fake gun - 25/01/22 - Dedemsvaart
DeleteKijk: Minister Kuipers ‘loog glashard’ op de coronapersconferentie
ReplyDeleteWatch: Minister Kuipers 'lied crystal clear' at the corona press conference
Delete‘We worden vaccinatieplicht en 2G ingerommeld’: Bijlage bij Kamerbrief over nieuw OMT-advies doet stof opwaaien
ReplyDelete'We are being surreptitiously forced into compulsory vaccination and 2G': Appendix to letter to parliament about new OMT advice causes a stir
DeleteSchokkende onthullingen: ernstige misstanden bij GGD-vaccinatielocaties
ReplyDeleteShocking revelations: serious abuses at GGD vaccination locations
DeleteOok Nederlandse truckers organiseren zich: ‘Als een verenigd Europa naar Brussel’
ReplyDeleteDutch truckers are also organizing themselves: 'As a united Europe to Brussels'
DeleteDit was de reden dat ziekenhuizen de show opvoerden van overlopende ziekenhuizen
ReplyDeleteThis was the reason hospitals put on the show of hospital overflows
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Arts doet oproep over noodwet: ‘Nu is het moment om je uit te spreken’
ReplyDeleteDoctor makes an appeal about emergency law: 'Now is the time to speak out'
DeleteZwaar geschift Kamerlid Den Haan bedolven onder kritiek na quarantaine-foto: ‘Zo ga je toch niet met je kinderen om?’
ReplyDeleteSeverely crazy MP Den Haan covered in criticism after quarantine photo: 'Isn't that how you treat your children?'
DeleteHuisarts trekt van leer: ‘Degenen die mij verplichte vaccinatie willen opleggen, zijn gevaarlijke idioten’
ReplyDeleteGeneral practitioner warns: 'Those who want to impose mandatory vaccination on me are dangerous idiots'
DeletePeter Lusse legt absurditeit coronabeleid bloot: ‘We leven in een comedyserie’
ReplyDeletePeter Lusse exposes absurdity of corona policy: 'We live in a comedy series'
DeleteKrankzinnige Kuipers heeft er gewoon voor gekozen de geldigheidsduur van de coronapas te verkorten en dat is het dan
ReplyDeleteInsane Kuipers has simply chosen to shorten the validity of the corona pass and that's it
DeleteGame over? Zet Oostenrijks grondwettelijk hof de regering schaakmat?
ReplyDeleteGame over? Austria's constitutional court checkmates the government?
DeleteKamervragen over ‘laffe intimidatiepogingen van de staat’ om huisarts de mond te snoeren
ReplyDeleteParliamentary questions about 'cowardly intimidation attempts by the state' to silence the GP
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
2G-plan gedoemd te mislukken: ‘En nu doorpakken, weg met die coronapas’
ReplyDelete2G plan doomed to fail: 'And now get on with it, get rid of that corona pass'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Europarlementariër eist openheid van zaken: ‘Wat heeft Von der Leyen bekokstoofd met Pfizer-baas?’
ReplyDeleteMEP demands openness of handling: 'What did von der Leyen cook up with the Pfizer boss?'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Kamer verzet zich fel tegen 2G: ‘Laten we de minister dwingen om de wet in te trekken’
ReplyDeleteParliament strongly opposes 2G: 'Let's force the minister to withdraw the law'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Volgens de NOS blokkeren ‘tientallen’ trucks het centrum van Ottawa. Kijkt u even mee?
ReplyDeleteAccording to the NOS, 'dozens' of trucks are blocking downtown Ottawa. Will you take a look?
DeleteNOS = Dutch National Broadcaster = Propaganda instrument of the satanic Dutch government.
Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
Patholoog waarschuwt voor risico’s coronaprik: ‘Kankers verspreiden zich als wildvuur’
ReplyDeletePathologist warns of risks of corona jab: 'Cancers spread like wildfire'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Van Meijeren (FVD) zet alle feiten op een rijtje: het coronabeleid is één grote leugen
ReplyDeleteVan Meijeren (FVD) lists all the facts: the corona policy is one big lie
Delete2G als grondwettelijke koehandel: ‘Hier gaat de politieke beerput echt open’
ReplyDelete2G as constitutional horse trading: 'This is where the political cesspool really opens'
DeleteWybren van Haga somt op: ‘Er is een absurde stapeling van grondrechtschendingen’
ReplyDeleteWybren van Haga sums up: 'There is an absurd accumulation of fundamental rights violations'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
De Europese digital ID: Wat is de rol van Nederland in dit angstaanjagende project?
ReplyDeleteThe European digital ID: What is the role of the Netherlands in this terrifying project?
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Het laatste COVID-19 INQUISITIE gerelateerde nieuws via
ReplyDeleteThe latest COVID-19 INQUISITION related news via
Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
Het laatste COVID-19 INQUISITIE gerelateerde nieuws via
The latest COVID-19 INQUISITION related news via
Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
Corona -
Covid -
Opmerkelijk: Kamervoorzitter drukt op muteknop nadat Baudet zegt dat 9/11 false flag was
ReplyDeleteRemarkable: Parliament chairwoman presses mute button after Baudet says 9/11 was a false flag
DeleteDeze half Marokkaanse lesbiënne van D'666 heeft een hekel aan de waarheid
DeleteReportage over misstanden bij priklocaties: ‘Benieuwd hoelang deze GGD-beerput op YouTube blijft staan’
ReplyDeleteReport on abuses at injection locations: 'Wonder how long this GGD cesspool will remain on YouTube'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
‘GGD liegt om misstanden op vaccinatielocaties te verbloemen’
ReplyDelete'GGD lies to disguise abuses at vaccination sites'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Mainstream media en overheid verdoezelen torenhoge sterftecijfers door coronavaccins
ReplyDeleteMainstream media and government obscure sky-high death rates from corona vaccines
DeleteMariëlle Tweebeeke legt premier Rutte het vuur aan de schenen: ‘Ja, u zegt wel verschrikkelijk’
ReplyDeleteMariëlle Tweebeeke puts Prime Minister Rutte to the test: 'Yes, you do say 'terrible'
DeleteVVD-afdeling keert zich af van coronapas: ‘Goed dat Rutte door eigen collega’s tot orde wordt geroepen’
ReplyDeleteVVD department turns away from corona pass: "It's good that Rutte is called to order by his own colleagues"
DeleteMaar top-gangster Rutte trekt zich daar uiteraard niets van aan.
DeleteBut top gangster Rutte obviously does not care about that.
DeleteNieuwe Kamervragen over invloed World Economic Forum: ‘FVD gaat dit monster uit de kast trekken’
ReplyDeleteNew parliamentary questions about the influence of the World Economic Forum: 'FVD is going to pull this monster out of the closet'
DeleteDe coronagrafieken van Kuipers ontrafeld: ‘Kijk, zo worden we dus continu belazerd’
ReplyDeleteKuipers' corona graphs unraveled: 'Look, that's how we are continuously cheated'
DeleteThierry Baudet: ‘Dit is het moment dat wij moeten zeggen: dit hele regime moet neer’
ReplyDeleteThierry Baudet: "This is the moment that we have to say: this entire regime has to go down"
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Zweden verklaart de pandemie ‘ten einde’
ReplyDeleteSweden declares pandemic 'end'
Delete‘Greep van Klaus Schwab op provincie Zeeland blijkt enorm’
ReplyDelete"Klaus Schwab's grip on the province of Zeeland turns out to be enormous"
DeleteWob-verzoek: ministerie VWS sprak over ‘worst voorhouden’ aan mensen om gedragsverandering te realiseren
ReplyDeleteWob request: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport spoke about 'presenting the carrot' to people to achieve behavioral change
DeleteFlashback: Jaap van Dissel loog over beïnvloeding vanuit de politiek op het RIVM
ReplyDeleteFlashback: Jaap van Dissel lied about political influence at RIVM
DeleteJurist: ‘Dit is echt breaking. Dit betekent dat alle vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen de prullenbak in kunnen’
ReplyDeleteLawyer: "This is really breaking. This means that all freedom-restricting measures can go in the trash."
DeleteOphef over beïnvloeding OMT-adviezen door ministerie VWS: ‘Grof schandaal dit’
ReplyDeleteOutrage about the influence of OMT advice by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: 'This is a gross scandal'
DeleteFleur Agema roept coronaminister tot de orde: ‘Kuipers maakt volgende kapitale blunder’
ReplyDeleteFleur Agema calls corona minister to order: "Kuipers makes the next capital blunder
DeleteBeelden: Vrijheidstruckers en boeren blokkeren Binnenhof – ‘Geweldig! Nederland komt in verzet!’
ReplyDeleteImages: Freedom truckers and farmers block Binnenhof - 'Great! The Netherlands is resisting!'
DeleteWob-onthullingen: overheid rolde al in mei 2020 ‘rode loper’ uit voor ‘grote vier’ coronavaccins
ReplyDeleteWob revelations: government rolled out 'red carpet' for 'big four' corona vaccines in May 2020
DeletePepijn van Houwelingen haalt ‘ontluisterde’ Attje Kuiken door de shredder: ‘Walgelijk!’
ReplyDeletePepijn van Houwelingen puts 'disapproved' Attje Kuiken through the shredder: 'Disgusting!'
DeleteTunahan Kuzu kraakt corona-aanpak: ‘Waarom doet het kabinet alsof Nederlanders achterlijk zijn?’
ReplyDeleteTunahan Kuzu cracks down on corona approach: 'Why does the cabinet act as if the Dutch are retarded?'
DeleteEuroparlementariër: ‘Tijd voor de waarheid over grafeen in coronavaccins’
ReplyDeleteMEP: 'Time for the truth about graphene in corona vaccines'
DeleteVrijheidstruckers enige tijd gegijzeld op terrein van ADO Den Haag: ‘Welkom in het nieuwe Nederland’
ReplyDeleteFreedom truckers held hostage for some time on the grounds of ADO The Hague: 'Welcome to the new Netherlands'
DeleteCanadese premier Trudeau hard aangepakt: hij ‘klinkt als Hitler’
ReplyDeleteCanadian Prime Minister Trudeau dealt with harshly : he 'sounds like Hitler'
DeleteArts zegt lidmaatschap GroenLinks op omdat partij zich niet uitspreekt tegen ‘schadelijke coronapas’
ReplyDeleteDoctor cancels membership of Green-Left because party doesn't speak out against 'harmful corona pass'
DeleteHongarije overweegt ‘vreselijk antidemocratische, totalitaire en imperialistische’ EU te verlaten
ReplyDeleteHungary contemplates leaving 'terribly anti-democratic, totalitarian and imperialist' EU
DeleteKabinet blokkeert debat over Wob-verzoeken coronabeleid: ‘Waarvoor zijn ze bang?’
ReplyDeleteCabinet blocks debate about Wob requests for corona policy: 'What are they afraid of?'
DeleteMisdadige Kabinet erkent dat Pfizer zelf (!) monsters aanlevert voor kwaliteitscontrole coronavaccins
ReplyDeleteCriminal Cabinet acknowledges that Pfizer itself (!) supplies samples for quality control corona vaccines
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Felle kritiek op rapport World Economic Forum over digitale identiteit: ‘Aan deze waanzin moet een einde komen’
ReplyDeleteFierce criticism of the World Economic Forum report on digital identity: 'This madness must end'
DeleteVideo: Premier van Ontario laat kaartenhuis van ‘wrede heerser’ Trudeau ineens instorten
ReplyDeleteVideo: Premier of Ontario suddenly collapses house of cards of 'cruel ruler' Trudeau
DeleteGideon van Meijeren legt Van Dissel het vuur aan de schenen: ‘Geen behoefte hierop te antwoorden’
ReplyDeleteGideon van Meijeren puts Van Dissel to the test: 'No need to answer this'
DeleteVan Dissel is the Dutch Anthony Fauci and they're both champion liars.
DeleteNazivlag op dek van Nederlands koninklijk jacht doet stof opwaaien
ReplyDeleteNazi flag on deck of Dutch royal yacht causes controversy