Monday, March 23, 2015
Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS

I'm not a 'Christian' and I've never been a 'Christian' and I never want to be a 'Christian': I'm a follower of JESUS, and JESUS is God and God is my Father, and I'm His adopted son.
EVERYBODY'S a CRIMINAL in God's eyes, and a criminal is someone who's BREAKING the law, and we're all LAWBREAKERS or TRANSGRESSORS of His COMMANDMENTS in God's eyes, so we ALL need to be PUNISHED, and since we're meant to be like the angels, after this experience from conception till death, in this dimension between heaven and hell, He can only cast us into His eternal lake of fire, aka hell, because angels are IMMORTAL BEINGS, with SUPERNATURAL BODIES, who can't be saved.
Thanks to the fact that God has made us half (fallen) angelic and half ANIMAL, we can be saved, because God CAN ONLY save ANIMALS!
That's EXACTLY what JESUS said at the cross!
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34
To this end JESUS died on the cross as a PERFECT sacrificial ANIMAL: the 100% INNOCENT Lamb of God!
This is why God created the animals FIRST!
Animals seem to be STUPID BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS, but their role is VERY IMPORTANT seen from a SALVATIONAL standpoint.
God FOOLED Satan, His adversary, through the creation of the animals, and when He created them, even Satan was rejoicing, because he wasn't yet a fallen angel, but the highest and most beautiful angel Morning Star, or LUCIFER=Lightbringer.
If you're interested to know more about the fall of Lucifer in PARADISE, because THERE it happened that he became a CRIMINAL and SATAN=adversary: A sickly jealous morning star
Yes, I sound judgmental, but I'm NOT CONDEMNING anybody, because JESUS didn't come to CONDEMN, but to SAVE people, because His very NAME means: I AM SALVATION!
That's the meaning of the name of JESUS, and God's NAME is 'I AM, who I AM', and in short; 'I AM'.
So JESUS was/IS God= I AM, who became a human during about 33 years.
He knows all about this human experience, and even knows what women are going through, even though He was a MAN.
He even knows what it feels like to be an ANIMAL.
He's the smartest person in existence!
And He happens to be God, and He LOVES you, and He knows you from when you were a tiny EMBRYO.
It's SUICIDE and even WORSE, to reject His love and mercy.
Yes, God is THREATENING ALL humans with eternal DAMNATION, and this is His WRATH.
But through His ALTER EGO, JESUS, He's offering them a WAY OUT!!!
JESUS is the ONLY way out of this MESS!
You're DYING and we're all SLOWLY ROTTING AWAY!
Don't commit SUICIDE by refusing to surrender to the only one who REALLY cares about you and who REALLY LOVES you!!
God convinced me that evolution is IMPOSSIBLE and He showed me there's a PARANORMAL world, because I didn't believe in anything in the past, and after this I could no longer DENY the possibility of the existence of an INTELLIGENT ENTITY, or entities, who had created us.
I used to believe in UFOs and in REINCARNATION, but this turned out to be UNTRUE.
UFOs are in MOST cases explainable phenomena, but in other cases they are OCCULT and DEMONIC experiences.
Reincarnation is NONSENSE, because every INDIVIDUAL is UNIQUE, so how could a unique person have been someone else in the past?
NONSENSE, and a typical lie of Satan and his fallen angels.
The same goes for evolution.
Many animals and humans share the SAME concept of a head, a body with FOUR limbs, which only confirms the fact that we share the SAME creator.
He also created animals with more limbs, like many insects, and the BUTTERFLY is a testimony of God's ENORMOUS CREATIVITY, because a caterpillar is a totally different animal than a butterfly!
And yet a butterfly used to be a caterpillar!
A butterfly (and similar animals) are a testimony of the RESURRECTION from DEATH, because the caterpillar in fact DIED and CEASED to be a caterpillar in order to turn into something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
Please don't think you're smarter than my father, because my Father is GOD.
And YES, my father is 'bigger and stronger' than yours, as long as your father is the DEVIL!
Become a CHILD of God too!
He wants to be your Father too, because He loves you through His alter ego, JESUS!
(Note on June 17, 2021) the source doesn't exist anymore because Jesuit-Satan controlled Google took away Google+, because they failed to turn it into a Facebook-like-CIA, SPY platform)
A sickly jealous morning star
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
+Anonymous Are you now into Satan?
'Kids' are the offspring of GOATS and this is a human CHILD and not an animal, and if you want to have a child who's going to slit your throat one day, then you should raise your children this way.+Anthony Beach
I disagree with ALL "Christians", but I make friends with people who dare to break free from 'organized Christianity' and who call themselves followers of JESUS.
Yes, I'm God's adopted son, and every true worshiper of JESUS is also an adopted child/son of the Father.
You and Agahd can also become adopted sons of God by accepting JESUS as your Savior.
Of course I'm crazy, insane, deeply disturbed etc., in the eyes of unbelievers and especially in the eyes of God-deniers=atheists, because they don't realize that Satan doesn't want them to listen to me, and he's using his influence on them to come up with hostility, mockery and all kinds of nonsense.
Before I was a believer in JESUS I was VERY interested in the human brain, and I wanted to know all there is to know about the phenomenon of the SPLIT BRAIN: the two hemispheres.
All people are (more or less) split personalities, without being aware of it, and only JESUS can make these two hemispheres cooperate as they should.
Satan loves to work via the RIGHT hemisphere: the domain of IMAGES, MUSIC and SPATIAL AWARENESS.
Look at most false religions: they use a LOT of IMAGES, and especially the Roman (Babylonian) Catholic CULT.
The RIGHT hemisphere cooperates closely with the body and the LEFT hemisphere can think as a computer without a body.
This communication works via the LEFT hemisphere (words and letters) and the RIGHT hemisphere is producing the IMAGES.
God's WORD, the Bible, is ALWAYS firstly working via the LEFT (words) hemisphere.Agahd Le'Sape
5:47 PM
+Hans S I left a comment on your Blogspot thread. If it doesn't show up, I don't see the point in visiting again.
I didn't see your comment, and I checked my 'Awaiting moderation' section of my site management.See also this thread:
Oh those 'funny' atheists...
They always need each others support and they always play the morality card.
They already think bad of JESUS so I can't make Him look worse.+truefiction
Good questions! The answer is that God CANNOT save (fallen) angels and he created us semi-angelic, semi-animal, and He CAN save ANIMALS.
Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS
Hans S
10:32 AM
+truefiction A sickly jealous morning star
I call your arguments an excuse for not be willing to engage in a RELATIONSHIP with your own creator, JESUS-God, who allowed the devil to come up with the COUNTERFEIT of the real 'thing'.
The real thing is the Body of Christ, consisting of true believers in JESUS Christ, all over the world, and the counterfeit is the Roman Catholic CULT/church.
Throughout the centuries there were always believers who read the Bible from the right sources (Antioch), whereas the Roman Catholic Cult used a 'Bible' from murky sources: Alexandria.
You are proof of the existence of God.+CockatooDude This is the reason the experiment didn't work: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
You question the fact that God exists by saying 'if' all the time.
I've been an unbeliever, so I understand, but try to change it into 'maybe'.
Faith itself is a GIFT, which I can't give to you: only God can give you this faith in Him, when He decides to open your spiritual eyes.
He wants to be found, but only by those who are really interested in Him and by those who realize how GREAT and SPECIAL He is.
God is not just a person you meet on the street, yet He used to be a seemingly ordinary Jewish man, when He was JESUS.
Those who are able and willing to believe this will receive this divine type of faith.
People who say JESUS was a sinner like everybody else, won't receive it.+CockatooDude
I used to be an atheist and I didn't believe in the existence of deities, but (in hindsight) I did BELIEVE in evolution when I still thought it was based on science.
I became and agnostic when I started to doubt evolution, and because of all kinds of experiences, and some of them were occult.
An ex-atheist professor, who I saw on TV, when I still believed in evolution during the late '70s, made me doubt evolution and others too.
This man was the late Arthur Ernest Wilder-Smith
I was intrigued by a man of his stature who could believe in God.
Hans S
6:27 AM
When I listened to this song something snapped inside my soul, and I became a believer:
Hans S
6:28 AM
It's about the lyrics, and the singer-songwriter used to be a believer in God until he was 12, and then he became an apostate, and later the singer of Deep Purple.
This is another version and read the description box I wrote years ago in my best English, because I'm Dutch:
You don't get it: He showed me the two options.
Rejecting Him is in fact worse than suicide: eternal condemnation in loneliness and grief and sorrow and having to confess that JESUS is Lord, without enjoying it.
Evolution made me a very CYNICAL person.
Life seemed to be without meaning and purpose.+CockatooDude
Cynicism is the justification of (a) failure, and life seemed to be a sick joke to me, considering all the misery mankind is able to inflict on itself.
But then I didn't yet believe in the existence of the enemy of mankind, the devil.
Now I know who this enemy is, and who he's using: Meet my ENEMY: Pope Francis!
Speak for yourself, because I'm justified through the blood of JESUS and God is my Father.
The Roman Catholic CULT is the true church of Satan, and in fact it's being used by God, because if people reject Him and his mercy, they'll get the devil instead.
Soon this satanic CULT will rule the WHOLE world, which is prophesied in the Bible and the Antichrist will terrorize this world for seven years until the second coming of JESUS Christ.
During these seven years ALL people will acknowledge that God exists, and even the most die-hard atheists, because of the supernatural things that are going to happen.
But most of them will be lost, because they will accept the mark of the BEAST, 666, the RFID-chip in connection to the Roman Catholic SUNday-laws.
When God created this world He rested on the seventh day and He called it the Sabbath.
The seventh day is from sundown on the 6th day ("Friday') till sundown on the Sabbath ('Saterday'), but the BABYLONIAN SUN-worshipping Roman Catholic CULT changed it into the SUNday.
This is the MARK of the BEAST!
The Swastika is in fact a symbol for this satanic SUN'god', and Adolf Hitler was a servant of the Roman Catholic CULT.
The true 'god' of Pope Francis and 'Obama' (and the world's 'elite') is LUCIFER, the DEVIL!
The USA was being founded by satanists and Washington's original name was ROME and its situated between VIRGINia and MARYland.
The EU is the revived ROMAN EMPIRE and every Pope is in fact the EMPEROR.
Rome is Satan's headquarters on earth.
All EVIL roads lead to the Vatican.
The Vatican is in favor of evolution!
The Vatican is in favor of the unscientific heliocentric model.
The Vatican's own telescope is called LUCIFER There's so much more to know, but this will do for the moment.+TONY COSTANZO +Juochi Okuwa
That's because some of them have EGO-problems, because the ONLY GOOD EGO is 'I AM'=God=JESUS=I AM SALVATION.
But we all have to deal with the so called 'god-complex' since our forefathers listened to the FALSE god, Satan, who told them they could be god themselves, which they believed, beginning with Eve, and then Adam, and so God Himself had to become a human Himself to show us through His PERFECT EGO, how we should be.
Most people's egos are being controlled by Satan, through the FLESH, and God is TRAINING and COACHING us to be like the BEST EGO, the Lord JESUS Christ, who allowed Satan and evil people to KILL His FLESH on the cross.
I FORGIVE my fellow brothers and sisters who have EGO-problems and I pray for them, and their and MY Father (God) will deal with them and correct them.+robin dupre reed
I am saying that Satan invented evolution and the Pope worships Lucifer=Satan!
The Roman Catholic CULT is the true church of Satan:
Hans S
10:20 PM
+robin dupre reed
This man is not a Christian, but he showed me the truth about the real character of the Roman Catholic CULT at the end of 2011 when I discovered his site:
Be informed because 'Obama' (Frank Marshall Davis jr or Barry Davis) is the Vatican's Muppet and executioner, just like Hitler and Stalin in the past.
The US is on the verge of martial law.
It won't be long and Revelation 13:16-18 will be implemented through the RFID chip in connection to SUNday law, because the Roman Catholic CULT is the Babylonian SUN-worship cult.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.+EmmittBrownBTTF1
Evolution is a fairy tale and Satan's brain fart.
Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS
You're wrong, because in the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with God, and God was THE WORD. (From the original Greek text)
He's the creator of our BRAIN, and the LEFT hemisphere is about WORDS and the RIGHT hemisphere is about IMAGES.
He spoke a WORD like 'let there be (electromagnetic energy) LIGHT', and there it was.
JESUS is God is from eternity to eternity, so NOTHING came from NOTHING, and EVERYTHING came from JESUS.
Now look at yourself and others and around you and see that it is NO fairy tale.
Evolution, on the other hand, came from FANTASY-LAND.
It does exist in our IMAGINATION, but it's NOT REAL, because it NEVER happened.+Philip Mc Adam
That's easy: the Bible foretold that in the end time the Roman Empire (Mystery Babylon) would rise again, and that's exactly what's happening concerning the core of the prophetic message of the Bible: Israel and the Jewish people.
JESUS is a JEW and He's coming back to Israel, and before this will happen the world will go through much turmoil and wars, and two wars are on the horizon: the Psalm 83-war and the ensuing Ezekiel 38/39-war with Russia and its allies, which will be a short, but devastating WORLD WAR.
The true god of the Vatican is LUCIFER, and he's doing all he can in order to try to stop his enemy, JESUS, from having a motive to come back.
The Vatican and Pope Francis are trying to get ownership of the whole of Israel, and therefore they need a covenant between the (secular) government of Israel and the Antichrist=the Vicar of Christ=the instead of Christ=BLASPHEMY=the POPE.
His aid is the American President 'Obama' and the EU and the UN are supporting him too.
Their goal is Armageddon, which is a final world war about Israel in the valley of Megiddo, with the aim to destroy as much Jews and believers in JESUS as possible so that JESUS will have no reason to come back.
It will be like the 2nd world war, but MUCH worse.
I'm sure most atheists and anti-christian people will like to see the Jews and the Christians slaughtered, and many through beheading.
Too bad for them, because JESUS will destroy all His enemies when He returns and then the time of mercy will be over.+Joney Harper
Here's some more 'BULL SHIT': ‘The Time Is Coming That Whoever Kills You Will Think That He Is Offering A Service To God’
Hans S
1:41 AM
+Joney Harper Goebbels of ISIS Urges Sleeper Cells to Rise Up, Chillingly Proclaiming ‘War Has Just Begun’
Hans S
1:44 AM
+Joney Harper ISIS Guide Teaches How to Befriend, Rob and Kill Westerners
Mind you: 'Obama' (Frank Marshall Davis jr or Barry Davis) is a MUSLIM and ISIS or ISIL is a project of the CIA and the CIA was founded by German Nazis and the NSA and the FBI too.
The Nazis were servants of the Vatican, the true church of Satan.+Joney Harper
Radical followers of JESUS aren't beheading people or doing what ISIS is doing in the Middle East (on behalf of the Vatican and 'Obama', btw.).
Radical followers of JESUS, like me, are telling people like you they're lost without JESUS Christ, and when you die with your boots on, while being unsaved, you'll end up in God's garbage can, the lake of fire, which is a shame and unnecessary if you're willing to admit you're sinner who needs the mercy of God through JESUS Christ.+Joney Harper
Nonsense! I'm an ex-atheist and no one forced me to watch anything in the past, and certainly not Christians.
I know a bit about 420 (cannabis culture), booze and stuff, but I'm drinking coffee at the moment and I'm not under the influence of anything, except the Holy Spirit.
It were former atheists like the late Arthur Ernest Wilder-Smith who made me doubt evolution in the past, after which my search for the meaning of life really got started, and in the end it wasn't me who found God, but the other way around.+Joney Harper
Yes, ex-atheists exist and I'm one of them.
I did not believe in the existence of deities or the supernatural, and evolution used to be my only explanation of our existence.
But this also made me very cynical and life seemed to be an absurd and sick joke.
In hindsight I know that atheists are in fact proof of the existence of the devil. Mc Adam
There are two things you can do: commit suicide, or start reading the Bible.
That's what God, aka JESUS told me when He saved me.
Rejecting JESUS is worse than suicide.
So read the Bible yourself, and I recommend the King James version 1611, and though it's not perfect, it's the best available English translation.
I know that many people who call themselves atheists are in fact ANTI-Christs, ANTI-God, ANTI-Bible and many have a Christian-religious background.
I don't have a Christian-religious background and I never went to church, and I didn't need any kind of religion and I thought all religions are foolishness or just silly.
I wasn't anti-God, anti-Jesus, anti-Bible: I just didn't need it in my life in the past.
But because I started to like hard rock music from bands like Deep Purple and Black Sabbath I became influenced by people with a Christian-religious background from a SATANIC point of view, because many English and American artists of that era have a Christian-religious background, which I wasn't aware of when I was young, and furthermore I wasn't always listening to what they were really saying through their lyrics, because I'm Dutch and back then my English wasn't sufficient to be able to understand everything.
Take for example this song: The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown - Fire
I just liked the music and I didn't associate it with hell, Satan, God or the Bible, because I wasn't interested in these subjects, but SUBCONSCIOUSLY Satan was influencing me, and God used it in order to make me a believer, because as time passed by I became increasingly someone who needed deliverance, and God made me clear there's only deliverance through His alter ego, JESUS.
Now you might say 'Satan doesn't exist', but tell this to an adherent of ISIS and your head will be cut off in a slowly fashion, because they consider infidels to be far worse than lukewarm Muslims, who they also kill.
Now this may be a revelation to you: Islam was created by the Vatican!
The Roman Catholic CULT is the true church of Satan, responsible for hundreds of MILLIONS of tortured and murdered people.
Example from the recent past: both Hitler and Stalin served the Vatican!
Hitler was a Roman Catholic and he was Jesuit-trained and Stalin was a Jesuit priest.
Mao Zedong was also Jesuit-trained.
He was in fact the worst mass murderer of these three.
All EVIL roads lead to the Vatican and Rome.
The original name of Washinton D.C. (District of Columbia, named after the Roman Catholic Christopher Columbus, whose assignment it was to claim ALL the America's for the Papacy) was ROME, and it's location between VIRGINia and MARYland is NO coincidence.
The USA is a project of the Vatican!
The EU (the United Sates of Europe) too.+Philip Mc Adam
There are two things you can do: commit suicide, or start reading the Bible.
That's what God, aka JESUS told me when He saved me.
Rejecting JESUS is worse than suicide.
So read the Bible yourself, and I recommend the King James version 1611, and though it's not perfect, it's the best available English translation.
I know that many people who call themselves atheists are in fact ANTI-Christs, ANTI-God, ANTI-Bible and many have a Christian-religious background.
I don't have a Christian-religious background and I never went to church, and I didn't need any kind of religion and I thought all religions are foolishness or just silly.
I wasn't anti-God, anti-Jesus, anti-Bible: I just didn't need it in my life in the past.
But because I started to like hard rock music from bands like Deep Purple and Black Sabbath I became influenced by people with a Christian-religious background from a SATANIC point of view, because many English and American artists of that era have a Christian-religious background, which I wasn't aware of when I was young, and furthermore I wasn't always listening to what they were really saying through their lyrics, because I'm Dutch and back then my English wasn't sufficient to be able to understand everything.
Take for example this song: The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown - Fire
I just liked the music and I didn't associate it with hell, Satan, God or the Bible, because I wasn't interested in these subjects, but SUBCONSCIOUSLY Satan was influencing me, and God used it in order to make me a believer, because as time passed by I became increasingly someone who needed deliverance, and God made me clear there's only deliverance through His alter ego, JESUS.
Now you might say 'Satan doesn't exist', but tell this to an adherent of ISIS and your head will be cut off in a slowly fashion, because they consider infidels to be far worse than lukewarm Muslims, who they also kill.
Now this may be a revelation to you: Islam was created by the Vatican!
The Roman Catholic CULT is the true church of Satan, responsible for hundreds of MILLIONS of tortured and murdered people.
Example from the recent past: both Hitler and Stalin served the Vatican!
Hitler was a Roman Catholic and he was Jesuit-trained and Stalin was a Jesuit priest.
Mao Zedong was also Jesuit-trained.
He was in fact the worst mass murderer of these three.
All EVIL roads lead to the Vatican and Rome.
The original name of Washinton D.C. (District of Columbia, named after the Roman Catholic Christopher Columbus, whose assignment it was to claim ALL the America's for the Papacy) was ROME, and it's location between VIRGINia and MARYland is NO coincidence.
The USA is a project of the Vatican!
The EU (the United Sates of Europe) too.
I almost forgot to mention that communism and fascism were also created by the Jesuits and the Vatican.
The current Pope is strongly in favor of evolution and in fact he's a weird atheist and an Universalist and his true god is Lucifer.+Justin Whittington
Know more: Beautiful bird! Great piece of art of JESUS!
ReplyDelete+shereesings4Jesus Christ They're invented by JESUS, because He's the ©REATO®
ReplyDelete+Catherine Scarborough
I'm so glad we don't have to watch this anymore in JESUS' realm and people won't be acting like animals anymore.
We're meant to be like the ANGELS.
JESUS is with us!+Genesis Masters Because God=JESUS created these ANIMALS in order to make people feel VERY VULNERABLE, since they have become FOLLOWERS of SATAN!
YOU are a follower of SATAN, the devil, and the only one who is able to SAVE you is JESUS, God manifested in the flesh, who DIED for (Y)OUR sins on the cross (the symbol for the satanic Babylonian sun-god) and who rose again from the dead.
On the one hand He wants to DESTROY you by casting you into His eternal lake of fire and on the other hand He wants to SAVE you from this AWFUL fate, which is much worse than being burned alive, because the lake of fire is ETERNAL and you'll experience the PAIN in LONELINESS with a body that is also eternal, because all people are meant to be like the angels.
JESUS died on the cross AS an INNOCENT ANIMAL: the LAMB of God.
The choice is yours: do you want to remain an EVIL PREDATOR, like SATAN, or do you want to be LIKE the LAMB of God and be SAVED from God's eternal WRATH.
JESUS is God LOVES you, but SATAN HATES you!
He wants to MURDER you, just like the predators in the video, because he knows he can't be saved, due to the fact that he's an ANGEL and God can't save angels but only humans and animals.
Genesis Masters 1 week ago
Why did you post something like that - . -"
Simon Brown 4 months ago
We humans have a worse predator. His name is Satan the Devil. And he is after your soul. Satan has only one mission, only one goal to deceive and lead people away from the love of God. Which he is clearly achieving. This is all Satan lives and cares for. The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy. This is Satan's ultimate prize and joy. But thanks be to God who sent Jesus: I am come that they (Born again believers) might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10 - 10. Do YOU know Him? His name is Jesus, who is the only one who can raise you to eternal life and save your soul.
+Big Moose The internet is Satan's IMITATION of God's DIVINE way of communication. In reply to: "is there internet in heaven"
Hans S 1 second ago
+Big Moose Then you'll gonna rot in hell/the lake of fire forever for being such a SATANIC CRIMINAL who has rejected the ONLY way to be saved from God's WRATH through the LOVE and SACRIFICE of His alter ego, JESUS. You will be forgotten as a piece of GARBAGE, while the saved people are having an eternal HOLY wedding feast on the New Earth, under the New Heaven, and in the New Jerusalem. In response to: "what happens if you dont accept jesus"+Guy Forget You wonder because animals can't think like humans, and in a sense they're only biological ROBOTS.
People tend to project their human feelings and thoughts on animals, because they have FALLEN to the level of animals since the fall of Adam and Eve, while they are meant to be like the highly intelligent and supernatural ANGELS.
This is God's method in order to confront people with their own vulnerability and mortality and that there's only ONE escape from this CURSED world (cursed by God, btw) through His alter ego JESUS, who ALLOWED His OWN INVENTIONS to TORTURE and MURDER Him so that those who agree with this satanic deed, or those who DON"T CARE, will be cast into the lake of fire, meant for the fallen angels, and those who realize that it was necessary that He died in OUR place on the cross, and who can believe He rose from the dead, can be REDEEMED.
One can ENCOUNTER God=JESUS in two ways: as your BEST FRIEND and SAVIOR or as your WORST ENEMY.
Meet JESUS as the LAMB of God or as the LION of the tribe of JUDAH, because JESUS is the SUPER-JEW!
Don't fall into the hands of God when He's ANGRY at you and His WRATH is upon you, because you will CURSE the day that you started to THINK.
Surrender to JESUS and receive His MERCY and LOVE or get DESTROYED by HIM! PS: the Pope is the ANTICHRIST and OBAMA is his MUPPET. God=JESUS is using these two BEASTS and the devil as His tools in order to confront people with their own wickedness. God allows these two PSYCHOPATHS to start a WORLD WAR and persecution on a GRAND SCALE so that those who are willing to REPENT can be saved from the majority of EVIL people who will be DESTROYED when JESUS returns.+Catherine Scarborough
JESUS is the creator of this animal, so it's not evil.
There are no evil animals: people are evil, and that's why this world was CURSED by God, aka JESUS to teach them (US) a lesson.
Animals hunt and eat and fear each other because of the curse, due to the sin=disobedience of Eve and Adam.
Animals don't know what they do.
'Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing', said JESUS to His alter ego, God the Father on the cross, when He gave His life as if He was an innocent ANIMAL, the LAMB of God.
Was He referring to (fallen) angels?
No, because angels know EXACTLY what they do.
He was referring to HUMANS, because ultimately there's little difference between humans and animals.
God can only save ANIMALS!
He can't and He won't save entities who think they can outsmart Him.
Unsaved people are being controlled by Satan who thinks he can outsmart his own creator.
HE'S A FOOL!+Billy Your Brother
JESUS is with us!
The fear of God is like an INSTINCT, and it's the beginning of WISDOM.
Godless people lack this instinct and they are a danger to THEMSELVES, due to the influence of Satan.
Unless they repent they will receive this INSTINCT in the lake of fire, but then it will too late for them.
That's why JESUS wants us to try to persuade people into believing in Him, so that He might save them, because we can't save ourselves, let alone someone else.+Quan Chew
And there were NO MURDERERS before the Fall.
Cain was the first, AFTER the Fall.
JESUS was MURDERED by His OWN creations, and He ALLOWED it, being God, manifested in the flesh, because He loves us and He wants to save us from His own WRATH on everything He HATES.+Larris Liew
Correct and since He's God, manifested in the flesh, He ALLOWED it after the Fall.
Animals are very sophisticated biological ROBOTS, with the ability to program themselves WITHING the boundaries of their God-given INSTINCT=PROGRAM.
They do NOT think like humans, because they're NOT created in the image and likeness of God=JESUS.
When JESUS returns, He'll RESTORE Paradise on Earth and there will be such an ABUNDANCE of vegetarian food, like special FRUIT for 'predators', that there will be no more need to eat meat.+Angie M
The Bible and God=JESUS are related to EVERY subject, because JESUS=God is the creator of everything.
He loves you and He wants to save you, and Satan hates you and he wants you to be lost.The same person who created these biological killing machines gave a real human the ability to kill a lion: Samson! The same person who created all predators and all the other animals, like the giant blue whale, and who died on the cross for our sins, once drowned about SIX BILLION people during the Flood! He rose from the dead and He's our JUDGE and/or our REDEEMER. He's our BEST FRIEND or our WORST NIGHTMARE! His name: JESUS CHRIST, aka GOD, manifested in the flesh! Satan is a TINY INSECT compared to Him. Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS
ReplyDeleteYou're just another entity with a GOD-COMPLEX and I have GOOD NEWS for you: you're SLOWLY DYING, which means that one day your life will be over and done! That's due to the CURSE of God, aka JESUS Christ. And after your death you will be cast into God's garbage can, the lake of fire, where you MUST proclaim that JESUS is THE LORD, and nothing else. Now people fear dangerous predators, which were being created by the same person who died for our sins at the Babylonian symbol for the sun-'god', and who rose from the dead. But the most dangerous animals our tiny INSECTS: mosquitoes. These creatures kill more human beings than all the other animals combined due to their spreading of diseases like malaria. Why did God CURSE His OWN creation and the offspring of Adam and Eve, and why did He DROWN about SEX BILLION people during the JUDGEMENT called the Flood? In order to teach them a lesson because they had become children of SATAN! YOU are a child of the DEVIL and you talk just like SATAN, but I have even BETTER NEWS for you: you can be SAVED, which is being SPARED from God's TERRIBLE WRATH on you, because you will wish you had never existed when you will be thrown into His eternal PRISON and into the FLAMES of HELL. BUT when you SURRENDER to JESUS, as a PREY to its VICTOR, He will SPARE your life, because He died for you and me and everyone like an INNOCENT ANIMAL on the cross: the LAMB of GOD! So this is the DEAL: surrender to your own maker, who knows you better than your own MOTHER, and be SAVED, or remain a child of the DEVIL and SHARE the devil's HORRIFIC ETERNAL FATE! Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS
ReplyDeleteSATANIC CREATURES....SINCE the FALL of the first followers of Satan, Adam and Eve, OUR ANCESTORS!
Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS InJesusChrist God is NOT a hateful tyrant, Joyce!
Yes, initially God created the lake of fire and the outer darkness for Satan and his fellow fallen angels, but the FIRST creatures who will be cast into hell-the lake of fire, are two HUMANS: the Antichrist and the False Prophet!
They will PRECEDE all others and even Satan!
I thought you believed you are SAVED?
Then why bother about burning in hell?
Be GLAD God's WRATH is NOT on you!
People and fallen angels do not send themselves to hell.
People may commit suicide, but they're not that CRAZY that they want to be BURNED FOREVER, having a SUPERNATURAL BODY which can feel PAIN.
When people commit suicide they HOPE their life and suffering is over...BUT they make a BIG MISTAKE.
We're all meant to be LIKE the angels, and God's judgement is upon everyone, but NOT on those who have surrendered to JESUS, God, manifested in the flesh.
You LOVE JESUS and you believe He bore (Y)OUR GUILT on the cross, so He is GLAD about it and He won't send you to hell, because He LOVES YOU!+JoyceBelieves InJesusChrist
Amen, dear Joyce, and I'm now watching this and thank you for sharing: Christella
Evolution existed in the creative mind of JESUS, for He's the ©REATO®, but it NEVER happened in this physical dimension.+JoyceBelieves InJesusChrist
Animals SEEM to be thinking, but they're actually thinking a WHOLE lot of NOTHING.
They can't think like humans do.
They weren't created in the image and likeness of God and they can't think in words and sentences.
JESUS is the WORD of God and WORDS are IMAGES, hence we have two hemispheres who think in words and images, but the dominant hemisphere is the WORD-hemisphere.
Animals SENSE and FEEL and have INTUITION and they are to a large extent limited by their God-given instinct, which is like a program.
Only a MIRACLE could change a Gorilla into a human-like creature.
God did a MIRACLE and He created the first human, separately from the animals.
But thanks to the creation of animals we could be saved: http://ezekiel38raptur+It's Ya Girl, Jesus' Wife
Correct: animals are as weird as humans. ;-)) Newman
Adam and Eve also had DAUGHTERS, but they aren't mentioned.
So Cain had sex with one of his SISTERS and back then this was NOT a problem, because human DNA was still strong and stable and there wasn't yet a divine commandment against it.
After the Flood human DNA started to deteriorate, due to the harsher conditions, and so God introduced laws against sex with direct relatives, and also among animals it became harmful to species if blood related animals would procreate.
Hans S
11:05 AM
Adam and Eve came from a location which is in nowadays Iraq, and also after the Flood, humanity restarted from there.
Adam and Eve were a MIXTURE of ALL ethnicities.
So, there were NO 'white' (PALE) people at the beginning!
+It's Ya Girl, Jesus' Wife
I've talked about this with you and I guess you find this interesting.Adam and Eve weren't BROWN, nor where they PALE, but something IN BETWEEN.
They were a bit like people with mixed ethnicity like the beautiful (but unfortunately still unsaved: pray for her!) Beyoncé Giselle Knowles:+Lina Sorrentino
Nobody is asking you to love demons! But you must also realize what ANIMALS are doing to other ANIMALS in nature and it's all due to God's CURSE, because people are so very EVIL!
It started in Paradise and Eve was the first to listen to the DEVIL and she wanted to be god herself by doing what she wanted.
Adam didn't say a WORD and he allowed Eve to do the talking, and she gave him fruit from the forbidden tree and he took it and ate from it and then there were TWO SATANISTS!
What is more important to you: the torture and MURDER of animals or the MURDER of MILLIONS of unborn HUMAN BEINGS, because people want to have sex without wanting to face the responsibility of being a LOVING PARENT?
MOST abortions are due to the fact that people don't want to bear the consequences of having had sexual pleasure, so the result, a UNIQUE human being, MUST DIE!
Only a small percentage of them are KILLED because their mothers have been raped.
And this is what the Bible teaches: Ecclesiastes 3:18 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
I considered in mine heart the state of the children of men, that God had purged them: yet to see too, they are in themselves as beasts.
But this is ALSO true: Psalm 36:6 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
Thy righteousness is like the mighty mountains: thy judgments are like a great deep: thou Lord, dost save man and beast.
In more modern English:
Psalm 36:6World English Bible (WEB)
6 Your righteousness is like the mountains of God.
Your judgments are like a great deep.
Yahweh*, you preserve man and animal.
* God's name is I AM (who I AM)
JESUS' name means 'I AM Salvation': God in the capacity of a human.
Go with your ANGER to JESUS!
HE LOVES YOU, but He wants you to become HONEST about your own sins toward Him and people.
Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS Sorrentino
You talk about God: JESUS is God, manifested in the flesh and the Roman Catholic CULT is the true church of Satan.
You're trying to influence my brother in JESUS Tony, so that's why I wanted to know more about you.
He can speak for himself, but I'm also always trying to tell lost people they need JESUS Christ if they don't want to burn in hell, which is God's eternal wrath.
You're NOT YET born again, but I'm not the one who will judge you, but my Father in heaven, who is ONE with JESUS.
He loves you and He died for you and He took (Y)OUR punishment unto Himself at the cross, and NOT because we're good people, but CRIMINALS.
If you think you can do without God's MERCY through JESUS Christ, then you're fooling yourself.
JESUS said "love your enemies", but you want to kill people you don't even know, as if you're God almighty.
That's why you need JESUS.
A blessed weekend, and greetings from Hans, from the Netherlands.
+PAULLONDEN And the first STUPID man took from the forbidden fruit she gave him and ate, without saying a word, and we're their offspring. Only JESUS is the answer, and there will be no more scenes like this after JESUS' return.
Hans S 1 second ago
+PAULLONDEN All 'predators' used to eat special fruit and vegetables containing a lot of nutrition in Paradise. The Giant Panda is proof of the fact that an omnivore with canine teeth can survive on a diet of vegetables (bamboo) alone. But there were also no DEMONS (fallen angels) yet on earth, giving the predators the 'killer instinct' they need in order to survive after the fall, when DEATH was introduced by God, being part of the curse. But herbivores can be lethal too since the Fall of man. Demons can take possession of animals: Matthew 8:28-34World English Bible (WEB) 28 When he came to the other side, into the country of the Gergesenes, two people possessed by demons met him there, coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that nobody could pass that way. 29 Behold, they cried out, saying, “What do we have to do with you, Jesus, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding far away from them. 31 The demons begged him, saying, “If you cast us out, permit us to go away into the herd of pigs.” 32 He said to them, “Go!”They came out, and went into the herd of pigs: and behold, the whole herd of pigs rushed down the cliff into the sea, and died in the water. 33 Those who fed them fled, and went away into the city, and told everything, including what happened to those who were possessed with demons. 34 Behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus. When they saw him, they begged that he would depart from their borders.
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Hans S 1 second ago
+PAULLONDEN If lions and other predators would be able to kill a prey as easy and swiftly humans can do, they would do it. God allowed man to eat meat after the Flood: Genesis 9:1-9World English Bible (WEB) 9 God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. 2 The fear of you and the dread of you will be on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the sky. Everything that moves along the ground, and all the fish of the sea, are delivered into your hand. 3 Every moving thing that lives will be food for you. As I gave you the green herb, I have given everything to you. 4 But flesh with its life, that is, its blood, you shall not eat. 5 I will surely require your blood of your lives; at the hand of every animal I will require it. At the hand of man, even at the hand of every man’s brother, I will require the life of man. 6 Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in his own image. 7 Be fruitful and multiply. Increase abundantly in the earth, and multiply in it.” 8 God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying, 9 “As for me, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you,
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Hans S 1 second ago
+Alexander Basmajian Why don't you offer yourself as food to the lions? Isn't it absurd to wish someone else's son to be killed and eaten by lions, just because you don't agree with his opinion? This proves you're a criminal (law breaker) in God's eyes and in need of forgiveness by (y)our maker, JESUS Christ, who's God, manifested in the flesh, who's not only able to destroy people in an instant without making His hands dirty, but also to cast them into His eternal garbage can, the lake of fire.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Adam Jacobsen Amen, and JESUS is God, manifested in the flesh.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Spartan1844 Nonsense: you have DECIDED to BELIEVE God doesn't exist.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Adam Jacobsen Amen, but God uses bad things in order to break people's pride and UNBELIEF. UNBELIEF is the ultimate sin, and not (mass) murder and other heinous crimes.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Adam Jacobsen JESUS is the LIGHT of the world: John 8:12 Again, therefore, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 9:5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
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Hans S 1 second ago
+Spartan1844 You exist because God has created you and you say you don't need Him. Who has given you this HAUGHTY and DUMB attitude? Another 'god' called SATAN! So this makes you a follower of the DEVIL and this will cause God to cast you into His garbage can, the lake of fire, at Judgement day, unless you CHANGE YOUR MIND and WAY of THINKING.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Adam Jacobsen Who is this God and does He have a name? My God is JESUS Christ. He's God, manifested in the flesh/human capacity.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Spartan1844 How can a SINNER=transgressor of God's Holy commandments become a 'better person' without the help of His or her own creator? That's IMPOSSIBLE! All people are sinners since Adam and Eve and in need of MERCY by their creator. This creator is JESUS: God manifested in the flesh/God in human capacity. Get to know Him, because He's the reason you exist!
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Hans S 1 second ago
+Adam Jacobsen Ah, now you're calling Him 'Christ'....that's better. Just use His FULL NAME: JESUS Christ. JESUS means 'I am Salvation' and Christ from Messiah means 'the anointed'. So 'Christ JESUS' means 'The anointed I am Salvation'. God's name is 'I am (who I am) as he told Moses. JESUS is God, manifested in the flesh.
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Hans S 1 second ago
+Spartan1844 God created your body, spirit and soul and you say you can do without Him? That's very unwise. He also makes you go to sleep and enables your body to wake up again, while during your sleep your body gets regenerated. You're like a car who says 'I've created myself and I don't need regular check-ups, adjustments and reparations'.+Adam Jacobsen
Well that's great and I do the same, but a bit longer: since God-the Lord JESUS saved me as an ex-atheist (a God -denier) who already had turned into an agnostic before my surrender to JESUS on January 15 1984.
Don't be ashamed to use the name of JESUS, and concerning 'Christ-mass':
My slogan is: MERRY FELLOWSHIP IN JESUS, and I say this to all my fellow believers in the Lord JESUS Christ, and in case unbelievers want to join in, they're welcome, because that's what it's all about: tell others about the Lord JESUS.
JESUS is with us, Adam!+Viana de León
Plus animals don't think about what they're doing.
This goes for the hunter and the hunted.
Viana de León
4:27 PM
+Hans S Of course animals think about what they are doing or they would not be able to do it!
Hans S
5:52 PM
+Viana de León
No they don't: they act from their instincts, which are like complicated computer programs in their brains.
They have ZERO thoughts.
Viana de León
5:55 PM
+Hans S WRONG! Animals must be taught to fly, to hunt to fish to make tools—by their parents or other members of their species. Science has shown that they think!
Are you aware that a number of primates have been taught sign language?
Hans S
6:02 PM
+Viana de León
Animals have no thoughts about their actions and 'primates' imitate humans for a reward: food or something else which is pleasant to them.
Only humans have a a-symmetrical brain, with a left hemisphere, which is specialized in words and sentences and logic like math, and a right hemisphere, which is specialized in images and music and intuition and spatial thinking and more.
Humans are LIKE animals, but they're special creatures and they didn't evolve from the ancestors of the primates.+Viana de León
But evolution never happened.
I used to believe in this fairy tale in the past
Here's proof that the Flood really happened and thus that evolution is nonsense: The Great Pyramid is proof for the Flood and the death knell for evolution
To help you a bit: For 4,500 years, the Great Pyramid has stood like a giant Goliath defying anyone from learning its secrets. Only the "Stone Cut Out Without Hands" (Daniel 2:34) can knock it down and enable us to look at the hidden chambers within its vast depth.
The Great Pyramid is the only survivor of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, and it is GIGANTIC. It covers an area of 13 acres and 30 Empire State Buildings could be built with the estimated 2,300,000 stones. It contains more stones than was used in all the churches, cathedrals, and monasteries built in England since 313 AD. A wall 6ft high and 1ft thick could be built from New York to Los Angeles using the amount of masonry contained in the Great Pyramid. Another remarkable feature is the fact that the limestone blocks in the building have barely settled in over 4,700 years. Until the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world!!
To attribute the technologically advanced Great Pyramid to the Ancient Egyptians is like claiming that the Hottentots of Africa, or the aborigines of Australia, built the Empire State Building. The Ancient Egyptians could copy some of the work of the antediluvians . . . but they could not create.I don't agree with this, because our FLESH is impatient, and our flesh is NOT our EGO.
Our EGO in JESUS is SPIRITUAL, but when we listen to our flesh, then we listen to a creature that is not much different than an ANIMAL.
Example: we are reading the Bible and then all of a sudden our flesh reminds us of our CARNAL NEED to go to the bathroom, or that we're in fact HUNGRY.
Now I don't say anything negatively about our carnal/animal side or about animals in general, because God-the Lord JESUS created the animals FIRST on earth, and not without a reason, , but animals can be trained and our carnal side can be trained too, and that's what our parents did to us when we were little and that's what we're doing to ourselves after we've learned to control ourselves.
Self control is GOOD, but it won't SAVE us, because then it's something WE can DO in order to achieve righteousness.
JESUS was God, manifested in the FLESH and He had 100% self control, but He was a REAL HUMAN, in EVERY ASPECT, so He experienced JOY and DELIGHT, and DESPAIR and FEAR and ANGER, He CRIED, HE LAUGHED and like a real human, He had to 'go to the bathroom', every now and then.
He also was aware of His sexuality, being the inventor of sexuality and procreation Himself, so He was able to control Himself PERFECTLY, because He hadn't assigned Himself to marry and to procreate.
His EGO ( I AM) was and IS ONE with the Father and the Holy Spirit!
He is our EXAMPLE and our TEACHER, more than anyone else.
He is the PERFECT EGO, the GREAT 'I AM'!
We NEED Him and His perfect sacrifice in order to RECEIVE HIS righteousness through GRACE. wilson
Listen, IGNORANT person: your comment shows how much you HATE this 'non-existing God' whom you have NEVER met and who you don't know, and you just can't stand the fact that there are people who believe in this God, and who are talking about Him on any given opportunity, because they believe He is the most important subject to talk about, because He's the creator of EVERYTHING.
People like you not only would love to kill JESUS again, if possible, and people too, who believe in Him, as if you're some CRAZED PREDATOR.
But when a predator kills it does so because it has to eat or it will die, but people like you like to kill, just for the fun of it.
The FOOL (NUTJOB) has said in his heart 'there is no God'.
Psalm 14,1
For the Chief Musician. By David. The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none who does good.
In other words: you're LOST without JESUS Christ, who loved you so much that He died in (y)our place on the cross, being PUNISHED in (y)our place, and yes: HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD.
You CANNOT rise from the dead, but JESUS=GOD can!
DEAL WITH IT!Cats are designed to KILL, just like OWLS.
Some animals are even named after their design, like KILLER WHALES.
They even kill and eat great white sharks!
Now JESUS is their designer, so what does this say about Him, and what does it say about most people who love PREDATORS, like dogs and cats?
The most dangerous predator is man.
And yet, JESUS is the LAMB of God.
And there are people who love to eat lamb meat, because it's so tasty and tender.
This is the answer: cats and owls and orca's and sharks were TAME and KIND and vegetarians in the world before the Fall of Adam and Eve, and that's how we want to regard them, and God=JESUS had created special vegetable MEAT as food for the animals we now consider to be predators.
Even an animal like T-rex ate this kind of food and was TAME and KIND.
But after the Fall this special food was no longer available and so the animals we now consider to be predators had to search for a replacement after they had become VERY HUNGRY, and then their hidden KILLER INSTINCT became activated and they started to eat OTHER ANIMALS, or sometimes even people.
That's NOT NICE and SWEET and I remember that I hated to see our 'nice' cat with a bird in her mouth, and especially when it was a beautiful bird, like a blue tit, when I was a boy.
But our cat was just following her instinct, her program in her brain, of the post-paradisiacal world.
God=JESUS is responsible for this instinct and NOT the devil, though it was due to the fact that Eve and Adam had disobeyed God by listening to the devil, that this CURSE had become the norm in our fallen world.
When JESUS returns we will again witness cats who aren't looking for PREY like this cat.
Kenneth Meacomes originally shared:
Atheism is Madness's profile photoHans S's profile photo
Atheism is Madness
9:16 AM
Cats if locked up in a house and the resident dies will eat thier owners starting at the face. That's a fact, thier survival skills will take that domestic right out of them. LOok it up. I got 4 cats and remember this everytime they land on my lap!
Hans S
5:08 PM
+Atheism is Madness
Don't forget that humans are willing to kill and eat other humans when hunger is driving them CRAZY.
It happened at Stalingrad.
It happened at Leningrad during the war and during the hunger-winter of 1944-1945 during which thousands of people died in my country, some people started to eat their own pets in order to survive.
Hunger is a pain which will no longer occur in JESUS' perfect world.
May His perfect world come soon!Both species were created by JESUS and what evolutionists don't want to know is that we observe nature in its FALLEN state after the Fall of Adam and Eve.
Chimps have been observed doing all the same human conduct, including rape and extermination wars.
Bonobos resolve conflicts with sex and are almost all bisexual.+Nasir Barbee
It's functioning as a mirror to us
Nasir Barbee
Commented "Hans S funny how god allowed ..." on: This is horrific to watch, I'm out.
Aryan Zagros commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Nov 21, 2016
This is horrific to watch, I'm out.
Leopard Killing And Eating Screaming Warthog! Incredibly Graphic Sighting!
Z Hancox's profile photoHans S's profile photoNasir Barbee's profile photo
Hide comments
Nov 21, 2016+
Aryan Zagros fuck outta here
Jerry W
Nov 22, 2016+
JakeBoi1992 lol he's a bitch, mom didn't raise him right.
Aryan Zagros
Nov 22, 2016+
Jerry W, yeah right, say that to my face bitch, Keyboard champion.
Z Hancox
Nov 22, 2016+
there was a warning at the beginning that it was graphic. you're a fucking moron.
Aryan Zagros
Nov 22, 2016+
zman 1122
and I got out...! I dunno why people enjoying watching shit like this?!
Z Hancox
Nov 22, 2016+
+Aryan Zagros because nature is interesting and there are people who aren't gigantic pussies?
LightSkinned God
Nov 22, 2016+
Aryan Zagros Pussy
Jo Im
Nov 23, 2016+
+JakeBoi1992 big idiot
Noah Powell
Nov 23, 2016+
agreed and ignore the lmao tough guys in the comments, it caught my curiosity as well, and yeah like you I'm sure, I get it it's nature it happens we understand the predator does need to survive and it at least makes the effort to kill first instead of ripping to shreds, it punctured the lungs and the hog suffocated, yet at the same time there's a level of compassion for the hog because you know it's in pain, let these tough guys call you all the names they want, at least you have a heart.
Z Hancox
Nov 23, 2016+
+Noah Powell you can feel sympathy for the hog and still be reasonable with yourself and say "it's just nature" and not be such a prissy baby about it.
Nov 23, 2016+
Aryan Zagros pusssssssyyyyyyy
Nov 24, 2016+
I couldn't watch more than a couple seconds.
Aryan Zagros
Nov 27, 2016+
Noah Powell
You are smart Mr. You exactly got my point. Respect.
Nov 28, 2016+
Aryan Zagros respect?, be a man first...then you can use that word...pussy
pepe trump
Dec 7, 2016+
ur such a pussy
Hans S
Dec 16, 2016
"zman 1122
and I got out...! I dunno why people enjoying watching shit like this?!"
The same kind of people that like to watch real BEHEADINGS: SATANISTS and SADISTS.
People are more DEMONIC than ANIMALS!
They are ROTTEN to the core.
But in case it happens to themselves they scream like this PIG!
Z Hancox
Dec 16, 2016
+Hans S calling people demonic for being interested in nature is really stupid
Hans S
Dec 16, 2016
+Z Hancox
No it's really great because you are SATAN the devil and that's why you wanted to respond from your sick brain.
That's because you have a GOD-complex and you can't have it if another BRAIN is making you THINK about it.
So it's a CONTEST between my BRAIN and yours.
Nasir Barbee
9:04 AM
Hans S funny how god allowed this ��+Arsenticx21
This is the cursed version of the original, which was full of kindness and love and there were no predators and prey, because the animals we now know as predators were like all other animals and they ate vegetable food, and as a reminder animals like the Giant Panda exist.
Plants also had no thorns and yet there were no thistles.
Yes, God made this current world possible but as a punishment for the disobedience = sin of Adam and Eve, OUR ancestors, and also to annoy Satan, who became the ruler of this world, but NOT of the original version in Paradise, because Paradise had been taken away from earth.
There were no people with FALSE identities like Arsenticx21, except the Serpent, who was Satan = adversary in disguise and even he didn't yet have a foul mouth.
Thank God for JESUS, God in human capacity, who was slaughtered by His own human inventions so that they could be saved from His wrath, and possibly even the Roman soldiers who killed Him by nailing Him to the cross, because His own people had rejected Him, but He died for them in the first place, and they still can be saved.
Our punishment became HIS punishment and all people can be saved who believe it was necessary that He died on the cross for their sins, that He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day and who confess with their mouth that JESUS is the Lord.
JESUS died for us as an innocent ANIMAL: the Lamb of God.
The perfect sacrifice for our sins, because sins MUST be punished.
Hans S commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Dec 16, 2016
Brains within bodies that KILL and devour other brains: the sickest creation of all time!
Only a seemingly sick and BORED super brain could have invented such a system and it exists with the PURPOSE to 'entertain' and terrify the brains within humanoids who are just as evil as the brains that KILL.
The sickest BRAIN is SATAN the DEVIL.
He wanted to rule this world and this is what he got: a PROJECTION of his own ROTTENNESS and the humans who are in his power who LOVE to watch these kinds of scenes, but who are also disgusted when they see things like this.
CHILDREN who loved to practice their SADISM on little animals!
Leopard Killing And Eating Screaming Warthog! Incredibly Graphic Sighting!
Arsenticx21's profile photo
8:23 AM
Fuckin idiot, this is what god made, not Satan.The hyena died reluctantly in order to make the two lions HAPPY! JESUS gave his life willingly for our sins so that we may live by His grace.
ReplyDelete'Thanks' to SATAN, Eve and Adam and God's CURSE! Surrender to JESUS, God, manifested in the flesh, who was SLAUGHTERED by His own inventions, so that whosoever believes in Him will NOT BURN in His ETERNAL lake of fire, but have EVERLASTING LIFE!
ReplyDelete+maggy mayfield Of course JESUS meant PEOPLE and not animals or (fallen) angels.
And what you're referring to is not our gospel that saves, because what JESUS taught concerning salvation was for the Jews.
Please watch this video: The Great Commission? - The Great Commission?
The Great Commission?
The Great Commission?
Hans S's profile photo
Hans S
+Cup Of Joe Believe in the RIGHT gospel and the demons will flee from you: The Perfect Plea Bargain: The BLOOD of JESUS Christ
The Perfect Plea Bargain: The BLOOD of JESUS Christ
The Perfect Plea Bargain: The BLOOD of JESUS Christ
Hans S's profile photo
Hans S
+John V The devil and the fallen angels will repent in the lake of fire, but they cannot be saved, even if God wanted to, because they are spiritual beings, and not humans who are created in an intermediate state between (fallen) angels and animals.
All humans are meant to be like the angels.
Please read this article: Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS Lee
You have discernment issues, because the 'book of Enoch' belongs to the trash can.
You may boil me in my own body fluids if you can prove the 'book of Enoch' is endorsed by God-the Lord JESUS.
I'm 100% sure it isn't.
I don't claim I'm saved: I KNOW I'm FOREVER saved and all thanks to the undeserved grace of MY Lord JESUS Christ.
+Texas Truther So you believe in JESUS and you're afraid to tell me your first name in public.
Are you afraid of persecution?
Are you ashamed to belong to JESUS in public under your own identity?
Hans S's profile photo
Hans S
+Texas Truther Well you may cut me to pieces or burn me alive if you can prove the 'book of Enoch' is Biblical.
What's you're first name?
Texas Truther's profile photo
Texas Truther
+Hans S I'm sorry if I upset you. Maybe cains Enoch is the one you speak of unknown.
Texas Truther's profile photo
Texas Truther
+Hans S I don't really give out my name here unless I trust you. I half to get to know you. Call me Hk
D.R. Lee's profile photo
D.R. Lee
+Texas Truther I went around and around with him on this topic, he still has some atheists issues about The book of Enoch and the Fallen Angels having sex with the daughters of men, Genesis 6:4, he claims he's saved, if he is God will not leave him in the dark of the truth, he just has to humble his heart to receive it,...+patrick brown What powers war is the animal instinct of 'penis-people', aka MALE HUMANS who want to prove they have the best genes so that they have the 'right' to impregnate the feMALES and produce offspring.
That's all!
There is no difference in behavior between humans and chimpanzees or other ANIMALS that fight for survival of the fittest and for procreation of the species and for territory with the best resources.+Frank Carpi My topic isn't about eyes but about the question why God=JESUS created the animals first.
I'm Dutch and I say Yaysus (JEZUS) to JESUS and I'm not a Hebrew speaker and YESHUA means the SAME as the Greek-Germanic JESUS ('I AM SALVATION') and the Jews had already translated the Old Testament into GREEK when JESUS was on earth, so there's nothing wrong with the name JESUS and we don't get more saved if we call Him Yeshua or ישוע.
We get saved if we believe the gospel by JESUS through His Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
MESSIAH OR CHRIST? YESHUA OR JESUS? this happens because people are the worst 'animals' on earth since the fall of Eve and Adam, our ancestors.
That's why we need JESUS Christ:
Isabela Pandora
Isabela Pandora
4 months ago
Poor animals help them!!
Kevin Durant
Kevin Durant
4 months ago
Isabela Pandora the earth is out of order cuz of sin towards the most highSecurity personnel forcibly remove passenger from a Tarom Airlines flight to Cairo, Egypt.
‘He Has a Child!’: Shocking Video Shows Airport Security Dragging Man From Plane
+Joyce Ben
ReplyDeleteExactly, and when I was such a 'moron' in the past, when I still was an UNINFORMED and DECEIVED adherent of the LIE called 'evolution', I would reason just as STUPID as these evolutionists.
Evolution is a BELIEF!
It's the BELIEF in a BIG LIE!
JESUS be with us, sister!